Black leaders express frustration with Obama's gay marriage 'evolution'

This is a rush transcript from "Hannity," May 15, 2012. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

SEAN HANNITY, HOST: As we reported earlier tonight, President Obama took time out of his busy fund-raising schedule to sit down with the ladies of "The View." And during the hour long interview, when he wasn't discussing the critical issues like Kim Kardashian's divorce, well, he talked a bit about the 2012 election. Watch this.


SHERRI SHEPHERD, CO-HOST: So, now you have officially kicked off your campaign for a second term. It was tight with John McCain, back in 2008. So, how tight do you think it's going to be with Mitt Romney?

OBAMA: When your name is Barack Obama, it's always tight.


JOY BEHAR, CO-HOST: Barack Hussein Obama.

OBAMA: Barack Hussein Obama. Barack Hussein Obama.


HANNITY: All right. Mr. President, I would be more worried about your record than your name come November, because tonight, along with the female vote, African-Americans are voicing displeasure with your performance.

Now, we are learning a number of leaders in that community are expressing frustration with the president's decision to change his position yet once again on the issue of same-sex marriage. And as usual, if you disagree with the president and his left-wing allies in the media, you will be the subject of ridicule. Take a look at this.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I don't think this is a re-definition of marriage. This is an extension of civil marriage protection to all citizens.

BISHOP HARRY JACKSON, HOPE CHRISTIAN CHURCH: Why not let the Muslims have polygamy and bigamy then?

CHRIS MATTHEWS, HOST: I'm sorry, Mr. Bishop, I hope you evolve. Thank you very much.


HANNITY: And here with reaction, the author of The New York Times best seller "9-9-9 An Army of Davids," Herman Cain is here. And from the video you just saw, Bishop Harry Jackson, he is the pastor of Hope Christian Church. Welcome both of you to the program.

JACKSON: Thanks, Sean.


HANNITY: Pastor, don't you like being lectured by an NBC liberal that your views need to evolve, Pastor?

JACKSON: Well, it's kind of funny. He didn't really want to hear our point of view. All the programs we have been on so far during this season have characterized my views as being Neanderthal, hatred filled, rather than common sense approaches to a very serious problem in our culture, the disintegration of family and marriage.

HANNITY: Yes. Well, you know, it's very interesting. You know, Herman, you ran. You know what it's like to be a candidate. And it is interesting. Because even the New York Times poll which their -- of all people-- the president's campaign is now complaining about the methodology, where Democrats were over-sampled by six percent because two-thirds of the people see this for what it is, political expediency. This is the president's old position. He changed it three times in between that he had back in 1994.

CAIN: This was clearly a political decision, a political move. You know, Democrats have long taken black people for granted, their votes. Now this president, coming out with this issue -- he's now taking black people for granted, not just their votes. Secondly, this is a states' rights issue. Why does he want to hijack this issue and try to make it a national issue when it is not? It is clearly a political move. And unfortunately, not all people of faith are going to be gullible enough to just follow him, simply because he says, he has evolved. It is not going to work.

HANNITY: And by the way, if you are a Republican and you change your mind, you're a flip-flopper, but of course, if you change your mind back and forth and back and forth again, you are evolving. This is part of an evolution process. Bishop, will this impact the African-American vote in this election?

JACKSON: I think it will, Sean. Remember back in 2004, George Bush was elected, re-elected based on an eight percent switch in Ohio, nine percent switch in Florida of the black vote. If there is an organization and folks really come out and say, we want to defend traditional marriage, we could see this thing actually blow up in his face and quite frankly, I hope that we organize and get this thing together.

HANNITY: Yes. Herman, what did you think about the line on "The View" today where the president said, we just played it, when your name is Barack Obama, you know, it's always tight. Barack Hussein Obama. Remember, prior to the '08 election and his swearing in, you know, poor Bill Cunningham out in Cincinnati, you know, he said Barack Hussein Obama and he was excoriated for saying it.

CAIN: Well, I think that was his way of trying to add some humor since he was on that show. But I can tell you, a lot of people are not laughing. He doubled down on this whole issue, Sean, when he said he also wants to put Congress on notice, he wants to repeal, DOMA, the Defense of Marriage Act. And you know, forgive me for sounding as if I'm frustrated - - who does he think he is?


CAIN: He is not God. He is the president of the United States. And that's what is turning a lot of people off. Let me give you this statistic, Sean, that I just read tonight. And that is, 25 percent of the people, if you dig down in the polls, say they are less likely to vote for him because of his stance coming out on this issue and only 10 percent are saying hip-hip-hurray! That's a 15 percentage point differential and it's going to be a tight race. It always is. And that I believe is going to be a difference maker.

HANNITY: All right. But let me play one other thing. And this is a problem. I mean, even when you know, Stephanie Cutter suggests, all the methodology of the New York Times is off, the president continues to go back to blaming. Now, bishop, I don't know, you know, my church -- I am taught that I got to take responsibility for my choices, my decisions, my actions in life and that, you know, I am responsible. This President, it's tsunamis, it's earthquakes, it's kiosks, ATMs and of course George Bush's fault. He does it again today.


OBAMA: I want to spend the next five years doing is recreating that America where if you work hard, you can make it, regardless of where you come from, what you look like.

OBAMA: We've got all the ingredients for success for the next hundred, next 200 years. But what's happened is that our politics breaks down. We have become more obsessed with winning an election than setting things up for the next generation. And if we can break through that, I could not be more confident or more proud of this country.


HANNITY: You know, I don't think there has been a more divisive president, Bishop?

JACKSON: I agree with you. I think he is looking at seven different groups. It's women, blacks, Hispanics, he is looking at the radical green movement and he begins to cater to these folks and paint everyone else as a bad guy.

As an African-American, it's been especially difficult to feel like you are being called Uncle Tom, you must be against your own race simply because you disagree with him on matters of principle.

So I believe that this is going to shift. I believe marriage is the issue that is going to make it shift. Next week, we are going to bring a group of African-American leaders to Washington, D.C. for a draw a line in the sand summit, in which we believe we will make him accountable.

HANNITY: Bishop, I have no right to inject myself in the workings of your church, but may I humbly suggest that you invite Herman Cain to sing at your church. I promise you, it will be enlightening and uplifting.

JACKSON: I think you are absolutely right.

CAIN: It's going to take more than singing to basically cover up this president's failed record on the economy and energy and a whole list of other things.

HANNITY: That, I agree with. I was hoping to enlighten one small congregation here, Pastor Cain. Thank you both for being with us.

JACKSON: Thank you, Sean.

CAIN: Thank you, Sean.

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