Best and worst of 2015 commencement address season

This is a rush transcript from "The Five," May 18, 2015. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

ERIC BOLLING, CO-HOST: Hello, everyone. I'm Eric Bolling, along with Kimberly Guilfoyle, Julie Roginsky, Dana Perino and Greg Gutfeld. Its 5 o'clock in New York City and this is "The Five."

Well, it's that time of year again. College graduation season and lots of big names are giving advice to the class of 2015 in commencement addresses. Let's start with the highlights from this past weekend, which included among others, a celebrity, a CEO and a former president. All right, all right, all right. First stop, Oscar winner and Hollywood heartthrob Matthew McConaughey with an inspiring message for the University of Houston Grads, about life.


MATTHEW MCCONAUGHEY, OSCAR WINNER ACTOR: Congratulations class of 2015.


MCCONAUGHEY: Life is not fair, it never was and it is now and it won't ever be. Do not fall into the trap. The entitlement trap, of feeling like you're a victim. You are not.


BOLLING: And next up, Apple CEO, Tim Cook hits George Washington University, telling grads they should bring their values with them to the workplace.


TIM COOK, APPLE CEO: Graduates, your values matter. They are your north star. And work takes on new meaning when you feel you're pointed in the right direction. Otherwise, it's just a job. And life is too short for that.


BOLLING: And in his first commencement since leaving office, President George W. Bush tells the class of 2015 at SMU, grades aren't all you need to become the most powerful man in the world.


GEORGE W. BUSH, FORMER PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: Those of you who are graduating this afternoon with high honors, awards and distinctions, I say well done. And as I like to tell the "C" students, you, too, can be president.



BOLLING: So we're going to be doing this all week. Parents, grads, get your pictures and send it into us and we'll give you the address at the end of the block. But, but K.G, start --

KIMBERLY GUILFOYLE, CO-HOST: Those were all good.

BOLLING: Those were good --


BOLLING: I like Matthew McConaughey's advice. Life ain't fair, never has been, isn't and probably never will be. Get used to it.

GUILFOYLE: Right. But you know what, to make your, your own luck, I think as person, work hard, don't expect handouts or entitlements. That's not going to get you anywhere. Waking up every morning, hoping that somebody is gonna hand you the keys to a new car or a brand new house, it's not -- that's not the way life works, is it? So, with him I think that was very good and he has lived true to his values and what he believes through hard work, and he's hang in there and he has made a great - you know career for himself. He speaks from the heart, big, big fan of his. WFL (ph) was fantastic, funny, charming, self (inaudible) and I was glad to see him -- you know it first like public speech like this and doing commencement since he was president.

BOLLING: Dana, did you like that one?

DANA PERINO, CO-HOST: Yes, I love that line. It's always a good line. I also like it that the head of the university, really wanted President Bush to give the speech, and when he called him he said, Mr. President, do you believe in free speech, and he said, yes, he said, well that's good, because we'd like you to give one.


PERINO: That's like a classic line of his, or you get a little laugh. That Matthew McConaughey -- getting him to come to the university that was a huge get for University of Houston. This has become like the rock star, the competition. My graduation speaker was Rita Morano from The Electric Company.


PERINO: Remember her?


PERINO: It was a big deal actually, at the time.

BOLLING: We have a couple of --


GUILFOYLE: How do you feel like it?

BOLLING: My, my Rudolf --

PERINO: Programming?


BOLLING: Remember my Rudolf? She, she delivered the one at Tulane. She ended with the national anthem. Kind of funny into some Beyonc, tunes. Ed Helms, a comedian, delivered the commencement at UVA and went very, very hard after Rolling Stones, Greg, your thoughts on any of these?

GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: Well, you forgot. I spoke at the commencement for middle school this weekend, but then I was asked to leave, that I was uninvited. I find most of these (inaudible) lists --

PERINO: You were on the program.

GUTFELD: Except -- Ed Helms was interesting because, you didn't expect him to go after Rolling Stone, which is kind of refreshing. But most of this stuff to me is meaningless. It's for the college to get good press.


