Carter Page: I feel guilty that I didn't fight back harder

This is a rush transcript from "Watters' World," March 31, 2018. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

JESSE WATTERS, HOST: Welcome to "Watters' World," I'm Jesse Watters. Cause and effect and that is the subject of tonight's Watters' Words. If a tree falls in the forest and no one is around, does it make a sound?

The same question can be asked about President Trump's success. If the media doesn't report it, will anybody hear about it? They will on this show.

When the Donald speaks or takes action, the media immediately criticizes him but they necessity give him credit when his words or actions create a positive result.

Take a look at what happened on trade. President Trump started slapping tariffs on steel and aluminum imports and the media went nuts.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What you just saw at the White House, the result of chaos confusion and also some presidential conviction. And now, new tariffs that might ultimately - might ultimately ignite a trade war.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: The President has disregarded the advice of most of business leaders.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: How many of those carmakers may just decide, you know what? We will go to Mexico and sell our cars.

ANDERSON COOPER, ANCHOR, CNN: If you are thinking by now that the smacks of a president who hasn't really thought this through very well? Well, that's exactly how it happened.


WATTERS: But the tariffs were just a bargaining chip and they worked.


DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: Just this week, we secured a wonderful deal with South Korea. We are in a deal that was a horror show. It was going to produce 200,000 jobs and it did for them.

That was a Hillary Clinton special, I hate to say it.

This will produce 200,000 jobs. She was right, but it was for them, it wasn't not for us. So, we've redone it.


WATTERS: This week, South Korea doubled the amount of American cars it would allow to be sold in their country. Great news for the American workers in Michigan and South Korea would have to limit its steel exports in America by 30%.

This in exchange for Trump temporarily dropping the threat of steel tariffs. The Washington Post reported, "It marks the first successful renegotiation of a trade deal for the Trump administration."

By the way, that line was buried near the bottom of the story, not even worthy of a headline.

Turning to China, after the fire and fury threats against North Korea and 60 billion in tariff slapped on Chinese exports, little rocket man traveled to Beijing for constructive talks with his puppet master.

America and North Korea are now hopefully on the cusp of historic talks that could lead to peace on the peninsula.


TRUMP: We're moving along very nicely with North Korea, we'll see what happens. Certainly, the rhetoric has calmed down just a little bit. Wouldn't you say? Wouldn't you say?

And we'll see how it all turns out. Maybe it will be good and maybe it won't. And if it's no good, we're walking.


WATTERS: And here at home, more good news for the American worker as a result of the Trump administration's tax and regulation cutting.

Americans filing for unemployment benefits fell to the lowest level since 1973. That's almost half a century ago, and the unemployment rate is the lowest it has been since 2000.

Remember when the media said the Trump tax cut wouldn't help the little guy? McDonald's just announced it would spend $150 million on college tuition for thousands of its fast food employees. Thanks to corporate tax cut, and that's a McFlurry of good news.

So, when you hear the press criticize Trump's unconventional style, pause a minute and let the results speak for themselves.

And Mark Levin is going to be here later in the show, but first, I want to bring in Fox News chief national correspondent Ed Henry.


WATTERS: Good to see you. What do you think of that brilliant commentary?

HENRY: I can't really add to that. It's so brilliant, but what I would say is as a reporter, I don't dis other journalists for challenging the President on the front end.

WATTERS: Exactly.

HENRY: Because you've got to do that to people in power, regardless which party it is. We did that to Barack Obama, you've got to do it to Donald Trump.


HENRY: The problem I have and where I think you are brilliant if I may say so myself.

WATTERS: You can say and repeat it.

HENRY: Let me say which is that, there is nothing on the backend.


HENRY: There is no - so, challenge him on the front end, say these tariffs could be really damaging to the economy, but now, it turns out to be a negotiation and China blinks, you have got to report that.


WATTERS: You have to report it if you're going to be honest and that's why I think the media doesn't have a lot of credibility left because if you're not going to be at least accurate in the news you're reporting, these are facts.

They just renegotiated a trade deal with South Korea.

HENRY: The bigger one.

WATTERS: That's a big story and you can't find that story anywhere. You have to look for it.

HENRY: You alluded to this briefly, but the bigger one I think was the fire and fury comments, and oh, my gosh, he's leading to us the brink of war with North Korea with the rhetoric, the tweets, the little rocket man - all of it became a negotiation, all of it became posturing, and now, in the end, you have this dictator in North Korea on bended knee saying, "I want to come in and talk to the US President. I am going to get on a train and go to China, show my face in another country for maybe the first time ever."

