Can Bush fix his campaign in his 'Jeb can fix it' tour?

This is a rush transcript from "On the Record," November 2, 2015. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GRETA VAN SUSTEREN, FOX NEWS HOST: Right now, former Florida governor and 2016 GOP presidential candidate Governor Jeb Bush live in Jacksonville to go ON THE RECORD.

Good evening, sir.

JEB BUSH, GOP PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Hey, Greta. I hope you are doing well.

VAN SUSTEREN: I'm doing well.

So, why the "Jeb Can Fix It" tour?

BUSH: Because I think you need to have proven leadership to fix the big complex things and we have candidates that are great at talking about things, great at disparaging others, but not many people on the stage that actually have the ability to fix the things that are broken.

And I have a proven record -- 32 years in business and eight years as governor of focusing on fixing big complex things by applying conservative principles in the right way.

VAN SUSTEREN: Is it fair to say though there is a reboot of your campaign today or is that not fair?

BUSH: You can -- you know, it doesn't really matter what it's called. We had -- this happened to be the time we were launching the book tour. I have had a rough couple of weeks. I have got to get better at the performance side of this. But I know I have the skills of leadership to fix these big complex things and I have a proven record to do it. And it's always been my intent to share that with the American people.

People in Florida know that I have a proven record. People outside of Florida need to know it and that's part of my campaign.

VAN SUSTEREN: Which is sort of interesting because, you know, you do have a record in Florida. I mean, you have been a governor, and, you know, for the people who strongly support you, you have been unable to get that record across at least to the extent that the polls matter. And I realize it's early on. But how do you get your record to be reflected in the polls?

BUSH: Well, by advertising and by campaigning hard about cutting taxes each and every year totaling $19 billion and sharing my views about how to reform our tax code in Washington. Reducing the government workforce by 13,000, that's 11 percent reduction. And sharing how I would reform public unions and public employees in Washington. How we regulate, embracing our veterans.

All of these policy areas, I have a proven record of doing it here in Florida. And so, connecting the dots between my experience and what I believe our country can do is my purpose and that's what the campaign will be about. And I'm going to stay focused on it.

VAN SUSTEREN: I am sure you know there has been at love controversy over the CNBC debate. Did you think it was fair?

BUSH: Yes. I don't -- I think they lost control over it. The only unfair part was they said it was going to be a certain kind of debate and it wasn't anything close to what they said. All I want is just to know what the rules are and that people will apply those rules correctly and faithfully and fairly. I don't think -- I think they lost control.

VAN SUSTEREN: In recent days we have learned that another American of Iranian descent has been taken into custody in Tehran. If you are president of the United States, we have got four other Americans, a pastor, a marine, a journalist and a former FBI agent. What would do you?

BUSH: It's outrageous. I would reengage 'our European allies particularly to re-impose sanctions as best we can. And I would -- I would confront Iranian ambitions in the region I would continue to support as we always have had in the past, support the ambitions of those who want to be free. There are all sorts of tools at our disposal if we are serious about doing that that's what we ought to do.

What we have done is legitimize the regime that continues to oppress its people and hold Americans hostage. It's outrageous we are doing this. And the rest of the world sees this and says the United States is not a reliable partner.

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