GUTFELD: There's nothing you can't remember from a lot of these people who are speaking other than their name and -- like I mean, Bill Nye is not gonna change your mind on anything. He's just there to be famous and for every -- and the college that they look who we had there -- I thought that Tim -- what's his name? Tim Cook?


GUTFELD: I disagreed with him when he said bring values to -- to your work, because what if they are bad values? You should just go, go to work, work hard, be a perfectionist, be a work hard -- be a workhorse. If you work 10 years straight, you'll be comfortable and set for life. That is a fact.

PERINO: Can I comment on that Eric?

BOLLING: Yeah, yeah.

PERINO: I know Julie needs to get in here. I just want to comment on that part about -- just jump into a job. You're not going to be able to save the world in your first job. So get in, get a job and then you -- actually, when you earn a little bit of money, then you can do more good. Then bringing your values doesn't mean you have to compromise yourself. But if you plan to like save the world at Global Warming and you went -- really want to work for a green energy field. Well, the place to go is actually to work for Chevron and Exxon. They are actually are funding all the green energy stuff. So, you got to get over this idea that you can't work for a big corporation, or for big oil or bigger pharma, because actually, those are some of the great jobs are and you can do good there.

GUILFOYLE: How about get a job?


JULIE ROGINSKY, GUEST CO-HOST: Yeah, I -- I agree with that.

GUILFOYLE: Your parents forever.

ROGINSKY: Yeah, I agree with that. Because I think so many people get out of college and they feel entitled like, I need to get my ideal job. Show up, the best piece of advice that you can get to somebody show up. My first job, I worked for a congressman. I was showing up at the airport at 2:00 a.m. to pick him up, because nobody else wanted to. And guess what --


ROGINSKY: We got to know each other and like each other and that's how I ended up with --

BOLLING: So the speech is --

ROGINSKY: Another job.

BOLLING: And we should talk about this a little bit. Or suppose of -- the way I understand, give, give the college grads some helpful, useful advice. They are about to go into the job market. They are gonna go compete with other people, compete with the Chinese, compete with the Brazilians, let's take a listen -- those were some pretty good speeches. But, put yourself in the Rutgers graduating class. About to head out into the workforce, waiting years some useful advice, and you get Bill Nye, they quote, "Science Guy" delivering another long-winded liberal progressive dissertation on the dangers of climate -- climate change.


BILL NYE, THE SCIENCE GUY: We are now deep in the most serious environmental crisis in human history. I believe you all can avoid this looming disaster. The oncoming trouble I speak of is climate change. It's going to affect all of you in the same way the Second World War consumed people of my parent's generation.


BOLLING: All right. So thank you -- really? Obvious, he will provide (inaudible) --

GUTFELD: He commits the -- self-centered sin of seeking accolades, rather than dispensing truth. He came into fame late in life and now he is trying to get as much as he can. This was supposed to be for students and he made it for himself --


GUTFELD: I will call the opposite of wisdom.

PERINO: Well, the other thing is that Rutgers is the same university that last year, initially invited Conde Rice to speak, and then she basically bowed out, because there was such a human cry that -- all my gosh, somebody who I might disagree with politically is gonna come and give the commencement address. So Bill Nye is actually the safest choice if you want to go a --


PERINO: Liberal academic university.

GUTFELD: Protectable --

PERINO: You don't want to challenge your students and think about anything and you want to get some decent press from the left wing media, Bill Nye is your guy.

BOLLING: And not only that K.G., its one final chance that a captive student body audience for. They just have to sit there and listen to your liberal, progressive --

GUILFOYLE: Well, so what you can do like, pull out all like the liberal brainwash right, admit it. Use some common sense and great values, the love of American exceptionalism.

BOLLING: Very good point, but the conservatives who speak -- Julie, tends to be more pragmatic. They intend to give more useful advice for the kids who are going out into, into the workforce.

GUILFOYLE: He's not gonna group (ph).

ROGINSKY: I don't know about that.


ROGINSKY: Base on what? But wait guys, people exist. I actually agree with Dana. I was disgust of our Rutgers last year when they disinvite her. They didn't disinvite her, but they made it impossible for Condoleezza Rice --

PERINO: Terrible.

