Bill O'Reilly: Republican presidential hopefuls get a boost from the southern border controversy

By Bill O'Reilly

With President Obama's poll numbers in a free fall and his strategy of disengagement on major issues, some Republican presidential hopefuls are stepping up. The man taking the most advantage of the situation, Texas Governor Rick Perry, who has now become Mr. Obama's primary adversary.


RICK PERRY (R), GOVERNOR OF TEXAS: That's the same president that said al Qaeda is on the run. And I don't know whether he is inept or there is something else going on as I said before. But the fact is the border is not secure. We have a humanitarian crisis on our hands now because the border is not secure. And the President needs to understand that the single most important thing that he can do is put the National Guard on the border to coordinate with local law enforcement, with our state law enforcement, with the border patrol.


O'REILLY: Well, Governor Perry clearly looking to run in 2016. And with a good economic story in Texas, he does have a solid foundation.

Possible candidate number two may surprise you. It is Mitt Romney. Some of his acolytes are whispering that he is considering another presidential run. And THE FACTOR has learned this is not idle talk.

Recently the Romney family held a big gathering on Mackinaw Island in northern Michigan. They stayed at the Grand Hotel up there -- very nice place. And there was much talk about Governor Romney running again. "New York Post" columnist Cindy Adams reports Mr. Romney may well do that and Ms. Adams has been right before in political predictions. "Talking Points" would not be surprised if Mitt Romney steps up.

The third possible candidate taking advantage of the southern border situation is Texas Senator Ted Cruz.


CRUZ: Apparently playing a game of pool is a higher priority for this President than it would be to go and see the humanitarian crisis he has created. The President is right in one regard. He has described what is happening on the border as a humanitarian crisis and it is but it's a crisis of the President's own creation.


O'REILLY: Mr. Cruz, obviously the darling of committed conservatives and certainly looking at a presidential campaign.

Some other possible candidates have not been as vocal on the border crisis -- Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky, Jeb Bush to name just two. So you can expect over the next six months to see the Republican candidates become more visible, more vocal and more critical of President Obama.

By early next year candidates must be out raising money if they want to compete with Hillary Clinton who is a lock to the Democratic nomination and therefore will not have to spend a lot of money securing it. The border has given Republicans a big opening -- pardon the pun -- and there's no question to some GOP folks are crossing into presidential competition.

That's "The Memo."