Bill O'Reilly: Defeating ISIS and other terror groups

By Bill O'Reilly

I don't know about you but I'm tired of the phony rhetoric surrounding the ISIS terror threat. I am also tired of hearing the phrase "boots on the ground" finally I am tired of being misled by the Obama administration.

Here is the truth. Syrian moderates cannot defeat the ISIS terror group. Let me repeat, even if the USA trains Syrian moderates and gives them weapons, they will not -- not be able to defeat the terrorists. Last week Congress approved arming and training the Syrians possibly to the tune of $500 million. If that money is actually spent it will be another total waste as the America debt approaches $18 trillion. Most Congress people know that but they voted symbolically to take action against ISIS.

So, what should we do? First of all there is not a single credible military person who thinks the ISIS terror group can be defeated without ground forces. So, we need ground forces.

However, the American people, perhaps rightly so, don't want to send any more of our troops into these chaotic countries. What about a mercenary army; elite fighters who would be well paid, well trained to defeat terrorists all over the world. Here's how it would work the fighters would be recruited by America and trained in the USA by our Special Forces. U.S. Army rules of engagement would be followed, strict discipline formed by the Geneva Convention. America would be in charge of selecting who makes the cut and how they are deployed with an eye on a 25,000-person force.

American and NATO officers would lead the mercenary army and the USA would also provide logistical support basing the first trained soldiers in Kurdistan. The force would be called the anti-terror army and the cost paid by the coalition that President Obama is trying to put together and these countries that won intelligence and protection from the USA and NATO would have to chip in. If they don't pay they get no help.

The elite force would be English speaking and because pay checks would be issued soldiers currently in Armed Forces around the world would not be eligible only American and NATO officers in command would be exempt from that. Each soldier would sign a contract, a three-year commitment and again they would be highly paid.

Finally, it would help a lot if the U.S. Congress would formally declare war on terrorism. And stop trying to coax reluctant sometimes cowardly countries into fighting Islamic terrorism. Look these terrorists are here to stay. They are going to kill as many people on this earth as they can. Just over the weekend the ISIS group released a statement on the net quote, "If you can kill a disbelieving American or European especially the spiteful and filthy French or an Australian or a Canadian or any other disbeliever, then rely upon Allah and kill him in any manner or way however it may be." That statement again from ISIS put out there in cyberspace obviously urging mass murder around the world.

So an anti-terror force will eventually have to be raised. Let's see if President Obama has the foresight and the guts to do it now.

And that's "The Memo".