ROGINSKY: To show up and this a big problem at university where they decide to bow down a pressure, when the student body doesn't want something as opposed to exposing people to different points of view. My graduating speaker was -- I want to be you, was Robert Kraft, is that his name? The owner of the Patriots, you know Patriot, and George Costanza.

BOLLING: Was it Deflating?

PERINO: Well, that's a good one.

ROGINSKY: Yeah. And --

GUTFELD: Jason Alexander.

ROGINSKY: Jason Alexander. Thank you.


ROGINSKY: Who -- and also Justin Stouder, who, nobody knew, because everybody was so excited to George Costanza around. So I don't remember anything --

BOLLING: Do you have --

ROGINSKY: Anybody said.

BOLLING: What you commencement speeches?

ROGINSKY: I went to the school, yeah. But -- that's why the tuition is so high. But, I have also don't -- you know, I don't remember a word they said. I didn't care.

PERINO: Speeches are kind of more for the appearance in some ways.

ROGINSKY: Yeah. PERINO: In some ways.

ROGINSKY: I agree.

GUTFELD: It's more for the press. So it is --

PERINO: That's true.

GUTFELD: And graduated (inaudible).

BOLLING: Well, let's listen to this one. Vice President Joe Biden, spoke at Yale's commencement yesterday, and they delivered some - well I would say, some pretty good advice. He talked about being almost there, you know. Number two, and about being careful, because at times your big mouth can get you in trouble.


JOE BIDEN, VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: When you question a man's motives, when you say they are acting out of greed, they are in the pocket of an interest group, et cetera. It's awful hard to reach consensus. It's awful hard to reach across the table and shake hands. No matter how bitterly you disagree, though, it is always possible if you question judgment and not motive.


BOLLING: Good point, though.

PERINO: Yeah. I think Joe Biden -- you know, I write and the good news is a great story about meeting him and he -- I was nervous to meet him because I thought I would kind of a critic, I don't want him to see -- but he gave me this huge hug and said, "Dana, why don't you come over to our side you know, I listen to everything you say." And when I said, "I listen to everything you say too, so I can make fun of it later." He laughed so hard, he's actually one of the most likable people in Washington. I think that was a great get for Yale.

GUTFELD: Can I just split out that this -- they could have picked a better example. What this was based on, was the fact that he had gone after Jesse Helms for not being - for a bill that would help the disabled, and he questioned Jesse Helms his intent, not his judgment. It turns out Jesse Helms had an adopted disabled child.

PERINO: Right.

GUTFELD: What Biden's point was making is so important that we have gone wrong in this country by questioning our intent and not our judgment.


GUTFELD: We -- the left likes to think that we, the right or evil. The right likes to think the left are wrong. But that is because we question judgment, they question intent.

PERINO: And that just happened last week. When -- when President Obama did the event at AEI. He said, basically, the people -- the conservatives are not generous people.


PERINO: Remember that?

GUTFELD: Yeah, yeah.

PERINO: And the Republicans wouldn't ever support a bill to help people in Baltimore.


BOLLING: Can I also jump in and piggy back. The left -- up in arms, outrageous goes right after (inaudible). If we say something that is -- they deem offensive, a racist, a feminist, Islamophobic, they jump down and they are not talking about the intent. They are talking about the -- they are talking about the intent, not the judgment and literally, sometimes, just bad judgment on someone's part, that they (inaudible).

ROGINSKY: He is the left. That he tell you not to do this. What do you mean the left does this? Joe Biden is the left. And he is --

GUTFELD: It's not quite (inaudible).

BOLLING: Media Matters.


BOLLING: You said it (inaudible)

ROGINSKY: Media matters, does not allowed --

BOLLING: Media matters, does not --

PERINO: Got it.

BOLLING: MSNBC, Al Sharpton, Billmark (ph) --


BOLLING: There -- there are many of that.

ROGINSKY: I am the left and I don't subscribe to any of those people. Come one, it happens.

BOLLING: Did you like --

GUILFOYLE: Now you gave me on a (inaudible) list.

BOLLING: Do you like --

ROGINSKY: Sure. I already am.

BOLLING: The vice president's --

GUILFOYLE: I like that he showed up, that he came with his personable, gray, I mean dark, the dark glasses like the little --

GUTFELD: Aviators.

