Can US and its allies destroy ISIS without ground troops?

This is a rush transcript from "The Five," September 15, 2014. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

KIMBERLY GUILFOYLE, CO-HOST: Hello, everyone, I'm Kimberly Guilfoyle along with Bob Beckel, Eric Bolling, Dana Perino and Greg Gutfeld kind of. It's 5 o'clock in New York City and this is "The Five."

New concerns about the Obama administration's plans to defeat ISIS as the terror network releases another beheading video over the weekend. The White House and our secretary of state are maintaining the U.S. won't put boots on the ground.


JOSH EARNEST, WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY: I can say definitively, that the president has ruled out sending American boots on the ground to be engaged in a combat roll in Iraq and in Syria.

JOHN KERRY, SECRETARY OF STATE: Well, we're not looking to put troops on the ground, there are some who have offered to do so, but we are not looking for that at this moment, anyway.


GUILFOYLE: A former vice chief of the joint chiefs warns air strikes won't be enough while a former CIA chief predicts that reality will result in U.S. special forces on the ground by year's end.


GEN. JAMES CARTWRIGHT, EX-VICE CHAIRMAN OF THE JOINT CHIEFS OF STAFF: The only way we can think about destroying ISIS in this particular strategy is that the forces on the ground will have to do the destroying.

GEN. MICHAEL HAYDEN, FMR CIA & NSA DIRECTOR: I actually think we're going to end up with small American special operations forces, active in this broad theater, both IRAQ and Syria. I do think we get to about 5,000 by the end of the year.


GUILFOYLE: So what if that's what it takes to get it done? Does anybody have an objection with that at this table?


GUILFOYLE: You do not?

PERINO: No, and I also think that -- I have some sympathy, or I mean, I think empathy is a better word for what the administration is having to do.
They're juggling a lot of complex situations, probably of their own making.
But now that they're in it, it's difficult -- when you are offered help by some of the Arab countries, you don't want to advertise that or these countries have said, it will hurt that effort of you do say that we're there. On terms of boots on the ground, I think that most -- I think that the administration could focus and rally the nation around 5,000 Special Forces troops. That is not an invasion of a country, that's not 150,000 troops on the ground with all of the support teams that have to come with that. I think that 5,000 Special Forces, if that's what it comes down to, that's not what the administration is saying, that's the former CIA chief is saying, I just think that the administration still, even after this weekend something's very wobbly in its description. It's just not clear what they're doing. I understand that they're having to walk some really strange lines, but even today you had a State Department spokesperson contradicting the secretary of state on whether or not the United States had engaged Iran. So I think that that's what's giving some people some pause, but overall I think they could get support for that type of mission as they described.

GUILFOYLE: All right. OK, go ahead.

GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: I think there are already troops on the ground, and I'm not -- that's the last time I ever say that, start saying ground troops, because boots on the ground is incredibly irritating. I don't think our country is war weary, I think our country is Obama weary.
We know our troops could eat ISIS for lunch. We're just worried whether President Obama is going to give them the knives and the forks, and I think that's what we're really worried. I don't think it's a problem that those guys are going to go in, because they've signed up for it, they know how to do it.

GUILFOYLE: They trained for it.

GUTFELD: They trained for it. It's just whether of the commander-in-chief has the stomach and the will power to continue because we know why we felt about Afghanistan, after that, it was his war. We got to talk about the New York Times article that was over this weekend where Obama had offered his advice that he would give to ISIL, which was please don't behead them, instead pin notes on the hostages' chests, with a stern warning. I don't know if you saw that article over the weekend. So this is a president that thinks ISIL is responsive to warm/cool advice. I got news for the president, they don't read Dear Abby, they behead Dear Abby and this betrays a fundamental cluelessness about the nature of evil. They don't listen to advice. They would never do that. They're gonna cut off you're head.

GUILFOYLE: Right, what's next? A kind paperless post to ISIS saying, please engage in war. You know, humanitarian and sweet terrorist tactics following?

ERIC BOLLING, CO-HOST: You can go first if like, Bob.

BOB BECKEL, CO-HOST: I was going to say that I think we're dealing here with a group that I have said from the beginning when they were not, when there's nobody there to take them on, they did pretty well. Now, there are people taking them on, they're not doing very well. They picked up not one inch of ground since we began to engage them. I think that, Greg's right, they will be sold to Special Forces. I think they're probably...

BOLLING: They are already there.

BECKEL: And they're doing what they needed to do and you've also got ISIS not an army that's had a long history of command and control. So you don't have a well disciplined group of people. They've got a lot of weapons, they're mean, they're nasty, they're horrible, but the question is, are they a trained effective combat force and that I have doubts when they're faced with a combat force.

GUILFOYLE: All right. So, I'm going to use your words and I'm going to ask Eric Foley, because you said that they have not advanced. So basically, we're holing them at track, that sounds like a theory and actual practice of containment. That is very different from defeating ISIS.

