Bill O'Reilly: Why Democrats and President Obama do not believe the Benghazi story is all that important

By Bill O'Reilly

One of the major positives coming out of the presidential interview is that I learned a lot. Over the years I have talked with the President three times on television and a number of times off camera. But I really don't know him. And it was the intense Q&A this time around that taught me a few lessons.

The far right is making a huge mistake thinking that Mr. Obama is actively trying to harm the nation. He is not. His overriding concern can be summed up in two words, "social justice" it all comes back to that.

The President sincerely believes the deck is stacked against minority Americans and many working poor people. And he is trying to right that perceived wrong. So, accepting that premise, that social justice is the President's primary goal you begin to understand his posture on almost every other issue.

Let's take Benghazi. The President flat out said he did not mislead the nation and he believes the issue is trumped up by the Fox News Channel and others. But even more importantly, more importantly, the President doesn't see Benghazi or the IRS situation or the Obamacare screw ups as important in the long run. He sees them as mistakes. Believes we should all move on and support his goal of social justice.

It's the same thing that happened in the beginning of the Watergate situation when supporters of Richard Nixon attacked his critics saying it was quote "A third rate burglary." It's the same thing as President Clinton supporters who said over and over and over it is just about sex.

To Nixon and Clinton themselves, their troubles were rather inconsequential because those men believe that what they were doing for this country was far more important. Are we all getting this?

Now "Talking" Points believes and clearly stated in yesterday's memo that the Benghazi, IRS and Obamacare stories are very important to the nation. But President Obama disagrees with me and so do most of his supporters. Therefore, there will never be common ground on that. But the President has brought some scrutiny upon himself after saying this about Benghazi.


OBAMA: People don't know at the very moment exactly why something like this happens. And when you look at the videotape, of this whole thing unfolding, this is not some systematic, well-organized process. You see --

O'REILLY: -- there was heavy weapons used -- heavy weapons.

OBAMA: Bill, Bill, listen, I have gone through this. And we have had multiple hearings on it. What happens is you have an attack like this taking place and you have a mix of folks who are just trouble makers. You have folks who have an ideological agenda.

O'REILLY: All right.

OBAMA: You have some who are affiliated with terrorist organizations. You have some that are not.


O'REILLY: Based upon our investigation here, the attack that killed Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other brave Americans was an organized terrorist action.

Also, there is strong suspicion that the Obama re-election campaign did not want that made public because it might lose the President some votes back in 2012. Now, that's a big deal. And that's "The Memo."