GUILFOYLE: Yeah, I don't know. It was like a little man in black --


PERINO: He might have eye sensitivity. A light sensitivity, I can sympathize.

GUILFOYLE: Yes. What we have, we've had some eye issues together. But anyway, but I think he did a great job. He's a good speaker. He did well in the debates, so I wasn't surprised.

BOLLING: Very good -- Greg?

GUTFELD: Can I add a piece of advice for all people graduating? Do not make your past a liability. Get your online footprint as small as possible. Get off the grid, because that stuff is going to follow you. And when you try to go get a job, because I -- I interviewed for assistants, I look at everything. Your Facebook, Twitter, get a -- career in the real world is better than some weird world in a floaty (ph) online universe, because you don't get paid for that.

PERINO: That's right.

BOLLING: We're going to leave it right there. Tweet us your pictures of your 2015 college graduation --

GUILFOYLE: Can we just get a (inaudible)

GUTFELD: Raise (ph).


BOLLING: That's true. Do you think (inaudible)? It's just a nice graduating picture.

GUILFOYLE: Oh my, gosh.

BOLLING: Add #thefivegrads or got to our Facebook page. Share a clean, good, nice photo that's it all about.

GUILFOYLE: Greg, approve --

BOLLING: We're going to feature some throughout the week.

Directly, ahead though. Iraqi soldiers running away in defeat as ISIS takes control of the key Iraqi City Ramadi. The embarrassing blow comes after the Pentagon officials. Friday, had Said ISIS was on the run. What went wrong? Details, next.


PERINO: ISIS on the march and Iraqi troops on the run as the terror group captures the key city of Ramadi. Hundreds of Iraqi soldiers and civilians have reportedly been killed and video shows the Iraqi troops fleeing the city despite the sustain U.S. led airstrikes. So why does the administration continue to tell us, we are in control of this fight. Listen.


ERIC SCHULTZ, WHITE HOUSE DEPUTY PRESS SECRETARY: ISIS momentum has indeed been blunted. Its ability to mass and maneuver forces are degraded. Its leadership sells pressured or eliminated. Its command and control and supply lines severed.

BRIGADIER GENERAL THOMAS WEIDLEY, COMBINED JOINT TASK FORCE CHIEF OF STAFF: The coalition strategy, I believe it's clear and our campaign is on track. He firmly believed that, he's only defensive throughout Iraq and Syria, attempting to hold previous gains while conducting small scale localized throughout the attacks.


PERINO: Earlier today, the Pentagon acknowledged the fall of Ramadi represented a setback. Yet, still claims the coalition is in control. Spokesman Steven Warren, says quote, "Our assessment overall across the entire breadth and depth of battlefield, we believe that ISIL is on the defensive." This weekend, Kimberly --


PERINO: Saturday, there was a good kill of one of the lead Al-Qaeda -- I'm sorry, it was, it is ISIS. Guys, that was actually in charge like the money.

GUILFOYLE: But finance.

PERINO: That was, that was and that was really good, because there was a raid, he was killed and his wife was captured and you can get actually get some Intel, OK.

GUILFOYLE: Sure. So there's an ability to gather intelligence, education, yeah.

PERINO: But on -- and so the White House celebrated that. They were right to, but on the same day, Ramadi falls to ISIS, which is actually losing an entire city. Why they disconnect? Why would they not offset anything?

GUILFOYLE: Yeah and it just the juxtaposition is so striking, right. Because that is -- this was something that they kept saying, no, it's not going to happen, it's not gonna happen, they are being blunted, they are being held back, but in fact, no. Very much losing it in Iraq and ISIS is winning and Ramadi is a stunning, shocking example of that. If anybody can sit there with a straight face and say that we're doing well against them, after the recent developments in this weekend, they are mistaken. Again, not to diminish what happened with the delta forces and what they were able to accomplish and hopefully, they will gonna be able to get some more, you know real time intelligence, so that we can have more accurate strikes and do some more operations like that. But, this to me, I think was just a very sobering to hear that this happened.