WATTERS: Yes, I would hate it.


WATTERS: With little rocket man, that would be a tough ride. You just blink and he'll throw you right off to the side.

I want to talk to you about Hillary. She is back at it and giving a speech at Rutgers University, made a little news. Let's hear it.


HILLARY CLINTON, FORMER FIRST LADY OF THE UNITED STATES: The election was pretty traumatic, a lot of angst and second guessing and finger pointing. Oh, my god, did you see how shrill she was?

I took a lot of long walks in the woods and drank my share of chardonnay. I was really struck by how people said to me, "Go away, go away."

They never said that to any man who was not elected. I am really committed to speaking out and doing what I can to have a voice in the debate about where our country is going.


WATTERS: So, ED, there's a lot to talk about there. They never said that to a man, "Go away?" I mean, Al Gore went away and people were happy about that. He made a lot of money.

HENRY: Here's the bigger thing. There are women, actual women who are Democrats who are telling her, "Go away." Claire McCaskill in Missouri. Heidi Heitkamp in North Dakota.

WATTERS: It's not just Fox News.

HENRY: They recently said, "Hillary, get off the stage." Why are they saying that? It's not because it's a man or a woman, a Democrat or a Republican, they are tired of her, number one; but number two, these are Democrats who are vulnerable in states like Missouri and North Dakota.

WATTERS: Right, and she is saying very unhelpful things.

HENRY: She is not helpful to her party anymore, number one, and number two, it actually reveals a little truth about the President, which is that in these states like Missouri and North Dakota, he is a lot more popular.

WATTERS: Still popular.

HENRY: Than Democrats want to admit.


HENRY: And that's why, that could be something helpful to him in the midterms, as well as what you mentioned in your wonderful Watters' Words, if I may say so - it's just the economy.

WATTERS: Remember Al Gore - it's the economy, stupid from James Carvel. Remember, Al Gore, he took a few years off and made some money and grew a beard and didn't get involved a lot in the debates that were happening, and if you look at right now, Hillary, the people that want Hillary to stay on stage are the Republicans.

HENRY: Right.

WATTERS: They can't get enough of her.

HENRY: Two things - Mitt Romney disappeared until we saw him at like a Taco Bell and pumping his own gas and taking selfies with people.

WATTERS: You don't even pump your own gas.

HENRY: I don't even. I have got people to do that for me.

WATTERS: You've got people, Henry.

HENRY: But the second thing is, she has really become Hillary Clinton? Nancy Pelosi.


HENRY: Not only people who want her to stay in power are Republicans. Democrats are like, "Please leave the stage."

WATTERS: Well, someone else not leaving the stage, Roseanne Barr returning to the stage after about 20 years with a smash hit on ABC. Let's take a look.


LAURIE METCALF, AMERICAN ACTRESS: How could you have voted for him, Roseanne?

ROSEANNE BARR, AMERICAN ACTRESS: He talked about jobs, Jackie. He said, he'd shake things up. I mean, this might come as a complete shock to you, but we almost lost our house the way things are going.

METCALF: Have you looked at the news because now things are worst.

BARR: Not on the real news.

METCALF: Oh, please.

BARR: And Jackie thinks every girl should grow up and be President, even if they are a liar, liar pantsuit on fire.

SARA GILBERT, AMERICAN ACTRESS: Hey everybody, this is the first dinned together we've had as a family in a long time. Let's try to survive it.

BARR: Yes. First thing, say grace. Jackie? Would you like to take a knee? Please protect (inaudible) and all our troops still overseas, but most of all, Lord, thank you for making America great again.


WATTERS: So, ABC has really carved out a safe space for conservatives at this hour, 18.4 million viewers on the opening show and some of the top markets -- Tulsa, Cincinnati, Kansas City, Pittsburg -- you know, the real heartland of the country. Did you expect this?

HENRY: Not at all, and I think I am glad you pointed that out, that was the fact that snuck out of me, Tulsa and cities like that, this was off the charts.

WATTERS: Off the charts.

HENRY: People in real America, not the cultural elites, not the coasts are saying, "We wanted this to come back and you know what, we want to hear some different views."

Donald Trump is not perfect but he's doing some good things. Literally at the kitchen table. Let's discuss it. If you want almost any other show on television.