BOLLING: OK, true. But what's the rush? We have been there for 13 years, right? Let's try this air campaign. Look, they beheaded one British aid worker, they said there gonna -- ISIS, they said the next one's going to be another British aid worker, and Cameron says, well, we're not ready to not even put boots on the ground -- ground personnel, we're not even ready to get involved in the air strikes. So here's the thing, we have plenty of time. These are cockroaches and we want to kill them all, they're just absolute pieces of garbage, and we will get them. So why don't we try the air campaign first? We don't we see...

GUILFOYLE: But let me ask, what about doubling it up?

BOLLING: Let me just finish, we can continue to help Peshmerga, the Kurds.
We can continue to fund and help the Iraqi boots on the ground, the troop of the Iraqi troops already. We can do all those things. Now, there are two of three Arab Nations who said, they would be willing to put troops in as well. We're getting a, what they call, a coalition of the willing who may or may not show up or not. But let's try the air strikes first. By the way, these 160 air strikes over the past 35 or 38 days is a joke. We did 140 sorties the first day of desert storm and the first day of...


BECKEL: Well, Iraq (ph) is a lot different.

GUILFOYLE: Well, we're not saying something different.

BOLLING: It's really not, Bob. I mean, we know where they are, we have this outlined area, how many maps have you seen with the -- you know, Syrian border is gone. Northern Iraq, Southern Syria, that's where they are. Let's bomb them.

BECKEL: You don't think if we had the targets to bomb we would bomb them? I think, when you start talking about going to a Jedi War (ph), you cross into a border and yes, you're going to bomb and yes, you're going to send 150, 200, 300, 400 air strikes. But in this case, you've got to pick out specific places to bomb. And it's not just something you can carpet bomb an entire area. There are a lot of civilians.

PERINO: There's also -- I think that, Bobbie, you've touched on something that is a big -- major problem for us and our allies is the lack of Intel, that apparently, we -- I understand the United States tried the rescue mission for the hostages that was not successful and it seems that then, by all accounts the trail has gone cold. So we don't have Intel that is informing us and we also know that the terrorists, the ISIS is listening to anything that our leaders say because in the most recent beheading over the weekend, the narration, references something that David Cameron, the leader of the U.K. said last week. So we know that they're listening and they're paying attention. The third thing though is that, in order to make sure that these air strikes are successful, you have to have somebody on the ground, whether it's the Iraqis or the Kurds that are telling the people that are bombing, where to hit or else we could look at some very serious friendly fire situations that we don't want to have be responsible.

GUTFELD: Right, but that's -- the challenge thought right now is the challenge use to be to infiltrate -- you know, to infiltrate and disrupt these groups. But now you're faced with a media -- a media who thinks that somehow it's wrong to spy. And so now you're challenging, you're challenged by an enemy and somebody who doesn't like your methods.

PERINO: And to interrogate.

GUTFELD: Yeah, and to interrogate which is wrong. Now, I'll go back to England, the reason why, and this is important for us. The reason why England isn't sending anybody, is because it's hard to send people when you're broke, and it's a consequence of a country buried in domestic debt.
Basically, these countries, and we're getting there. We're turning into fat guys who can't fight, or we can't swing because we're just -- we're so mired in our own domestic programs and debt that we can't afford to win.


GUILFOYLE: and we have forces -- I'm going to show Cameron sought you.

GUTFELD: I'm sorry. I jumped in bed.

GUILFOYLE: No, it's OK. Let's just take a look to someone I want to get it in and get everybody's reaction. So this is the British Prime Minister David Cameron, these are his thoughts on ISIS.


DAVID CAMERON, BRITISH PRIME MINISTER: We will hunt down those responsible and bring them to justice no matter how long it takes, they are not Muslims, they are monsters. We have to confront this menace. Step by step we must drive back, dismantle and ultimately destroy ISIL and what it stands for. The United States is taking direct military action. We support that. This is not about British combat troops on the ground. It is about working with others to extinguish this terrorist threat.


GUILFOYLE: All right so the mighty U.K. is relying on the United States.

GUTFELD: Because they're broke.

BECKEL: Let's give the U.K. some credit here. They have been with us every step of the way and every war we have been in. And (inaudible) or not, they're facing election, and the election is not going be...

GUTFELD: Those -- the craziest radicals are from England, the guy who's doing the beheading.

BECKEL: I know, I understand that, but for the British public, the idea of them seeing Britain spend that much more money as you point out, when they can't get money for their schools, that's something...

PERINO: They can get money for their schools. They've got so much money for their domestic programs. Britain has completely starved it's military in order to pay for a welfare state that they can't afford.

BOLLING: I'm scratching my head. We're as much of a welfare state as Britain is right now.

PERINO: Not so quite yet.

BOLLING: But why not? We have...

GUTFELD: For about eight years away.



