Bill O'Reilly: The presidential race and race in America

The Presidential Race and Race in America. A brand new poll from Monmouth University runs it down. Have race relations in the U.S. become better or worse since Barack Obama became president? Better 10 percent. Worse 53 percent. No change 33 percent. Do you think that racial and ethnic discrimination in the U.S.A. is a problem? Big problem 68 percent, small problem 12 percent, not a problem 10 percent. Has Black Lives Matter made racial issues in America better or worse? Better 10 percent. Worse 48 percent, has it really changed things? Thirty six percent.

According to all of the polls, Donald Trump is dominating about, among white male voters but not doing out well in Black and Hispanic precincts. So, here's a breakdown of voting patterns last time around. 2012, 72 percent of the votes cast were white American voters. Thirteen percent Black. Ten percent Hispanic. Just three percent Asian. Voter turnout among White voters was 64 percent. Sixty seven percent of Black voters turned out no doubt. Because Barack Obama was on the ballot. Among Hispanic voters 48 percent showed up. Not a good amount. Forty seven percent for Asians. Not a good amount.

Now, there are about 11 million more eligible voters today than there were in 2012. Almost 75 percent of those new voters are minorities. A sign of how the U.S.A. is changing demographically. For Donald Trump to win, he has to turn out the White vote in great numbers. If he does that, he can live with 20 percent or less of the minority vote. And it's obvious at this convention and by the Trump strategy itself that his campaign believes White voters will put him in the White House. All of this sounds kind of ominous that you have an election pitting whites against minorities. And talking points wishes that were not the case but it is.

This time around many white voters feel aggrieved. Feel that the Obama administration is not looking out for them. That's what Laura Ingraham is talking about. Thus, the rise of Donald Trump. In the end, voter turnout will make the difference. Hillary Clinton will have to stimulate much support in the minority communities because the rise of Trump has already demonstrated that white working men in particular are on his side in overwhelming numbers. And that's "The Memo".

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