WATTERS: Right, you can't find that.

HENRY: If they mention the President, they are trashing him.


HENRY: This is showing at least, it's not all perfect, and in fact, they say, the rest of the season they may barely mention him, but the bottom line is, this is something that the left didn't see coming.

WATTERS: It's funny because there has been a lot of success in the media when conservatives are given a platform, if it's "Passion of the Christ," if it's talk radio, if it's Fox News, look at the charts on the "New York Times" best seller list, a lot of conservatives out there, but it looks like the press has always ignored that, and then are shocked when there is a successful venture by conservatives. And the President called "Roseanne" and congratulated, probably not big enough as - not as big as "The Apprentice" Roseanne, but good job.

HENRY: Good ratings, but look, I mean the other thing is that Democrats you know, kind of laugh this off and whatnot. What this show is doing is what Donald Trump did, talking to a forgotten man, talking to a forgotten woman in Tulsa, in Kansas City.

Democrats are still not doing that. That's the real point.

WATTERS: Yes, and there's 18.4 million forgotten men and women tuning in to ABC. Ed, thank you very much.

Big news out of Washington, tonight, the Justice Department's Inspector General now investigating whether power was abused when the FISA court approved spying on the Trump campaign.

Specifically, former aide, Carter Page. He joins me now in a Fox exclusive.

What is going on with you? I mean everybody is talking about Carter Page. They opened up the surveillance because of you, and no one knows who you are. You are this man of mystery. Who is Carter Page?

CARTER PAGE, FORMER TRUMP CAMPAIGN AIDE: Well, that's the beauty of it, and that's the way they were able to get so much taken care of because they had a blank slate. Right? They had this fake dossier and they wanted to you know, paint a picture on someone and it's a lot easier to do that against me than a Russian billionaire, who is long gone before the election.

WATTERS: So, they've accused you of being some sort of kind of, you know, Moscow lover, and you know, Putin butt kisser and they are saying you are going all the way over to Russia and you're trying to cut deals and you're trying to talk to the powers that be, is that true?

PAGE: I have been doing deals in Moscow for you know, a decade and a half, and working there and.

WATTERS: You're trying to make money over there, right?

PAGE: Well, actually, I'm also a foreign policy scholar and I have written a lot about Russia. I actually did my PhD on Central Asia development, you know, the political climate of Central Asia.

WATTERS: So, you know about the country and you are over there trying to make deals and you're giving speeches and things like that, and they open up surveillance on you because they think you are somehow doing something illegal and colluding with the Russians.

PAGE: Well, again, if you have similar to the Iraq situation back in the early 2000s, if you have fake intelligence and you are able to sell that to Congress and the American people, then one thing leads to another and you have a nice little conflict.

WATTERS: Okay, so they are now investigating the abuse of the FISA court because we know they presented a dossier there which was salacious and unverified. That's a crime, you are not allowed to do that, and we're also learning now that the Obama White House Chief of Staff, Dennis McDonough, was involved in kind of pushing the investigation forward with the FBI counter-intelligence people and Harry Reid was involved and he was briefed by the CIA Director and then wrote a letter to James Comey urging the opening of the investigation.

When you were being surveilled, were you talking to Donald Trump? Were you talking to people in the campaign?

PAGE: I have never spoken to Donald Trump in my entire life, right.

WATTERS: That's huge news. Because the way that the media spins it, you are some sort of central figure.

PAGE: Well, it's interesting, so they approved my FISA warrant, I believe October 21st, 2016. The following Friday, I sent a letter to the Organization of Security and Cooperation in Europe, in Vienna, protesting the election abuses that were being taken against me in terms of violations of human rights and you know, a lot of the steps that I - I already knew that they were.

WATTERS: All right, so you sent a letter, okay.

PAGE: Yes, and actually - and I sent the - I forwarded a copy of that on to you know, several of the people in the campaign.

WATTERS: Okay, so that was the extent of it?

PAGE: Well, you know.

WATTERS: You forwarded the letter, okay. Afterwards and you know, they.


PAGE: But that's not.

WATTERS: They charged you with the crime.

PAGE: Absolutely. After saying that they see.

WATTERS: Did you ever know that you were being surveilled? Did you get like a sixth sense saying, "Wait a second? This is fishy?"

PAGE: Well, there are a lot of people leaking to the news about this.

WATTERS: And that kind of gave you an idea?