BOLLING: debt, we're going to be $20 trillion in debt. We have unfunded live always have the (inaudible). Even Britain doesn't even have, I would say, I would make the case that we're at least as broke as Great Britain and give Obamacare a couple more years and we might be even sooner.

PERINO: You know what President Obama did in the New York Times article that you referenced earlier? One thing he was able to do this weekend is to unite all of us against France. One of the things that's very difficult for President Obama and Prime Minister Cameron is that the United States and U.K. policy is to not pay terrorist for -- not pay ransoms for hostages, and apparently what Obama said in his meetings with journalists and other foreign policy experts was that, France says that don't not pay the ransoms, but we know that they are, and for that makes it even more difficult for Obama and Cameron to hold the line and difficult for the families. And even more important, to figure out -- I mean, that's why they should have announced this coalition before they announced they were going to form a coalition. Now it looks likes we can't even put together a coalition.

GUILFOYLE: Well, it's all bad. I mean, really, when you look at it because...


GUILFOYLE: No, no, that is bad because its looks like we can't put together a team. And he's like, all right, do team and...

PERINO: But one of our team members are basically undercutting us.

GUILFOYLE: Well, they are, because it's cheaper for them to pay for the hostages than get all in to put all the chips...

BECKEL: the France have been (inaudible) and eventually, every war we've had they -- you remember the France refused to allow Ronald Reagan to overfly in order to bomb in Libya. The French have got a real serious problem, they have got too many Muslims in Paris and they know it and they're afraid to death to have (inaudible).

GUTFELD: Right now in France, the latest poll has ISIL more popular that were their French politicians. By the way, Cameron says they're not Muslims, they're monsters. Why can't they be both?



BOLLING: We know the Muslims. I mean, this is jihad against everyone who doesn't believe in Sierra Leone. We know they're Muslim and we know they're monsters. We have seen it.

GUILFOYLE: Well, and it would be nice if we could get even more support from the U.K., but this is what happens when you cut your military funding.


BOLLING: What happens after the next -- the other Brit aid worker gets beheaded? Then do they step up and say, hey, we support the United States, would they say, not only do we support you, we're in this with you?

GUTFELD: That would help.

GUILFOYLE: I mean, you know what, if you keep looking for someone else to do the job, get out. And we got out.

PERINO: I think the domestic political situation in Britain is now unlike France though in terms of the infiltration and the immigration that they left unchecked for a long time. So now, they have terrorist cells all throughout the country and their Intel community is very, very good. Their cooperation with their law enforcement is good. But I think that makes it harder for him. I think I understand why from a political stand point, he says they're not Muslims, they're monsters, because one, they're trying to build a coalition of Arab States to help them fight ISIS and then also, they have a political situation, all those local communities that have very heavy Muslim populations that they have to continue to serve and basically to pacify.

BECKEL: Which is amazing, the fact that there will be some Muslim countries involved in this, because I think politically, that's the most dangerous thing you can possibly do.

PERINO: That's why we can't...

BOLLING: They allegedly have two that are willing to actually put this place in air attacks.


GUILFOYLE: To cooperate in a way that they should would be meaningful and significant. Just to give the U.K. credit, their SAS forces have been on the ground with our special operations forces from the beginning, so what they do have, they are giving. Next on The Five, there's another campus campaign to silence Ayaan Hirsi Ali now spoken activist against radical Islam. Greg's got the details coming right up.


GUTFELD: So, is ISIL rapes murders and enslaves women? What do the Yale Muslim Student Association and their sympathetic women's groups focused on?
Protesting in by to Ayaan Hirsi Ali who spoken out against the abuses of radical Islam. If you remember Ali, a critic and victim of radical Islam's physical abuses has been invited to speak at Brandeis University but that was next after student protested. How open minded, a breeze could jumble their thoughts. Now at Yale she's supposed to speak. But Muslim Students wrote a letter with 35 groups co-signing it, voicing their approval. It's on their face book page, I read it, it wasn't bad, but I couldn't find anything there on ISIL or ISIS, or whatever we're calling it these days. By the way, ISIL isn't Islam, that I now stand for Ikea. The students called when Ali says, hate speech directed at those who attacked her. However, words did not hurt her, men did. Which is my point, if what Ali says hurts feelings, who cares? Feelings are not faces. She's not throwing acid, or slicing up noses, she's talking not terrorizing, which is why refuse to sympathize with student resentment toward her until they prioritized their rage. It's absolutely repulsive that as horrible actions unfold on this globe, students target words not deed. I would say grow up, but that would be hate speech. Bob, I understand that, you know, these groups don't like Hirsi Ali because they believe she conflates the radicalism that she's experiences with the religion in general, but couldn't they prove her wrong by actually speaking out the same way that she does against injustice and maybe engaging her?

