Cavuto: How should we define 'brave'?

So Jason Collins is out of the closet and all over the media.

A bold move for a basketball star who's still very much a star.

But a brave move?

Then maybe we have different definitions of brave.

Because with all that's going on these days, I don't know if I'd loosely assign that term to an athlete coming out.

Those rescue workers in Texas who ran in to that exploding fertilizer plant and never got out--definitely.

Those emergency workers who dove in to that chaos in Boston to save lives--clearly.

But an athlete, however talented and gifted, revealing his sexual preference to the world--hardly.

I'm not here to knock Jason. Or gays.

Like many of you, I have gay friends.

I believe strongly, straight or gay, we should be happy.

But we should all also have some perspective.

Gays not being ostracized is one thing.

But ostracizing other stories to keep focusing on this story is quite another.

All I know is we've still got that nut in North Korea with a bomb and I don't even know his sexual leanings. Just that he leans crazy.

And that other nut in Syria, I'm told he's straight, but I know his chemical weapons scare me straight.

We live in scary times that demand brave actions.

Coming out of a closet at a time so many others have hardly qualifies, to me.

Going in and confronting those who threaten civilization itself--straight or gay--definitely does, to me.

I have no issue covering gay rights and whether gays themselves are treated equally, but I have a very big issue when such stories are covered so disproportionately.

When we assign nearly heroic terms for someone who simply states his or her sexual preference.

But say not a thing about the media's assigning such stories clear preference.

Brave, to me, isn't so much those gays coming out.

But families of all stripes trying to make ends meet.

Brave, to me, isn't whether you're a rich athlete with little to lose.

But an average guy just trying to get by.

Brave, to me, aren't all those pushing these bills.

Brave, to me, are all those just trying to pay their bills.

Just trying to get by. Just trying to be heard and for whom sexual preference isn't the issue.

Just finding anyone in Washington, Republican or Democrat, to help them with their issues.

Where's the media clarion call for them?

For the small businessman who just wants the government off his back?

Or the beleaguered widow, who just wants to know why her medical costs keep going up?

Or the overwhelmed graduate, who just wants to know how he'll ever repay his college loans?

Or his family, who just want to know how they'll ever pay for his younger sister's college, period?

Where's their lobby? Where's their page one coverage? Where's their broadcast exclusive?

Frankly, I have no idea as to the sexual preference of any of these folks. Just that they're hurting, folks.

And that they're fighting the good fight every day, folks.

So kudos to those who come out on their sexuality.

Just don't forget all the everyday folks trying to deal with the everyday, far harsher and for them, far more pressing realities.