PAGE: That, you know, gave me a pretty significant suspicion.

WATTERS: Did you change your behavior after you sensed you might have been under surveillance?

PAGE: I have never done anything wrong in Russia for the last 25 years, or 27 years since I first went there.

WATTERS: So, you didn't feel like you needed to change anything?

PAGE: Absolutely.

WATTERS: So, they are saying you are talking to Russians at the Republican Convention in the summer of 2016. Is that true?

PAGE: You know, there were a lot of diplomats at that conference at Case Western Reserve University. And I said hello to Ambassador Kislyak, you know.

WATTERS: All right, so you said hello to the Russian Ambassador.

PAGE: That's such a big new story.

WATTERS: Which is not a crime.

PAGE: Yes.

WATTERS: Okay. You are under the microscope. Do you feel guilty for being a part of this surveillance that has now led to a special prosecutor?

PAGE: I feel guilty that I didn't fight back harder when this first started, you know, 45 days before the election, when the fake news stories started coming out and defaming me. You know and so, part of me feels bad that I didn't do more to stand up for my rights.

You know, a lot of things I was doing such as that letter to the OSCE in Vienna and things like that were sort of behind the scenes. Whereas, this has all been similar to what you are alluding to earlier, a big media assault.


PAGE: Against the--


WATTERS: Well, not only a media assault.

PAGE: And then into transition.

WATTERS: Not only a media assault, but if the inspector general finds out there were abuses on the FISA court, there's constitutional issues at stake with you. Your rights might have been violated. You could be sitting on a huge, huge judgment. Is that true?

PAGE: Well, I - you know, I do have a lawsuit - a defamation lawsuit against Broadcasting Board of Governors and some of the media outlets that were doing this election interference or responsible for it before the election.

And you know, that is my current focus. The other, you know, in terms of the US government, I want one dollar from them in terms of their final judgment.

WATTERS: You might ask a little bit more.

PAGE: Well, I think you know, the media has made so many billions of dollars on this, that is - they should really be responsible for this.

WATTERS: All right, listen, you've gotten your reputation thrown to the gutter, you have to admit that and the Trump campaign has tried to disavow you. You understand that. Naturally. I would say it if I were them.

This entire escapade has embarrassed the country. Do you feel at all guilty for giving these enemies of the President this kind of ammunition to use against him?

PAGE: No, again, I feel guilty that I did not fight back to get the truth out there earlier. I think the beauty of the last couple of months since the House Intelligence Committee and others, you know Senate, Judiciary Committee have started showing what the actual truth was, what really happened in terms of election interference by the US government, you know, operatives in Washington, that you know has done a lot to help set the record straight.

I think you know, as more information comes out...


WATTERS: So, you wouldn't have changed any of your behavior leading up to the election?

PAGE: I can't imagine anything that I could have done.

WATTERS: You were an FBI informant at one point. You were helping the FBI nail down some Russian operatives who were working inside the United States against this country, so in a way, you used to be a patriot and now, they opened up a surveillance probe in to you like you were some Russian spy. How do you reconcile that?

PAGE: Well, it actually ties into this spy case in the UK right now, where there's a lot of people taking steps to - or they are concerned that you know, these people are attacking an individual and you know, what is going to happen with the Russians?

What were they doing to sort of influence this situation? And I told them specifically, you know, or what we have now learned is that you know, I am sort of revealed as this individual sort of you know, helping the Western power and so, you know, who knows? I could have been at risk.

But the funny thing about that is, I never felt at risk and I was just never concerned about anything along those lines, so.

WATTERS: Okay. Well, listen, people think you're a weird guy. I am upset, you're not wearing your famous hat, maybe next time, Carter.

PAGE: I look forward to that.

WATTERS: Thank you very much.

PAGE: Thanks, Jesse.

WATTERS: Up next, the great Mark Levin.

The Obama White House has apparently left its fingerprints all over the plot to spy on the Trump campaign. The man questioning this from the beginning, the host of our new program, "Life, Liberty & Levin," Mark Levin joins me now.

Okay, so Mark, do you think this is the swamp running out the clock or are we moving in the right direction with this investigation?

MARK LEVIN, HOST, "LIFE, LIBERTY & LEVIN": Look, I would prefer a special counsel. I would also prefer quite frankly, a commission. I have talked about this, Dershowitz and others have talked about this. So, you have a criminal investigation going on to determine that side of the ledger.