BECKEL: Well, I think that actually the point. Is there one person besides her that is more controversial? I don't think so, and she was already knocked off of Brandeis, right? And other speeches that she was supposed to give. Her -- she in fact over lap. I mean, she does not making distinction very well, and I think it's probably proposal. Here's a woman who was 5 years old, was mutilated, and so, she goes up there, she says these things, and so, if you're a Muslim and you're listening to her and you're
(inaudible) but she does have a tendency to sort of make broad general statements about the religion, which I think she ought to maybe think about getting a speechwriter help her rewrite it, but that doesn't change the fact. The fact is, she should be able to spoke. So glad you're back.

GUTFELD: K.G., Radical Islam sees women as less than equal, they hate gays.
Shouldn't these Yale liberal progressive students be focused on that?

GUILFOYLE: Yeah, why wouldn't they take issue with some of the tenants of this religion that call for sharia law to be imposed? And they -- they won't stop until sharia law is the law of the land, the ball (ph) land. And so, this is something that they should engage in dialogue and points out.
But yet, they don't want to hear it. This is what so frustrating to me, because you have professors like the Ward Churchill and the Bill Ayers of the world. And yet, they seek to suppress other peoples, freedom of speech, and expression, which should be completely tantamount to what they preach.


GUILFOYLE: Hypocrites.

GUTFELD: Eric, have we seen any -- I mean, maybe it's not a fair question, because we haven't. There are no protests on campus against ISIS or ISIL. I haven't seen any -- I haven't seen any kind of like...

BECKEL: Amazing.

BOLLING: Yeah. It's scary, and you know, the public support, what do we say
90 something, 91 percent of the American public believes ISIS or ISIL, whatever you wanna call, is a threat. By the way, the ISIS or ISIL, are we --can we just pick one? I understand that the administration, I think the Cameron administration is using ISIL as a defer -- to defer to ISIL, because they started with Lavonne, they wanted to stay with Lavonne. We've say it -- Iraq and Syria, now they're saying just Islamic State. Can we just, really, honestly, just pick one and maybe, I don't know, Islamic State.


BOLLING: Why doesn't -- why aren't...

GUILFOYLE: Why do you have to disparage the Puerto Ricans?


BOLLING: Menudo?

GUILFOYLE: Menudo, one of the greatest band of all time.

BOLLING: But why don't the academics -- come down hard on them?

GUTFELD: I don't know what, I don't know what. Dana, I'm gonna throw a clip up here. This is Hirsi Ali talking about the thing that reason type (ph) she was asked to not speak.


AYAAN HIRSI ALI, AMERICAN ACTIVIST: The way to get to a better world, a world of peace is to get the ability as young people to learn how to think critically. And I know that my presence, for the Muslim students in Brandeis University is offensive, it's maybe -- whatever they call it, insulting, sometimes they call it. It is controversial. But I thought that's exactly what universities are for. We send our kids to school so that they can be confronted with ideas that they are not comfortable with.


GUTFELD: I mean, that's the most important point, Dana. You've talked to her, you met her, the fact that they don't want her there because she makes them unfathomable.

PERINO: And -- I would love to -- I have to have gone where university, they can get speakers like her to come and give a speech. I mean, what a gift for all of these students, you know, you get and listen to. People pay good money to be able to go and to hear somebody like that. She is elegant, brilliant, and she also has this inner peace and serenity, that I think a lot of young women are searching for. Like when you get advice -- ask for advice, like how can I really be successful. What they're looking for is some sort of a balance and she actually has found it. The other thing is, think about what Nancy Pelosi, the former speaker of the house said about republicans this weekend. The republicans are an endanger to civilization.


PERINO: What -- how is that any different than what Ayaan Hirsi Ali says about the Muslims. And now -- and we just laugh at those. You're like, oh, come on, that was like more overreach. That's why I think that there are -- are student groups -- and you saw this at Yale a little bit over this week, they started to push back against the Muslim students and said we want her to come and speak, you guys can have you're -- a different meeting room if you want, but she's coming here. And there was a Yale professor, you can say on National Review, he's a computer science professor who wrote saying how ridiculous the students were -- the Muslim students were and that they should be grateful that they have someone like here to speak.

GUTFELD: And having said that. I mean, if you read the letter, they do not say she shouldn't speak, they were presenting their resistance to it.

PERINO: And they wanted to have -- Afterwards they wanted to be able to have equal time. Like this is like some sort of debate.


PERINO: OK. So, where they can get up and they can correct all of the things that she said that was wrong. That's why you have Facebook.

GUTFELD: OK. Iowa got a visit from Hillary Clinton this weekend. Was it a visit back to the campaign trail? Next on The Five.


PERINO: This weekend, Iowans got a visit from someone they hadn't seen in nearly seven years. Hillary Clinton made a way back to the state she lost to Senator Obama in 2008. The trip's fueled more speculation she's gonna give it another go in 2016.


