Casey Anthony's Parents on Trial as Well in Caylee Murder Case

This is a rush transcript from "On the Record," May 13, 2011. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

MARTHA MACCALLUM, "ON THE RECORD" GUEST HOST: Well, this may be the highest profile trial of the century. The Casey Anthony murder trial is now underway. And it could be the defense is hinting at this point if Casey takes the stand, she may point her finger at her parents who we got to know very well during course of all that, Cindy and George Anthony. Their attorney is about to go "On the Record" tonight with me.

But first, some of the clues that only you saw here "On the Record," broken nearly three years ago. You go into the backyard in parts of the Anthony's home that only we have shown you that Greta has found on this show. Take a look.


CINDY ANTHONY, CASEY ANTHONY'S MOTHER: I was told that the dogs was inconsistent on a hit here.

VAN SUSTEREN: Here at the house.

ANTHONY: Yes, and inconsistent where her sandbox was.

VAN SUSTEREN: Which is where?

ANTHONY: Where it is at now.

VAN SUSTEREN: There was an inconsistent alert here?

ANTHONY: Yes, and inconsistent alert over in the corner of the house.

VAN SUSTEREN: Meaning near the pool?


VAN SUSTEREN: So, they never had -- it is your understanding an alert they had an inconsistent one.

ANTHONY: They explained why they brought the second cadaver dog in.

This is her mom's room, Casey's room.

VAN SUSTEREN: You told me that Caylee often times slept with her mother, right?

ANTHONY: Every night she slept in here from the time she born.

VAN SUSTEREN: This is how the room --

ANTHONY: This is how the room is always. Except for Caylee's toys usual on the bed, a blanket, stuffed animals.

VAN SUSTEREN: I've never seen so many stuffed animals in my life.

ANTHONY: There's more.

VAN SUSTEREN: Little monkeys, rabbits, tigers.

ANTHONY: You could tell the animals have been sleeping on her bed because her pillows are off. Tinker and Tillie find comfort here.

VAN SUSTEREN: This is when she was born?

ANTHONY: Yes, I made that the first week of Caylee coming home. We had a shower. Caylee was born Monday night, Tuesday morning we had a baby shower for her on that Saturday this was a baby shower present that I put together for Casey.


MACCALLUM: That is striking in everything we know now. At that time, Cindy and George seemed like they wanted answers. Will this trial provide any real answers for them or any of us? Joining us now is Mark Lippman, George and Cindy Anthony's attorney. Good to have you.


MACCALLUM: They are trying to pick a jury. They have eight jurors. They need to continue in the process. It is already being revealed by Casey's attorney that part of their defense may be to point the finger at Cindy and Anthony, including things that detail sexual abuse, verbal and emotional abuse. What do you make of that?

LIPPMAN: I've gone "On the Record" previously and certainly I will say it again. George Anthony had nothing to do with the demise of his granddaughter. And certainly if there has never, ever been any indication of sexual abuse this family.


LIPPMAN: Of Casey.

MACCALLUM: What I find interesting is they are talking about how Casey was 23-years-old at the time, a lack of maturity, a lack of impulse control, which is a big stretch for someone who is 23 and was holding down a job and a mother. She pled not guilty to this case. They are already trying to find mitigating circumstances. Doesn't that seem odd to you? There doesn't seem to be pretense of trying to find her not guilty.

LIPPMAN: The job of the defense attorney is to try to find some sort of reasonable doubt that a jury can hang their hat on. Certainly if this is the road they are going down that's what they are going to present to the jury.

MACCALLUM: What is the reaction to Cindy and George to all this?

LIPPMAN: We're trying to keep the attorney-client privilege on everything regarding my clients' feelings, emotions. I can tell you they are apprehensive and they want the trial to start and to get it over with.

MACCALLUM: How are they doing?

LIPPMAN: They're doing well. They are making it through. They just want to get it started already.

MACCALLUM: It is amazing it has tan three years to get us to this -- it has taken three years to get us to this point. These questions that coming up, what impact do they have on the choosing of this jury? What is your take so far, on the kind of jury this is shaping up to be?

LIPPMAN: Quite honestly, the jury selection is tedious and I'm glad they've been able to select some already. And if this is the road they are going to present down in trial and one would expect since they are asking the questions now, that's what they are going to present, certainly my client has never wavered from his position.

MACCALLUM: What about this issue of the smell of death put into some kind of container from the back of that car for them to identify if they think it smells like death to them? Bizarre.

LIPPMAN: Tremendously so. The whole issue with the air samples the first time impression issue in the entire country. It should be interesting to see how it is presented.

MACCALLUM: Mark, thank you for being here. I expect we'll be talking as this moves forward. Good to have you here.

LIPPMAN: Thanks.