And then on the other side, we really need to fix this. I mean, we can't have elections where you have the director of the FBI, the deputy director of the FBI leaking all over the place. We have the head of counterintelligence Strzok and his girlfriend, Page involved in these sorts of shenanigans. This is a big problem, and the abuse of the FISA court. I have never heard of anything like this before.

And I speak as somebody who has served in the Justice Department, worked with the FBI. The problem right now is the FBI does all kinds of things to protect the people in this country - domestic and foreign. You have had these bad cops, I call them, these rogue top officials at the top of the FBI who have besmirched this agency.

And we need to help that agency get its reputation back. We need to fix this, so it doesn't happen again. So, we need a commission that can do that.

On the other hand, an Inspector General does a report. Let's say he comes up and he condemns these people. For what then? You know, most of them are already gone. Are they going to make a referral to the public integrity section of the Criminal Division?

We have a special counsel now roaming all over the country looking for excuses for why he exists. And here, I can't think of a better situation where you would have a special counsel focused on investigating the top levels of the FBI, the top levels of the Department of Justice, the top levels of the intelligence agencies and any all relationships with the White House.

WATTERS: Well, why has it taken so.

LEVIN: Now that calls for a special counsel.

WATTERS: Why has it taken so long for a second special counsel to be appointed? A second special counsel, it could be done pretty easily. The drum beat has been growing and it has been growing over the last couple weeks. What's taking so long?

LEVIN: Not only should the Attorney General who is an old friend of mine, not only should Jeff Sessions quickly appoint a special counsel and even though the Inspector General is doing his thing, but on top of the Inspector General.

But the existing special counsel, you know Paul Manafort's lawyers have filed very important papers in court raising the constitutionality of what's taking place with the Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein and special counsel Mueller.

Mueller keeps asking for his investigation to be expanded and expanded and expanded and Rosenstein keeps expanding it. But here is the problem, Jeff Sessions recused himself as to matters involving the campaign. That's it.

He is the Attorney General of the United States, Rosenstein does not have the power outside of the recusal that Sessions gave to expand Mueller's investigation. He is not the Attorney General when it comes to tax issues or whether or not somebody filed as a foreign agent under the Foreign Acts Act.

And all of these other matters that Mueller is bringing up, he doesn't have the constitutional authority to do it because Rosenstein doesn't have the constitutional authority to be Attorney General for all these other matters.

WATTERS: And we know that Rosenstein was involved in signing off on some of these warrants that were in front of the FISA court to look into the Trump campaign before and after the election because they kept on being renewed under James Comey.

There is a great piece out here now that shows that the Obama White House's fingerprints were all over this surveillance of the Trump campaign from the very beginning. We had Harry Reid talking to Obama's CIA director, Brennan, and in my estimation, kind of legitimizing the entire investigation backwards. And tell me what you found out about that?

LEVIN: Well, what I saw kind of underscores what I have been thinking too. How is it possible when you have a FISA court applications - extensions of the FISA applications, the Director of the FBI involved, the Attorney General of the United States involved. , the intelligence agencies involved, you have the national security adviser unmasking individuals.

You have the Ambassador to the UN unmasking individuals, how in the hell is it possible if the only person on the face of the earth that doesn't know about this is Barack Obama? On top of this, this stuff was in the newspaper. The leaks were in the newspaper that the FISA court and all of the other activity.

You are telling me the president of the United States is sitting there saying, "Hey," all this stuff is swirling around him, swirling around his different departments and he's not briefed on it? I don't believe that for two seconds.

WATTERS: Well, this was supposed to be the smartest man in the room, Barack Obama, he always knew everything that was going on in government, except when it was bad, then the next day, he read about it in the newspaper.

So, he never had any culpability when there was a problem. If you have evidence that Harry Reid is involved in trying to move forward an investigation of the Trump campaign and you have the Obama CIA director coordinating with the senator from Nevada, and then we see leaks coming out about the investigation, and when that hits the press, those press reports were then used in the FISA application.

It looks to me like this entire investigation was cooked up from the beginning in order to justify the surveillance. Is that what you believe?

LEVIN: I believe it was cooked up with that dossier, with the Clinton campaign and the DNC, and I believe Reid was approached by Brennan to put pressure to push the investigation. I believe all of this stuff was going on under the radar. And that is why you need a commission. That is why you need a special counsel. I mean, we'll stick with the Inspector General for now, but it's really the job of somebody outside the agencies, outside the department.