HILLARY CLINTON, FORMER SECRETARY OF STATE: Hello, Iowa. I'm back! I've got a few things on my mind these days. Bill and I are on constant grand child watch. And then of course, there's that other thing. Well, it is true, I am thinking about it. But for today, that is not why I'm here. I'm here for the steak.


PERINO: Senator Tom Harkin introduced her at his annual Steak Fry and he credited her with something that could possibly hurt her if she decides to run for president again.


TOM HARKIN, IOWA SENATOR: Hillary was not there when the Affordable Care Act was signed into law. She was of course secretary of state. But I want you all to know, that her fingerprints are all over that legislation. It would not have happened but for her strenuous advocacy in that committee, all those years she was there to get a health care bill passed in congress.


PERINO: OK. Bob, today on Commentary Magazine, one of my favorite, Seth Mandel writes a piece about the Steak fry. He said it's become this essential yet insufferable event in Iowa every year. As a democrat, you've been probably attend to a few of these. What do you think was going on there this weekend?

BECKEL: Well, first of all, it's one of those places that you really
don't want to go to. It's hot. It's always hot. And for some reason the steak isn't that good, and the conversation isn't that good, but everybody goes to it because that's where they go.

GUILFOYLE: Why is the steak bad?

BECKEL: No, I just said it tastes...

PERINO: Marinade.

BECKEL: Yes, something about it. Anyway...

PERINO: Wyoming steak is better.

BECKEL: I think that this, clearly, is her step to -- she owes Harkin a lot and Harkin vice versa, but I think in this case, she is sort of testing the waters and I'm not so sure that she is not weaker in Iowa than she thinks she is. Maybe against the current field.

But there are a lot of people going to Iowa and taking a look around, including I might add, Bernie Sanders, Eric's favorite candidate.

PERINO: Is he your favorite?

BOLLING: I don't know what he's talking about, the favorite part.

But really, testing the waters a little bit as she goes to Iowa? She's writing a book. She's -- by the way, the Bill Clinton picture when he was sitting there, and Harkin says, you know, Hillary Clinton's fingerprints are all over it. You can't see him because he's wearing sunglasses, but under the sunglasses he went like this. Yes, she's running. Come on, Bob, she's running. You hear the disappointment in the crowd's voice, when she said "Well, I'm not..."

PERINO: At what point, Kimberly, do they just -- does the media just say, "OK, we have got to stop pretending"? Like, they're just waiting for that big moment for their ratings that they can finally say she's made the decision. But by all accounts, she is -- seems to be running.

GUILFOYLE: That was the closest read I got from her that she might be running.

BECKEL: That's true. That's true.

GUILFOYLE: That is the most engaged, like on point about it that I've seen her in terms of everything else, she's just sort of tried to avoid it, danced around it. Now she seems like, OK, I'm going to get back in it.
That would bum me out if I were her and he said that about me with Obamacare. I mean, that was like the third rail.

BECKEL: Yes, but just remember. Obamacare is a nonexistent issue in Iowa.
I mean, it just doesn't...

GUILFOYLE: So what? The clip lives forever.

PERINO: Right, like what difference does it make? It makes that difference, because you can see it.

Greg, I was looking at your calendar. You have a trip to Iowa planned.

GUTFELD: Yes, that's true; that's true.

PERINO: Any announcement?

GUTFELD: It was interesting to see, because you know, Hillary was eating meat and poor Bill was stuck to grass-fed waitresses. So that was harsh.

By the way...

BOLLING: Meat. The waitresses?

GUTFELD: I don't know. But we've had -- OK, here's the thing. This is going to be about women. She's going to -- my feeling is, she's going to run and it's going to be about women. But we've had six years of dividing America into these women, blacks, gays. The next president has to be able to reverse this internal cannibalism and remember that we have to fight the real threat outside.

The problem for Democrats is if we have -- if we're at war with them, then we can no longer be at war with ourselves, and that's what we've been doing for the last six and possibly eight years.

PERINO: That would be so refreshing.

GUTFELD: No. I don't care who it is, if it's Hillary, or if it's somebody from the Republican Party, but they have to start talking about America as Americans, and not as black Americans or gay Americans or female Americans.

BECKEL: I think you've just put your finger right -- if she does run, or whenever the Democrats are, right exactly on that message. Exactly what they're going to say.

But also, let's remember, 5 percent of Republican women who don't ever vote Democratic will vote for Hillary Clinton for president.

GUTFELD: Right, yes.

BECKEL: And that will make a big difference.

PERINO: She was asked about her loss there. She said, "I was just so surprised that Iowa has never voted statewide for a woman." I mean, you don't have to do that. Just run on the merits.

GUILFOYLE: Just be who are you. "I'm the best candidate. It doesn't matter if I'm a man or a woman. I'm here. Deal.

PERINO: She ought to hire Kimberly for some sound bites.

All right. Next on "The Five" Charles Barkley is coming to the defense of Vikings running back Adrian Peterson, charged with recklessly injuring his 4-year-old child. Eric has the tape and the new details on the controversy in the fastest 7 coming up.