PERINO: Anbar province up there so take 66 -- Ramadi is at 68 miles west of Baghdad. Anbar province is where -- Greg, a lot of our military, a lot of coalition forces and a lot of -- of the area fighters decided to come together and work together to push back against the militias. Each president has multiple audiences whenever they talk, one of the most important being your own military. What sort of messaging do you think that they are hearing from this? You think they are agreeing with the Pentagon or are they worried?

GUTFELD: I think they are worried and they should be worried, because there's a greater bitterness that is driving a lot of these actions. Not only were a lot of these people in the White House against the war, they were even more against it, it seem, because we won the war. There's a certain petulant about the fact that it's a Bush war and that they won. And there's a desire to distance one's self from American imperialism by letting Iraq disintegrate. The idea is that, an American victory is just another sign of American decadence and American evil, to shame of the past that dictates even our victories be losses, because that was a victory, but we turned it into a loss, because we were shamed by our own victories. Where does that idea come from?

PERINO: And the part of that was a precipitative (ph) -- precipitous departure, the one thing that probably should have been changed --

GUTFELD: That was our punishment.

PERINO: But that was a good transition, because I want to play this sound bite from Vice President Biden -- let me see, one was this? It was in 2010. This is what he said, Iraq would be for the White House.


BIDEN: I am very optimistic about Iraq. I think it's going to be one of the great achievements of this administration. You're going to see a stable government in Iraq that is actually moving toward a representative government.


PERINO: So I know they want to blame Bush for a lot of things and that -- I understand that. But -- if you see that and you see today, do you think they bear any responsibility or do they think they bear any responsibility to the -- for the situation?

BOLLING: Well, if they fell in 2010, as Joe Biden -- Vice President Biden said, that it was -- things were good, they have this under control and now they don't based on the actions of -- the decisions of the Obama administration, then they should take -- takes all of the blame for it. My concern here is what -- look, ISIS surrounded Ramadi. They had Ramadi surrounded for a long time. We were holding them back. They took Ramadi and because the Iraqi soldiers, the security forces are running away. They are dropping arms and running away. What's going to happen with Baghdad? Hopefully, that doesn't -- we don't have the same situation. In the meantime, where -- the Iraqis are begging the Iranians to help them push back ISIS. Where do we go with this? Do we help the Iranians push ISIS back? Do we stay out of it? It just - it gets such a cluster you know what, in the Middle East.

PERINO: It gets harder with every day. And I want to add to Julie that.

BOLLING: And the lines are blurred.

PERINO: So I want to ask Julie that, because the Special Forces -- I don't know if this is official, right? But I hear things. They are willing to go in. Do you think that the left could accept, say a 5,000-person deployment of our special forces to try to prevent something even more drastic down the road?

ROGINSKY: I think --

PERINO: Would they accept that today?

ROGINSKY: I think -- yeah. I think they would, but the problem is that, I don't think 5,000 is enough, I mean, Greg, you talked about us winning the war. What will the war means that we have a pluralistic society in Iraq, and the problem is we'll never have that. We need a hundred thousand troops to go in --

PERINO: I don't think so.

ROGINSKY: To stabilize the country, 5,000 is not going to do it, the problem is, that as Eric pointed out -- I think very correctly, we are caught between a rock and a hard place. Because we've got again, the Iranians who are -- you know, I'm sorry to say, but when we got rid of Saddam Hussein, we gave Iran a (inaudible) to go in. Because the Shia majority was able to then go in and do what they do what they were supposed to do, which is represent their own people. The Sunni is obviously had a problem with that. We're in the midst of a huge (inaudible) war and we as Americans, we need to say, either A, we go in with the 100,000 troops and take over the country militarily, or we leave them for their own devices and I don't know what the answer to that is, but there are no good answers here.

PERINO: Well -- I think they are -- I think there's a better answer than what we have now, and that is at least to try. In January 2009, Kimberly, there was a military and political solution run by the General Petraeus and Ryan Crocker, to get it to a place where they could hand it over to President Obama, not perfect, but better than it had been. Do you think that President Obama is thinking -- OK, 20 from months from now, I hand the keys over to whoever it might be, Republican or Democrat, do you think he bares that, it feels like he has any responsibility to hand over something somewhat stable?

