Body Language Expert Breaks Down 'Dog,' Obama and Rosie

This is a rush transcript from "The O'Reilly Factor," November 12, 2007. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

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BILL O'REILLY, HOST: "Body Language," starring Duane Chapman and Barack Obama, and viewer warning, because I know some of you are tired of her. Rosie O'Donnell with some brand new stuff.

Here now, Tonya Reiman, author of the new book, "The Power of Body Language," which is out next Tuesday. It's kind of a self-help and body image book all rolled into one. Tonya did very well with it.

All right. Duane Chapman talked to "Hannity & Colmes" about his using the "N" word. Roll the tape.


DUANE "DOG" CHAPMAN, BOUNTY HUNTER: There's a special connection that I thought I had between me and black America. And I used to say, "I'm black, too." In other words, I — my whole life, I've been called a half-breed, a convict, "king of the trailer trash", this and that. I take that and stand.

So when I stood there and said, I kind of know what you feel like, because I've been there, too, that I felt that I could embrace them, like, as brothers or even as a black women, say the word.


O'REILLY: What do you think?

REIMAN: He had a lot of open body postures. He seemed genuine in what he was saying. He was, you know, leaning forward. I didn't see a lot of signs that would demonstrate deception.

The only thing I noticed is that, on several answers, he looked to the left. Other answers, he looked to the right. I would have liked to have seen a little bit more of the footage to determine why the switch in the eye movements.

O'REILLY: Well, you said in the past when someone looks to the left and the right, they're trying to summon up an answer. They're trying to remember what to say.

REIMAN: If they consistently look to the left...

O'REILLY: Right.

REIMAN: ... they are trying to remember something. And then they switch over to the right, and you have to wonder why they switched to the right. So the same thing goes...

O'REILLY: So just to know that — for everybody out there watching, if you are looking to the left, you're trying to remember something that you want to say.

REIMAN: Right. But it's not just the left. See, everyone is different. Sometimes, you know, you have to do something called norming people, which is you ask them a couple of questions and determine which way they look when they're actually remembering something.

O'REILLY: Because I think a lot of this was rehearsed with Mr. Chapman.

REIMAN: Well, things like eye movements, you really can't rehearse. I mean, you can be an actor, absolutely, but you know, if somebody looks to the left, they're unconsciously looking to the left. And then if they switch over to the right, that's when you have to start wondering what's going on behind the scenes.

O'REILLY: Why are you looking in both directions like this?

REIMAN: Right. Yes.

O'REILLY: But you need more information in order to really get into that.

Barack Obama finally went on "Meet the Press" to answer some news question, rather than on the entertainment shows. Roll the tape.


TIM RUSSERT, HOST, "MEET THE PRESS": Is it consistent to say Hillary Clinton is not truthful and still embrace the politics of hope?

SEN. BARACK OBAMA (D-NY), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Time, you know, the politics of hope doesn't been hoping that people aren't going to point out differences between you and other candidates when it comes to positions.

We have been consistent in not engaging in — broadsides, not distorting people's records. Look, we're running for the presidency of the United States of America, not student council president. That means that the American people have a right to know what exactly we intend to do as president.


REIMAN: OK. So watch that clip when it first starts. And what does he do? He knits his brow. So he's really taking that question in. He thinks about that for a minute. See how he knits his brow there? Trying to think about it.

But then, he gets his answer, and you see the smile that comes onto his face? And he pulls himself back, elongates the neck, straightens his spine. He's very happy with the answer he gives. He feels good about that. And you can see because he's still smiling.

This is something that he was pleased with. Although I did notice, he did a little chuckle, which I think was more so because he thought for a minute, this is an awkward sentence that I just gave, but it's a good sentence. It's a good answer.

O'REILLY: It was a question that was right up his wheelhouse.


O'REILLY: So he could take the high-road and say...

REIMAN: Yes, he was delighted with his answer.

O'REILLY: So thank you for asking that question, Mr. Russert. That was great.


O'REILLY: All right. Rosie O'Donnell gives a speech over the weekend. Roll the tape.


ROSIE O'DONNELL, COMEDIAN: You'd have to literally, I think, to get impeached, take the Constitution out of the museum, put it on the floor, and have George Bush literally take a dump on it. That is the only way that we are going to get people to understand the magnitude of what he has done.

This speech right now could be considered a threat to national security. I could be put in jail.


O'REILLY: One can only hope.

REIMAN: The word that comes to mind whenever I watch Rosie is "congruent." She is congruent with everything she says.

O'REILLY: Congruent?

REIMAN: Congruent. She — her body language matches her verbal language. So what does she start off with? "You have to literally, I think," and as she's saying it, she shrugs her shoulders. And she really does means, "I think," because she's shrugging her shoulders.

O'REILLY: But she's an actress, though.

REIMAN: Yes, but there is more to it. Like the shoulder shrug that goes on, they're small shoulder shrugs. She just believes passionately in everything she says. Does it mean that it's right or wrong?

O'REILLY: OK. She believes in everything she says. Isn't that the definition of a fanatic?

REIMAN: Well, that depends. You know, it's — the bottom line is through body language, apparently she believes it.

O'REILLY: Can you tell if somebody — through body language, can you tell if somebody is a thoughtful person who believes or just a Kool-Aid drinking fanatic? Can you tell?

REIMAN: No, you really can't.

O'REILLY: That's what I thought.

REIMAN: Because it all comes down to, if this is what I believe — yes.

O'REILLY: True — that's what they call them, true believers.

Tonya Reiman, everybody. Look for her book.

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