BOLLING: All right, welcome back. Time for "The Fastest Seven," three rousing stories, seven racing minutes, one radiant host.

First up, more football fallout. Just days after the Ray Rice domestic abuse went viral, star NFL running back Adrian Peterson was charged with child abuse for switching his 4-year-old. Listen to two opinions expressed by two big-time pro athletes, NFL Hall of Famer Chris Carter and NBA Hall of Famer, also my friend, Charles Barkley.

GUTFELD: Your friend?

BOLLING: My friend.


CHRIS CARTER, NFL HALL OF FAMER: You can't beat a kid to make them do what you want. I don't care what it is. Take them off the dad-gum field.
Because you know what? As a man, that's the only thing we really respect.
We don't respect no women. We don't expect no kids. The only thing Roger and them do, take them off the field, because they respect that.

CHARLES BARKLEY, NBA HALL OF FAMER: We spank kids in the south. I think the question ABOUT did Adrian Peterson go overboard? But listen, Jim, we all grow up in different environments. Every black parent in my neighborhood in the south would be in trouble or in jail under those circumstances.


BOLLING: All right. Let me throw something in very quickly, Charles Barkley, and Adrian Peterson, this is isn't about black or white or where you grew up. This is -- this is about hurting a defenseless 4-year-old child.

This isn't like hitting a wife who may stick around or may not stick around, who could leave or who could press charges. This is a defenseless child.

I'm going to bring it around; just livid at these guys for saying this.
But go ahead, K.G. This kid was 4 years old. He was switched. He was hit with, like, a reed until the point where he was bleeding.

GUILFOYLE: No. It's child abuse. It's offensive. Take him off the field,. I agree. We should care. I don't care what job he is or what kind of NFL player he is. That's the deal, the bottom line. I have a zero tolerance policy for hitting women and children.

BOLLING: Bob, is this generation -- is the older generation, they're used to hitting kids and disciplining kids one way, and now it's not acceptable, in its time; it's a transition?

BECKEL: Well, I don't know. I'm a little conflicted on this, having come out of a very abusive childhood. I don't -- I can't imagine. I mean, I just -- my whole life was affected by what I went through. I can't imagine taking a 4-year-old kid and doing that to him. I think it ought to be illegal, and how Charles Barkley could stand up for that, I have no idea.

BOLLING: I was kind of curious, as well.

Dana, your thoughts on -- on -- by the way, the NFL and the Vikings allegedly are letting him play, as of right now. If I'm not mistaken, he's still going to suit up for the game on Sunday. Adrian Peterson, that is.

PERINO: I -- it would be -- it would be interesting to be inside the NFL organization right now, looking at all their policies, like, what is the policy? Do they have a policy? Do they not need a policy? Is this something that law enforcement should take care of? Should your parents get involved in it? Is it something that maybe you don't want it involved in your organization, but if it's not a crime, is that your parenting skills?

I actually don't really have an answer for it. I feel terrible for the little boy. I can't imagine what he did to have deserved that.

GUILFOYLE: How about nothing? How about nothing? That's lazy parenting.
Work with your child, do some behavioral management, spend some time with them and try to redirect their behavior if you don't like it.

BOLLING: Let me get Greg in here on this one. The employer being the Vikings. Go ahead.

GUTFELD: Well, no, these stories are really great for talk shows, because they create a pyramid of stories. So here's the incident, right? Here's the incident and then you get two responses, one that says it's OK, one that says it's not. Then you get three more. You get three more on the side.

I created a little pyramid. This is what happens. This is why you'll
never stop hearing about these stories, it starts, and then it keeps going.
And everybody gets outraged, and everybody gets outraged some more. It's a media outrage pyramid.

And this is why you don't hear about ISIS or budget -- or our budget or the V.A. scandal or IRS. It's because we get stuck on this one little story, and we keep going, and keep going.

It's low-hanging fruit for everybody. Yes, it's bad to hit a kid. It's bad to hit a woman. But you know what? People have different experiences about it. Charles Barkley's opinion is based on his experience. Maybe that experience is wrong, but that's what it is.

BOLLING: And by the way, this made you so mad you used a banned phrase.

GUTFELD: What'd I say?

BOLLING: Low-hanging fruit.

Staying in the NFL, check out the banners flown over a couple of NFL stadiums yesterday by an anti-domestic violence group called Ultraviolet.
They're calling for commissioner Roger Goodell's head and job, mostly his job.

And the Twitterverse Check out this Photoshopped Cover Girl ad. It says "Put your game face on." Wow.

PERINO: That's really brutal. I mean, that's actually, that's what they were looking for, right? They want that kind of reaction that we all just had, which is that is very effective advertising.

BOLLING: Bob, your thoughts on this ad campaign. Ultraviolet, by the way, flying banners around NFL stadiums, again, pointing the finger at Goodell.
Let me just ask you this: these guys, employers. The Vikings employ Peterson. The Ravens employ Ray Rice. What about those?