I don't get my kicks out of the special counsels, but there are times when that's absolutely necessary and the same with the Commission, real top former public officials who can sit down and figure out what the hell took place here and how to fix it.

WATTERS: Yes, because this Inspector General can't compel certain people from the State Department to come and testify and he can't issue any sort of subpoenas that can force people to do what he wants to do what he wants to do. That would be under the umbrella of a special counsel, so it's a good step in the right direction, but in a way, it's almost toothless.

You have a show on Saturday night that is kicking butt in the ratings called.

LEVIN: Sunday, but who is counting?

WATTERS: Sunday, yes, "Life, Liberty & Levin." 10 p.m. and who do you have on this Sunday?

LEVIN: You know, we have the former attorney general of the United States who served under the Reagan administration, Ed Meese. He was also counsel to President Reagan. He was counsel to Reagan when he was governor and we're going to talk about issues like this -- the FISA court, what took place, that's my hope and to get into this, what do you think is taking place with the FBI and the government generally.

He really is quite the brilliant, wise gentleman and I was honored to be his Chief of Staff for so many years. So, we're going to bring him on Sunday night for a full hour and have a discussion.

WATTERS: All right, everybody tune in to Mark on Sunday night, 10 p.m. eastern. Thank you very much, Mr. Levin.

LEVIN: God bless.

WATTERS: Coming up, a classic "Watters' World" Easter quiz. Tell me about Easter?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It's the resurrection of Jesus, the second time.

WATTERS: The second time?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The second time.

WATTERS: He was resurrected twice?


MOLLY LINE, CORRESPONDENT, FOX NEWS: Live from the America's News Headquarters, I am Molly Line. The US consulate in St. Petersburg closing today and 60 American diplomats being kicked out as Moscow makes good on its promise to retaliate for President Trump's decision to expel the same number of its nation's diplomats and close the Russian consulate in Seattle.

Several other nations are also doing the same. It comes in response to the poisoning of a former Russian spy and his daughter on British soil.

The Pentagon today, identifying the American soldier killed yesterday in Syria, 36-year-old Master Sergeant Jonathan J. Dunbar of Austin, Texas died in a roadside bomb blast in the city of Manbij near the Syria-Turkey Border. A British soldier was also killed in the attack. Five others were wounded. Dunbar's death is the first US combat death in Syria this year.

Now, back to "Watters' World."

WATTERS: The Democratic Party has become a joke literally. They are running clowns for Congress, actual clowns.

Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey alum, Steve Lowe is on the ticket in South Carolina's Democratic primary for the Congressional seat held by Republican, Ralph Norman. Steve joins me now.

All right, Steve, let's see what you've got.

STEVE LOWE, RINGLING BROTHERS AND BARNUM & BAILEY ALUM: Hey, man. Well, you guys requested my wig and nose and everything, so this what I used to look like on the circus.


LOWE: All right. I used to do that and put the nose on, all right, now a little bit of - in honor of the masters, a golf club balancing trick. Thank you. Here we go. All right, years and years of practice.

WATTERS: Don't hurt yourself.

LOWE: Oh yes, well, no, that's part of the risk in the circus.


LOWE: Okay, baby, come on. All right. Here we go.

WATTERS: Oh, look at that.

LOWE: Hold on. We are only halfway there.

WATTERS: There's more.

LOWE: All right, and we have the balance and.


LOWE: How about that. Tadah.

WATTERS: Look at that. You got it, okay.

LOWE: Now, you want to see a little bit of juggling.

WATTERS: Yes, let's see what you've got.

LOWE: Here we go. Hey, I'm running in the Fifth District, one, two, three, four, five - here we go.


LOWE: Whoop, we dropped one.

WATTERS: It's okay.

LOWE: One more time, always the perfectionist. Here we go. Voila.

WATTERS: All right.

LOWE: How about that guys?

WATTERS: All right.

LOWE: Thank you very much. Thank you very much.

WATTERS: All right. Very good. All right. Take your seat and we are going to finish the rest of the interview, now, Steve.

LOWE: Thank you.

WATTERS: I think you're going to fit right in in Congress if you win with the rest of the clowns. It is going to be a smooth transition for you because the swamp is a circus. But you are running as a Democrat and your opponent is probably going to be a Republican, the incumbent is probably going to win, Trump won the district by 18 points.