GUILFOYLE: I think that it's his big goal is to reduce U.S. involvement and troop commitment to make sure that he does not exceed that. Because I think, to be honest he's -- I think more concerned with his core political group with the ideals and principles he stands for and with not expanding U.S. troop involvement. I really do, I think he's doing the bare minimum he can to keep it somewhat stabilized so that he doesn't hand this over in that bad of condition. But I don't think that's going to be the case.

PERINO: Greg, I'll give you the last word on civilian causalities. About 500 Iraqis -- we don't know the exact number, but there were troops were there, innocent people that were caught in the middle. About 8,000 have fled. So now you're having major refugee crisis, almost over -- over a million people --

BOLLING: 25,000 they just --

PERINO: In Jordan.

GUTFELD: I don't know.

PERINO: It's 25,000, OK. So it keeps going up.

GUTFELD: I don't think you can prove that's true. I mean, remember Reza Aslan on another network claims that FNC perpetuates the myth of ISIS for the purpose of ratings. So maybe this was all controlled by FNC with the help of the CIA to engineer this fall of Ramadi in order to create ratings for us.

GUILFOYLE: Someone is going to believe that.

GUTFELD: Yeah. It is.

PERINO: No, No, you guys have to believe that it was my driver last week. Remember --

GUTFELD: Yeah, yeah.

PERINO: Anyone saw my Twitter feed last Friday night, there's actually there are people that believe this.

GUTFELD: So we used to be able -- as a country, no matter what side you are on, you used to understand what evil was. You could look, and you could see, if you saw the beheadings, and you could see ISIS, yes that's evil. But now you are mocked for such concern. You are seen as, that's not really a big deal --

ROGINSKY: That was before.

PERINO: Or you're blamed.


PERINO: You blamed -- somehow you're responsible --


PERINO: For that. All right, we got to keep going. Ahead on The Five, a shootout between five rival biker gangs in Waco, Texas, turned deadly this weekend, with some cops calling the violence unprecedented. Details, when we return.


GUILFOYLE: Police remain on high alert after a bloody shootout between rival biker gangs at a restaurant yesterday in Waco, Texas. Nine people were killed, 18 others were wounded, 170 people have been arrested on charges including organized crime, and over 100 weapons including guns and knives, have been recovered from the scene. Waco police describe this chaotic scene.


SGT. PATRICK SWNATON, WACO POLICE DEPT.: Disturbance erupted inside the restaurant. It started in the restroom, quickly escalated to the outdoor patio bar area. Shots were fired inside the restaurant by rival biker gang members at each other. We have wounded inside, we had people stabbed, we have people shot and we have people beat.


GUILFOYLE: So apparently, from the reports is one of the most violent scenes that they have ever experienced, one officer (inaudible) in 34 years of law enforcement history of him working. So Eric, you have some facts on this.

BOLLING: Five biker gangs, hundreds of bikers, nine biker thugs are dead. Here's the thing: no cops were killed, no bystanders were killed, no other people in the restaurant. It was only bikers killed. And for me, that means the cops arrived on time, fast, they controlled the situation as fast as they could. And that, my friends, is great Waco police work.

GUILFOYLE: But still, look at the magnitude, the scale of what happened here. I mean, so to me this seems like someone should have had some intelligence gathering to know that this was going to happen. So there was a fail in the system that they were able to assemble with this many people what I believe was obviously some kind of organized situation, perhaps arguing over some territory or drug trade, in my experience as a former prosecutor. And especially with that much weaponry, that's like a good old-fashioned rumble. Dana, you know the area.

PERINO: Well, I do know the area. I spent a lot of nights in Waco during the Bush administration, because his ranch, President Bush's ranch, was not too far away in Crawford.

But I'm at a loss here, because I never thought anything like this in Waco. I mean, maybe it's just like a different world to -- I was obviously working a lot.

But I understand that a lot of the patrons actually hid in the refrigerator, in the freezer. And I agree with you, Kimberly, it does sound like it's very much -- it was planned.

And I don't understand on the intelligence part. Somehow there was a breakdown where people aren't trusting the police enough to let them know, "Hey, I might have heard something. This is going to go down."