BECKEL: Well, I think they're involved in this, too. But the point now is that this, the publicity around this, you will not think -- I do not think you will see the NFL not taking a position on this that's very specific.
If they don't, I think Goodell is out. And I think it's going to be a problem that's going to face them for a long time, because they've ignored it.


GUILFOYLE: You know what? I love advocacy and I love freedom of speech.
I like that this group is taking it to the sky to put their message out there. I think it promotes dialogue and people thinking about and questioning, perhaps, how they parent, how they run their household, the relationships that they have and also putting some light on domestic violence, which I think is very serious, so I like it.

GUTFELD: I just -- these stories overshadow the game, which is great for people who don't watch the game so everybody can comment on these issues and it never ends.

BOLLING: I want to get to this one. This one is really interesting.
First Deep Throat, then Blue Horseshoe and now Miss New York.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Your new Miss America is -- it's a three-peat. Miss New York!


BOLLING: But was she the true winner or is my conspiratorial side showing itself again? Because, well, here's Miss Florida. And if talent mattered, Miss Massachusetts played an amazing concert piano concert. It was out of control. She arranged it herself.

And Ms. Virginia, she magnificently belted out a perfect rendition of an opera song. Well, Miss New York took the stage, and this is her talent.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE (singing): Clap along if you know what happiness means to you. Clap along if you feel that's what you want to do.


BOLLING: OK. I got in there at the last one. I was like...

GUTFELD: You know, I thought it was a great night for Miss New York. I waited in the car, because I didn't want to steal the spotlight from her.

But I have to say, can we visit the swimsuit, the whole swimsuit thing.
It's a tradition that seems very weird, that like, a woman comes out and they do ratings. It's very weird to watch that and go, are we still doing that? Is that odd? Am I crazy?

BOLLING: Quick thoughts.

GUILFOYLE: That weird Play Doh cup situation distracted from the song. I thought she had a good voice. Did she not?

PERINO: She should have stood up and danced.

BECKEL: I was for Miss Florida from the beginning. I loved Miss Florida even before the swimsuit contest was by far and away the best contest.

GUILFOYLE: He means good-looking.

PERINO: I'm speechless.


GUILFOYLE: That is the scariest thing I've ever seen.

BOLLING: That's good enough. And by the way, honey, my beautiful wife is as pretty as Miss Florida. When we saw that, it was like, hey, she's going to win it. Anyway, we'll leave that.

GUILFOYLE: You know what it was? Ms. Congeniality. Miss Congeniality did the licking of the cup situation.

BOLLING: Anyway, ahead on "The Five." she was nearly killed in the Sudan -
- or Sudan for refusing to renounce her Christian faith. Now Mary Ibrahim is safe in America and gave her first television interview to Megyn Kelly and gave her first television interview to Megyn Kelly. And we have a sneak peek for you next.


BECKEL: Oh, hi, yes. Earlier this year, we brought you the heart- wrenching story of Miriam Ibrahim, the Sudanese woman who, while pregnant, was sentenced to death for refusing to renounce her Christianity. Three months after she won her appeal and just weeks after arriving in the United States, she is giving her first television account of her ordeal to Megyn Kelly. Here's a preview of that interview set to air tonight.


MEGYN KELLY, FOX NEWS ANCHOR: You were pregnant. You had a little baby boy in that prison cell with you. How difficult was it to stand by your faith under those circumstances?

MIRIAM IBRAHIM, PERSECUTED FOR CHRISTIANITY (through translator): I had my trust in God. My faith was the only weapon that I had in these confrontations with imams and Muslim scholars, because that's what I believe.

KELLY: But why not just say what they wanted to hear to save your life?


BECKEL: Besides, obviously, she went through a horrible, horrible situation, she's not alone, by the way. A lot of Muslim women have been through this. But just as a slight departure for this, for Megyn Kelly, it is amazing the interviews she's getting, is it not?

GUILFOYLE: That's what we were just saying.

BOLLING: That was -- we were just talking about that in the break. It's, like, amazing high-profile guests that normally, we would have a hard time
-- a hard push back from coming on, and she's doing a fantastic job. And she's got some amazing bookers.

GUILFOYLE: It's exciting.

BOLLING: And I just feel like they're getting a fair shake when they sit down to talk about a lot.

BECKEL: I think she's -- I think she's a Barbara Walters of this generation.

GUTFELD: I think she's vastly overrated. I just got to bring this down a little bit, because it's getting gross.

BECKEL: OK, it's getting gross. Let's get back down to what happened...

PERINO: We never hugged like that after an interview.

GUILFOYLE: Aw, I wish Bob would hug me like that.

BECKEL: What do you think -- what do you think about this situation? I mean, is this going to be -- it's not that funny. She was in prison...