This looks like a long-shot, Steve. Do you really think you're going to win in South Carolina running as a Bernie Sanders Democrat?

LOWE: Hey, let me tell you this. I just got an email yesterday from a big Trump supporter who lives in a different state, so he can't vote for me, but he told me, he loved me. He says, "I don't like Democrats or any of that kind of stuff," but he said, "We do need - I agree with you, we do need you to do something on healthcare and we need to do something about guns." He is like, "I am not sure what," but he thinks that I - he said, "You worked in the circus with lots of different people. You know how to get along with people. So, I think you may be able to break the long jam."

So, I am going to try. You know what I mean? Mr. Rogers went to Dartmouth.


WATTERS: Yes, so you're going to - if you win, you will be in Nancy Pelosi's caucus. Will you caucus with Nancy and vote how she wants you to vote?

LOWE: Well, I think I can have a good influence on her, too. Because I think.

WATTERS: That's a tall order, Steve.


LOWE: . single payer healthcare.

WATTERS: So, listen.

LOWE: Well, hey, you haven't met me yet.

WATTERS: You are a South Carolina guy, and with South Carolina, it is deep red.

LOWE: Yes.

WATTERS: And you want to run on single payer healthcare. Do you actually think that's a winning ticket?

LOWE: Yes, because conservatives get sick and go bankrupt, too. So, my whole thing is I believe, I believe everything.


WATTERS: I guess more people are getting sick and going bankrupt under Obamacare than they were before because Obamacare is kind of halfway to single payer. You just want to go all the way in and we can afford that how, Steve?

LOWE: Because every other industrialized nation in the world does it that way. Margaret Thatcher - she is not exactly a liberal, right. She was.

WATTERS: I would say this.

LOWE: She was a big.


WATTERS: They have socialized healthcare in Canada and people that want real surgeries and things like that cross the border and come down to America to get that. But listen, you do you your things in South Carolina. You have got some great tricks up your sleeve. And I would love to see you win because I think it would shake thing up. Thank you very much.

LOWE: Well, I think I can win the primary and the general, yes.

WATTERS: All right.

LOWE: I think I am good.

WATTERS: All right. Thank you very much. I appreciate it. We will follow you, all right?

Up next, Diamond and silk on Hillary Clinton versus Snooki.

WATTERS: This week the Trump administration announced it will add a citizenship question back to the 2020 census. The question, "Are you a citizen?" That question has been on the census for decade and was taken out under President Obama.

But states are already filling lawsuits claiming it violates the Constitution.

Here with their reaction, my favorite video bloggers, Diamond and Silk. What's going on ladies?


SILK, VIDEO BLOGGER: We want to follow Norman (inaudible).

WATTERS: Oh, you guys are looking good. What I wanted to ask you is this. Michelle Malkin had a great line the other day and she said, "Only in America can you get sued for asking who is in America? Does this make any sense to you?

DIAMOND: It makes no sense. Because here is the deal. This key question is on several applications. When you are trying to apply for government assistance, when you are going to college, when you are getting a student loan, they ask specific questions like this. And it is in our Constitution that the census be done every 10 years.

So, if you are a resident, you are supposed to fill out your form. And then, I don't understand why these states are trying to aid and abate some of these illegal aliens? Because they don't want us to know who is exactly in our country.

This is what I think should happen. If you do not fill out that census form as a resident, you should get fined or let the law take its course.

SILK: That's right or better yet, just change the question and ask, are you an illegal alien.

WATTERS: Okay. All right. Listen, I like it. I think this place is out of control. You can't find out if you are legal or illegal because that's unconstitutional. This place has gone haywire.

There is an advertisement by one my favorite beer distributors, Heineken and this ad is accused of being racially insensitive. Let's take a look.



WATTERS: Do you guys see anything racist about that ad?

DIAMOND: Jesse, I don't see anything racist about that ad. Whoever thinks it's as racist, well, maybe they are harboring racism in their hearts. Listen, I was eating some jelly beans just the other day and it only had five black jelly beans in there. Was I supposed to feel like that was racist and call the Jelly Bean Company to say, "Listen, you didn't add enough jelly beans in this bag." Or when I drink my milk, I drink a lot of white milk because I eat a lot of cereal. I don't put chocolate milk at my cereal.

So, does that mean that I am racist? So, I wish people would get off this whole thing about being racist, everything has to be racist. Everything is not racist and what you can do, you can tell Heineken to make a dark beer and then cast Diamond and Silk in the commercial. We will do it for them.