ROGINSKY: I think it sounds like this Sergeant Swanton who just spoke said that they actually asked Twin Peaks to get rid of their biker day or whatever this was, and Twin Peaks wouldn't do it. So...

GUILFOYLE: Well, they lost. There was a statement issued that they put out on Facebook from the Twin Peaks, saying for the corporate office -- saying that they failed to exercise, you know, the warnings that they told them about. "Advice from both the police and our company, did not uphold the high security standards to ensure safety of everyone at our restaurant." So they said, "You know what? No more franchise for you."

ROGINSKY: Yes, but it sounds like...

GUILFOYLE: Who would want to go there the next day anyway?

ROGINSKY: But it sounds like the police actually did have intelligence. It's the restaurant that just wouldn't cancel it. Or to some extent. I don't know what they were thinking, because if you show up with that many biker gangs, what are you...

BOLLING: They had been for days talking about a fight. They were talking about they knew this was going to -- at some point, this was going to go down -- Greg.

GUTFELD: Yes. Thugs come in every race. And this is thuggery at its worst.

There is some truth, though, to like -- there's a certain glorification of violence that you don't see elsewhere in a way that we are OK with "The Sopranos" and "Breaking Bad" and "Sons of Anarchy," which are all filled with drugs and murder and guns. But you can't -- you will never have a black "Sons of Anarchy." You will never glorify that.

I find that a bit interesting to me, that this -- we kind of look at this differently, because it's bikers. There's a certain romance to bikers. The Hell's Angels.

ROGINSKY: Altamont. Remember Altamont?

GUILFOYLE: And there -- so there's definitely a level of hypocrisy going on. If you were disgusted by violence at a hip-hop concert, you should be every bit as disgusted at what happened here, and more people died.

BOLLING: You know what, though? It's logic when the second biker gang shows up.


BOLLING: You're calling the cops.

GUILFOYLE: And then when the third and then the fourth.


PERINO: What are they fighting -- I don't understand the gang part, though, Kimberly. For what?


GUILFOYLE: I think narcotics is behind this, really, at the center of it. We're going to find out. They're still doing the investigation. When you have this kind of just a chaotic crime scene with all the weapons and all these people that they've arrested, so many witness statements, this is going to take a long time.

PERINO: This is a scene straight out of Elmore Leonard.

ROGINSKY: But there is apparently...

PERINO: You know what I'm talking about?

ROGINSKY: There is apparently a turf war with another biker gang on the West Coast over a Starbucks. It's like, a Starbucks? You're a biker gang?

PERINO: Maybe their narcotics is the tea.

ROGINSKY: A moca choca latte, yah, yah. Not you.

GUILFOYLE: I don't know. But you know what's nice there, too? Is that this restaurant, the corporate office said, "Our sympathies continue to be with the families of those who died. We are very thankful that employees, guests, police officers, or bystanders, none were injured or hurt in this," which is, by the way, pretty remarkable.

PERINO: And also, I think that the restaurant is trying to cover its rear.

GUILFOYLE: Liability.

PERINO: Because that was luck.

GUTFELD: Yes, also...

PERINO: And good police work. That wasn't because the restaurant did anything heroic.

GUTFELD: By the way, if you're for stop and frisk here in New York, maybe you should be stopping and frisking over there, as well.



GUTFELD: No, no. I'm talking -- there were 100 plus weapons that were -- that were picked up.

GUILFOYLE: All right. We wrap that up. We'll see. Big investigation going on, so we'll learn more in the next coming days.

But up next, spoiler alert, because we're talking about the "Madmen" finale when we come back. Want to know how it ends, or if you don't, don't go anywhere.


GUTFELD: The "Mad Men" finale was the perfect ending to an imperfect but stunning show, one that pondered human shame and need. There are people who don't know what they want in life and people who help them find it. It could be a religious figure, a seaside cult, or an ad man on a road trip soaking up the confusion of a restless country.

The show burrowed into the contradictions of America, how a country could be so great yet so unfulfilled. If you forgave the show's liberal hiss, it made sense. How could something so full feel so half-empty?

