Best of 'Culture Warriors' in No Spin Zone

This is a RUSH transcript from "The O'Reilly Factor," August 13, 2010. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

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JUAN WILLIAMS, GUEST HOST: In the "Culture Warrior" segment tonight: a potpourri of topics to tackle from beauty pageants for boys to Lady Gaga's racy video. Here is Bill with the "Warriors."


BILL O'REILLY: All right. Now, setting this up, this is not about Lady Gaga and what she does. You guys make your own decision on it. It's about every American kid between eight and 18 knows who this woman is. She is big, all right? So even though you might not like it, it's impossible to keep the kids away from her. Here is her latest video.


O'REILLY: OK. We did not show you the more explicit parts of that but it does get very, very explicit. So, Carlson, how do you process this?

GRETCHEN CARLSON, CO-HOST, "FOX & FRIENDS": I was watching this video with my father. I was embarrassed, the vulgarity, the women on women kissing, the porn, the brutal fight scene.

O'REILLY: So what do you do?

MARGARET HOOVER, REPUBLICAN STRATEGIST: It's exactly like when I was growing up, you couldn't keep me away from Madonna "Like a Prayer," "Justify My Love." Those videos were equally as vulgar.

O'REILLY: No, but you could. It was much harder for you to watch that. You didn't have the little machines on you.

HOOVER: In my day it was just as ubiquitous as it is now.

O'REILLY: All I want to know is how you process it with your children. What do you do?

HOOVER: I think you explain that it's art.

O'REILLY: It's art?

HOOVER: It's art and…


HOOVER: Look, I mean, look, she is an entertainer. That's what she does. She's an entertainer.

O'REILLY: All right. So you tell your kids it's art and it's OK for them to look at it?

HOOVER: No. What do you think? Do you think kids are actually internalizing this as though...


HOOVER: …oh, they are poisoning people. I'm going to go poison people.

O'REILLY: All right. So, you two, you say, it's art, take a permissive kind of view on it.

A lot of beauty pageants for kids, OK? I don't think that's healthy for children. But, you know, parents want to do it. You were a beauty contest person.

CARLSON: Not as a child.

HOOVER: Not as a four year old.

O'REILLY: But now, you are putting the boys in the beauty contest, right? Do we have some tape of this? OK. Look at this kid.

HOOVER: That's a boy.

O'REILLY: Zander, right. And he gets -- he gets in the beauty contest.

HOOVER: Well, Zander has won over 60 prizes, which also comes with a lot of monetary rewards as well. But, I mean, the reality is childhood pageants are about parents acting out their own fantasies on their children.

O'REILLY: What if the kid genuinely likes the attention and likes winning?

HOOVER: The kid has been taught to like the attention. But Zander has actually said he doesn't like losing because he doesn't like making his mom sad.

CARLSON: This mother, it's the lack of a little girl syndrome, No. 1. She is putting a boy in an impossible situation for him to try and develop, I don't know, I hate to say as a normal boy but I will. As a former Miss America, OK, I did not do child pageants. I was too busy studying and playing the violin, and that's what kids should be doing.

O'REILLY: Barbie is dressing in a very provocative way. So, little girls buy the Barbie doll and now we have kind of Barbie dolls that are slinky or something like that. So you say?

CARLSON: I say that a Malibu Barbie back in the '70s was voluptuous and she had a plunging bathing suit. However…

O'REILLY: This is Malibu Barbie.

CARLSON: Remember her back in the '70s?

O'REILLY: I think -- isn't she married to Leonardo DiCaprio?

CARLSON: I think that was Ken. But anyway, the bottom line is, do we really need to show that much cleavage with Barbie?

O'REILLY: I don't know.

CARLSON: The target audience is eight.

O'REILLY: How about you?

HOOVER: You know what? I just sort of feel like all girls who are playing with these Barbies don't have cleavage. They don't even know what lesson to take from this. Barbies are undressed all the time anyway. Barbies are terrible representative of the female body type anyway. That Barbie is not a real person. She would be like 10 feet tall in order for her legs to be proportionate to her torso and her arms. So, honestly, I'm way more worried about Burka Barbie than I am Breasty Barbie.

O'REILLY: You know, what's really sad about this, in one of those displays most provocative one on the Barbie doll, Ken had a heart attack. He's in the hospital.

CARLSON: Well, Ken doesn't exist anymore, so maybe that's what happens...


O'REILLY: They deported him? He is an illegal alien. He is out of here.

CARLSON: You know what's the good thing about Barbie? They have career Barbies now, and those are the once that I would choose to buy.

HOOVER: And they dress appropriately for work.

O'REILLY: Ronald McDonald. Now, these, I have to say, I have to confess to the audience that these people, the Burger King guy and this -- they strike me as very strange. If I were a child, I would run the other way very fast if I ever saw these people. Nutritionists, Carlson, say that this guy is a dope dealer because he pushing bad stuff -- fast food -- on the kids, so get rid of him.

CARLSON: Not just that, they want to fire Ronald McDonald.

O'REILLY: Yes, because pushing the bad food.

CARLSON: According to their website, 50 percent of the country agrees with them. This is ludicrous. Whatever happened to personal responsibility in our society? Why do they want to fire him? Because they say that he is somehow emulating or is emblematic of getting fat.

HOOVER: You know what Ronald McDonald is also known for? For 35 years, he has been know for the Ronald McDonald Houses.

CARLSON: Exactly.

HOOVER: Across the country. They do great stuff for kids.

O'REILLY: I have no beef with McDonald's. Wait. You stepped on my line. I have no beef with McDonald's. You just went right through it, I just want to make sure I'm playing devil's advocate here. I have no beef with McDonald's. You want to eat there, fine. But it is high caloric food. It's not the healthiest food in the world. Everybody knows that.

HOOVER: He is also the victim of an anti-corporate sort of sentiment and it's also sort of a nanny state...

O'REILLY: Ronald is?

HOOVER: Yes. It's like these nanny state people who want to tell you what to eat. And they want to fire Ronald McDonald because somehow he's responsible for kids getting fat.

CARLSON: And I disagree with the fact that it's all unhealthy. My daughter goes there, she gets the plain hamburger, she doesn't eat the bread, and she doesn't like French fries; she gets apple slices. What the heck's wrong with that meal?

O'REILLY: All I know is if you eat a double Big Mac, it's like 1,500 calories.

CARLSON: So what?

O'REILLY: Well, that leads to very heavy people if you are eating four or five a day.


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