GUILFOYLE: I'm not laughing at that.

BECKEL: I'm only kidding. Is that -- let me go to Dana first.

GUTFELD: No, I have an answer.

BECKEL: OK. What do you think? What do you think?

GUTFELD: I always go back to, I imagine if this were the office of some fanatical Christians, butchering Muslims, Jews and other Christians, the White House would have already nuked wherever they were.

But because of this, because these situations aren't well -- aren't well known, it's because it's bad taste to bring up these stories in mixed company, because you will always be seen as Islamophobic if you bring up these things.

BECKEL: Yes, and let me just add one thing there. Still, despite what Obama said about Christianity and Christians being persecuted, I still think the lack of high-profile people talking about Christians being persecuted in Muslim lands is just remarkable to me -- Dana.

PERINO: That's why we have Megyn Kelly or anything. That's why we talk about it. And it's not just Megyn Kelly but it's why we in America, in a free media, we have an opportunity to talk about it.

This story was followed extensively, not just on traditional network media or cable news, but on social media, as well. The Christian community followed it very, very closely. So there is a way for somebody like Miriam Ibrahim -- the name of the woman -- to have a -- make a big difference in a way that a woman like her may not have been heard of until well after her life had ended in the past. But now she can actually be heard in real time.

GUILFOYLE: I just want to say, it's a tremendous act of courage. People should learn from that and be inspired by it. It was a great thing for Christians, as well, what she did.

BECKEL: OK. Make sure to catch Megyn's full interview with Miriam Ibrahim tonight at 9 p.m. Eastern. "One More Thing" is up next.


GUILFOYLE: It's time now for "One More Thing," and I'm going to begin with a recommendation for a very special film, a real-life documentary called "The Hornets' Nest," and it's out on Blu-Ray and DVD. And it follows, in fact, 100 percent frontline footage of -- in Afghanistan of our troops serving. And it features some of the troops like the 101st Airborne, 2nd Battalion Army, 8th Marine Regiment, U.S. Marine Corps.

It's really exciting to watch, and it really takes you to the front lines so you see what's going on, how our troops faithfully serve every day, in and out. It's supposed to be a one-day mission turned into nine grueling days. Take a listen.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I don't think they're Taliban.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: They're fighting not only for this war on terror.
They're fighting for their fellow soldiers.


GUILFOYLE: All right, real war, real heroes, you can check it again on Blu-Ray and DVD, "The Hornets' Nest" -- Greg.

GUTFELD: It's time for...


GUTFELD: Greg's Sports corner.


GUTFELD: As you know, I love sports, but you know what else I love?
Working out. There's nothing's better than combining the two like this man did last night at a Baltimore-Yankee game. Check this out. It's hard to believe, but it's one of the best things you can possibly do, working out while watching baseball. You can't get more manly than that.


GUTFELD: Yes. Look at these guns.

BOLLING: That's like 20 pounds. He can step up the...

GUTFELD: No, no, no that man's in great shape.

BOLLING: Got you.

GUILFOYLE: All right, Bolling.

BOLLING: Very quickly, can you pull up the full screen? I wrote a piece that's up on Drudge right now. It's liberal media is running scared. As their rhetoric steps up, and they get more active and more heightened rhetoric, it usually means they're running scared. Do me a favor: head over there and take a look and maybe leave a comment on that one.

PERINO: All right.

GUILFOYLE: All right, Dana.

PERINO: All right. Arguably the biggest story this summer has been going on and it got some attention but not enough, and that is Ebola. That is the disease in Africa spreading rapidly, so rapidly that now Africom (ph) is saying it's a No. 1 priority. Mother Nature is taking over, this disease is mutating and the world has been begging for United States help.

Tomorrow Obama, President Obama will ask for a billion dollars to help combat it. But it's not just government money that's being donated. Paul Allen is a billionaire in Seattle, a big tech guy. He's offering $20 million to help deliver 50,000 kits to help aid workers, and they're like life-saving kits that they can deliver through UPS and USAID. So a lot of reason for America to get involved. Certainly good to see a philanthropist like that do it, as well.

GUILFOYLE: Fantastic -- Bob.

BECKEL: A good friend of "The Five's," Mr. Greg Norman, two-time winner of the British Open, this past weekend was cutting branches off of the trees at his home in south Florida, and one of the branches pushed the saw into his arm. You can see, he -- he cut very close to an artery, but it turns out that Greg's going to be OK. He's going to be back playing golf at some point soon, we hope. But thank you for being a good friend of "The Five,"
Greg, and thank you for sharing yourself on that -- on your Instagram and get well real, real quick.

GUILFOYLE: Very nice. And he watches this show, so we hope he gets better very soon.

Well, some good news: you never have to miss another minute of this show.
Because you can now watch FOX News live any time from your computer, smart phone, or tablet. Go to or download the FOX News app.

That's it for us. "Special Report" is next.

GUTFELD: Interesting.

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