Bizarre Twist in Peterson Case

This is a rush transcript from "On the Record ," November 27, 2007. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GRETA VAN SUSTEREN, HOST: This is a "FOX News Alert": Breaking news in the Sergeant Petersen case.

Remember that big blue barrel Sergeant Peterson was said to have loaded into his truck the day after Stacy Peterson disappeared? Well, police now believe they know who helped Peterson carry that barrel, and police also now believe that they know what happened to this man the next day.

Former LAPD homicide detective Mark Fuhrman is digging into the case. He joins us live in Bolingbrook, Illinois. Mark, first of all, who is this man?

MARK FUHRMAN, FMR LAPD HOMICIDE DETECTIVE, FOX ANALYST: Well, Greta, it's kind of a — it's not a long story, but we need to go back to last week. Last week, Illinois State Police really — it was revealed that they had interviewed a neighbor of Drew Peterson that had seen Drew Peterson and an unidentified male loading a blue barrel into his GMC Denali SUV. Now, that was October 28. That was the day that Stacy Peterson was last heard from at about 10:30 that morning.

Now, a source that we have has told us that the Illinois State Police then believed that that man was, in fact, a relative of Drew Peterson. Now, multiple and different sources have told myself and your producer, Steph Watts, that that man is, in fact, a relative of Drew Peterson. In fact, it's his stepbrother, and his name is Thomas Morphey. And he lives just about a mile, mile-and-a-half from the Peterson home.

Now, on the day after Stacy is last seen — On October 28, she was last seen. That is the day that Drew Peterson and this man that was unidentified that day are loading the barrel. The next day, Thomas Morphy overdoses on three anti-depressants and alcohol, two of the anti- depressants being reported as Zoloft and Xanax.

He is overdosed on these drugs. EMS paramedics respond to his residence, as do Bolingbrook police, and he is subsequently transported to Edwards Hospital, where we believe he was treated and released the next day some time. Now, as of this moment, we don't know if this was an accidental overdose or it was an attempted suicide. That is what we know right now.

VAN SUSTEREN: Where is Thomas Morphey?

FUHRMAN: Well, Greta, we know his address. We're not going to put it out over the air. We've been to the house. What's interesting is the porch lights were on all day today. Nobody in the neighborhood's lights were on. There was curtains drawn, no visible movement inside, dogs barking inside. We knocked on the door after dark — same condition. The neighbor and kids hadn't seen them. So we do not know.

I put a phone call in. I believed it was the phone that goes to the house. No answer. The owner of the home is not Thomas Morphey. That is not the person that owns the home. We have not been able to make contact with the person that does own the home. And that's where we stand right now, Greta.

VAN SUSTEREN: Is there any information as to what kind of relationship that Sergeant Drew Peterson has with Thomas Morphey? Do you see them often? Are they close as stepbrothers? Any information like that?

FUHRMAN: Well, we can't really verify of recent, but we know that he has actually worked for Drew in the past. We know that other family members, Kathy Savio's family, knows him. He's been around, so it's not like somebody that's been a distant relative that, you know, just popped up out of nowhere. This is somebody that he has had a relationship — however close, we don't know, but a relationship nonetheless.

VAN SUSTEREN: All right, the blue barrel — is — I mean, obviously everyone is suspicious of the blue barrel. Is there any reason to believe that Stacy Peterson was in the blue barrel? Or where is that blue barrel?

FUHRMAN: Well, certainly, Greta, if we knew that, that would be the million- dollar question. But you have to — you have to say — as an investigator, you have to ask the question. It should be a very easy question to be asked and answered of Drew Peterson at this late date. It would be a very easy question for him to answer at this exact moment. What's in the large blue barrel that you put into your SUV the day that your wife ran off with another man? It might be a question you should be able to answer.

VAN SUSTEREN: Was the blue barrel put in his truck at night, at dark, or was it in the broad daylight?