WATTERS: You guys are volunteering. I like it. And you're going to have all the beer you can drink for the rest of your lives.

There is a speech that was given by Hillary on Thursday at Rutgers University, and she was paid only 25 Gs and she used to make about, I don't know, a quarter of a million. Snooki from the "Jersey Shore" spoke at Rutgers and she made $32,000.00. Snooki gets paid more than Hillary.

DIAMOND: Wow, that is interesting. You know, well, Hillary Clinton, she has lost a lot of power. That's what it sounds like. She ain't got no more power than the power than the hens, gathering food in the winter.

Listen, Hillary Clinton can't give no more kickback patty whacks. She can't give a dog a bone. She can't do anymore. Uh-uh. When you pay for places. She can't do that anymore. And people keep asking us why are you all so hard on Hillary?

I have to be hard on her because listen, she called us deplorable. She made us look like we were racist and now she is saying that, "Oh, it's because of a man that you voted, it's about the man." That's why I have to come down hard on her.

WATTERS: All right. I am going to act African-American with her, I have to act black with her. She needs to go somewhere, go back in the woods with her chardonnay and be quiet.

SILK: Where she can't say no more part of America - for a speech.

DIAMOND: That's right.

WATTERS: All right, ladies. Thank you very much, and a "Watters' World" Easter quiz, up next.

Spring has arrived. The weather is somewhat warmer and Easter is tomorrow. That perfect trifecta means "Watters' World" is hitting the streets to see what people really know about the meaning of Easter.

What big holiday is coming up?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I know St. Patrick's has passed.

WATTERS: What are you doing Sunday?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I am not sure. Why what's going on?

WATTERS: Are you going to go out on any hunts?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: No. Never been hunting, not really in Houston. Oh, you mean Easter.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Easter. Easter. Easter. Our man, Jesus.

WATTERS: What happened on Easter?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Apparently Jesus was born?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: He came uh-oh. I can't remember.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Christ arose again.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It's the resurrection of Jesus, the second time.

WATTERS: The second time?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Yes, the second time.

WATTERS: He was resurrected twice?


WATTERS: What do you think Jesus looks like?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: A very handsome guy.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Well, they said he had blue eyes.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: He is not the white version that we look at the Anglo Saxon version.

WATTERS: Jesus isn't white?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: No, he is not white.

WATTERS: What did Jesus look like?


WATTERS: Middle Eastern. Was Jesus Muslim?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: He might have been. I didn't know him personally.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I am assuming he was darker skinned.

WATTERS: Jesus had a nice tan?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Yes, he definitely had a nice tan. A carpenter back in the day like, there was no sunscreen.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Dad, you are so sunburned.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I can't move because it hurts too bad.


WATTERS: Why did they call Good Friday Good Friday?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Last dinner maybe. I don't know.

WATTERS: Last supper?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Last supper, yes.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Does everybody want soup?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Please, we must talk. This may be our last supper.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Hey, it's my first order.


WATTERS: What does Good Friday mean in your opinion?


WATTERS: Why not?


WATTERS: You don't shop.


WATTERS: I think you mean Black Friday.


WATTERS: What happened on Good Friday?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Jesus was hung - hammered to the cross.

WATTERS: Why was Jesus crucified?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: For rocking the boat.

WATTERS: That's one way to put it. What do you like to eat on Easter?



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Ham, turkey, sometimes, collard greens.


JULIE ANDREWS, ENGLISH ACTRESS: These are a few of my favorite things.


WATTERS: What are you going to be eating on Easter Sunday?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Whatever I can afford, chunk up my food stamps.

WATTERS: Trump ruined Easter.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Yes, he ruined Easter for me, yes.


TRUMP: I don't think so. I don't think so.


WATTERS: Do you know who I am?


WATTERS: I'm Watters.


WATTERS: And this is my world.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: All right, we go on swimming?

WATTERS: Up next, last call.

Time now for "Last Call." Ever worried your personal trainer won't have your back? Watch what happens when this one took a quick break.




WATTERS: The video is probably a joke. Everyone is looking at it all over the internet. By the way, that buff good looking guy bouncing around in the background, that's not me. I just need to clear that up. That's all for us tonight.

Be sure to follow me on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. "Justice With Judge Jeanine" is up next. And remember, I am Watters and this is my world.


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