Bitter Pill to Swallow

Now some fresh pickings from the Political Grapevine:

Not What the Doctor Ordered

As the labor dispute continues in Wisconsin, the Milwaukee teachers union has dropped a lawsuit seeking to get back its taxpayer-funded Viagra.

Last July, the union sued to force the school board to once again include erectile dysfunction drugs in its insurance plans. It said excluding such medications discriminates against male employees.

The board cut the benefit back in 2005 to save money. Officials estimate taxpayers would be on the hook for almost $800,000 if the pills were put back into health plans.

Of the anti-climactic lawsuit, The Washington Post writes -- quote -- "Who knows how many man-hours and dollars the school district and the union wasted... These are ills you can't treat with a pill."

Can't We All Just Get Along?

During a Democratic fundraiser in Boston Tuesday night, President Obama called for Democrats and Republicans to put fighting aside. He then made a joke about the conspiracy theory that just won't go away -- quote -- "I was born in Hawaii, what can I say? I can't change those facts."

Meanwhile, New Hampshire lawmakers have updated an amendment that would require candidates to present their birth certificates when filing to run for president -- long-form birth certificates.

It would not take effect until January, 2013 -- instead of 60 days after passage. The Republican chairman of the House Election Law Committee says the change -- quote -- "is to diffuse any perception that this was directed at President Obama."

And late today the committee voted unanimously to recommend the full House kill the amendment.

Reality Check

And finally, White House party crasher Michaele Salahi has been booted from the reality series "Celebrity Rehab." VH1 says it is because she does not have an addiction.

Husband Tareq tells celebrity website TMZ his wife was fired due to a health condition and called that a violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act. Earlier this week, he told reporters his wife's only addiction was chocolate.