FUHRMAN: Greta, we have not been able to establish the exact time, nor which neighbor it was, which makes it a little more confusing. As you just asked, night and day, it was my first question, too. I would presume that it would be later in the day. But then again, once the attention on the family was generated and phone calls and people started arriving, you would think that that would complicate things. But we do know this. The Denali was missing completely at 11:00 PM that night.

VAN SUSTEREN: All right. One other real quick question. The blue barrel — what's the origin of the blue barrel? Why would it even have been in possession of Sergeant Peterson or his home?

FUHRMAN: Well, a blue barrel was seen in the back yard by a neighbor, and then it disappeared. They can't absolutely establish the last time they saw it, but it was there. Now it's not. It could be a barrel to keep chlorine. I think that would be a lot of chlorine. But I have a couple of these barrels. They're used for a lot of things. After the commercial use is over, they're sold very cheaply. People use them for garbage. They use them for storage. They can be used for anything.

VAN SUSTEREN: All right. Mark, thank you very much. And of course, we're going to be following this very closely.

Now, Peterson's wife number, Kathleen Savio, died in 2004. A grand jury is investigating if it was an accident or a homicide. Kathleen's nephew, Charlie Doman, joins us live in Bolingbrook, Illinois. Charlie, welcome. Nice to see you again. Do you know Thomas Morphy?

CHARLIE DOMAN, KATHLEEN SAVIO'S NEPHEW: Thanks, Greta. Yes. Yes, I know Tom.

VAN SUSTEREN: How do you know Tom?

DOMAN: I — he was actually the manager at the bar when I was a deejay.

VAN SUSTEREN: All right. When you say "the bar," is that the bar that Stacy Peterson owned, or is that a different bar?

DOMAN: No, it was the bar that he owned with my aunt at the time, yes.

VAN SUSTEREN: What years did you work with and spend — or see — see Thomas Morphey alive (ph), what period of time?

DOMAN: Oh, I don't know, like, maybe eight, ten years ago, somewhere around there.

VAN SUSTEREN: When was the last time...

DOMAN: I was in my early 20s.

VAN SUSTEREN: When was the last time you saw Tom Morphey?

DOMAN: Again, around my early 20s, around, you know, mid-'90s, around there somewhere, early '90s, mid-'90s. I didn't see him much after I quit working at the bar, a little here and there, but nothing — nothing special. It was a wild time for all of us.

VAN SUSTEREN: Do you — you say it was a wild time. What do you — might as well explained that one. What does that mean?

DOMAN: We did a lot of hanging out, a lot of drinking, you know, stuff like that. I was in my early 20s, so I was new to the bar scene.

VAN SUSTEREN: Was Drew Peterson part of that scene, or was he simply an owner of the bar?

DOMAN: He was the owner of the bar. He really didn't hang out with us too much on that level. I mean, on the family level, he did, but as far as, like, socially, not really. Probably not at all.

VAN SUSTEREN: Do you have any current information, like information within the last year, as to what kind of relationship Sergeant Petersen has with his stepbrother?

DOMAN: No. I really wish I did, but no.

VAN SUSTEREN: Anything about Tom Morphey that stands out in your mind that you want to add, Charlie?

DOMAN: I know — I know at the time, he was always worried about what Drew thought of him, what Drew would say if he did whatever. So Drew — drew was in his mind a lot when we'd be hanging out, and so on and so forth.

VAN SUSTEREN: All right. Now, he apparently had a drug overdose. We don't know if it was attempted suicide, whether it was an accident. When you heard about this, you know, did it occur to you that he might attempt to commit suicide or might be an accident? What was your thought?

DOMAN: I don't know. It just seemed to me like the same old Tom. He used to get really wasted all the time. I remember one instance, he — he flipped his truck while — while he was intoxicated, and that's as far as — I mean, when I heard that, I just — I don't know.

VAN SUSTEREN: All right. Does he have a drug problem, Charlie?

DOMAN: That I don't know for sure. I can't give specifics on that. I really don't know for sure.

VAN SUSTEREN: All right, Charlie. Thank you.

DOMAN: Thanks, Greta.

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