As Don Draper partakes in a group meditation at a retreat, he realizes that his journey of self was really unconscious work. He wasn't searching for the meaning of life at all, but just a new way to sell sugar water. The search for love became the way to sell Coke.

See, "Mad Men" exposed the commercialization of feeling that was the 1970s, which paved the way for the final triumph of identity over patriotism.

For "Mad Men," patriotism was part of a package deal. All the old bad stuff like racism and sexism and Vietnam was included. The problem is what replaced it was far worse: A fraudulent search for self that undermines any unity. That unity, that Coke commercial, promising one world in perfect harmony, that was a bigger lie than anything.

Don Draper saw that lie first. It's been here ever since. So whether you think "Mad Men" was a good or great thing, it was the real thing. And a sad thing.

So Julie, you and I are the only people here at this table that actually watched it.

ROGINSKY: And probably who watch the show, who watch that show.

GUTFELD: Yes. Including our audience. No, kidding. What did you make of the ending?

ROGINSKY: Loved it. I thought it was unbelievable. I agree with everything you said.

The only part of the ending I didn't love was that Peggy Olson, who is a feminist icon. That's a woman that broke barriers and realized she didn't really need a man to survive in life, ended up settling for some shlub down the -- down the hall, because...

GUTFELD: You're talking about Stan.

ROGINSKY: I'm talking about Stan. Stan, the guy who wasn't even a big character who all of a sudden, she's like, "Well, I guess I'm in my 30's. I better get married. I'll settle for the shlub down the hall."

BOLLING: Stop pointing at me.

ROGINSKY: The shlub down the hall.

GUTFELD: I think it's a more romantic thing where they finally realized each other. That's, you know.

ROGINSKY: You're such a romantic.

GUTFELD: I'm not. I was just trying to find something to say.

Dana, you did watch parts of the show.

PERINO: Yes. Initially.

GUTFELD: But you found the use of alcohol to be off putting.

PERINO: I did. The first season didn't grab me. OK, I was trying, like, why does everyone love this show? Then I thought it was maybe just because I was too busy that I couldn't understand it.

But the thing I really did find remarkable is that they drank all the time.


PERINO: So three-martini lunches was the norm. And I could never do that. And I don't know -- I guess it must have been real.

GUTFELD: You know what's real? Everybody had -- there are people that still have bars in their office. And their names don't rhyme with Geraldo.

PERINO: Oh, my gosh.

ROGINSKY: Go to Del Frisco's down the street.

PERINO: Anyway, that was a little off putting.

GUTFELD: It was off putting. Were you -- did you...

PERINO: I like that period and I like the fashion. That was kind of cool.

GUILFOYLE: So do I. That's what I have to say.

GUTFELD: Yes. Talk about the stuff that you don't...

GUILFOYLE: I mean, honestly, I do. I like the interior design. I love the beautiful bar carts, the vintage carts. I have one like that.

I like the costume design there in terms of the clothes of the period. I thought that was very nice and interesting to me. But other than that, I didn't have time to slot it in to become addicted to it.

ROGINSKY: Do you like what a hottie Jon Hamm is?

GUILFOYLE: Yes, I think he's quite attractive in real life, as well. Yes.

BOLLING: My homework was to watch the finale.

GUTFELD: And you've never seen the show?

BOLLING: I've never seen a minute of the show. So I watched...

PERINO: You took it seriously?

BOLLING: I started and I'm not going to fast forward to the very end, what you were talking about. I've got to tell you, great finale. Amazing way to finish a series. Much better than the finale of "The Sopranos," I thought. So many questions.

ROGINSKY: Bite your tongue.

BOLLING: No, no, listen, don't get me wrong. Loved the series. Also loved "Seinfeld" and didn't like either one of those finales.

PERINO: The best finale of late, though, was "Justified." That was a good one.

BOLLING: You don't like it?

GUILFOYLE: No, I'm saying sometimes it's such a let-down, especially when you're so committed to a series and watching it, that they just -- they never do it as well as you would like them to. Except you like "Justified."

BOLLING: It was pretty good. Did I read this right? At the end, at the very end, Don Draper develops the Coke commercial?


BOLLING: And would end up being the Coke...

GUTFELD: Yes. So what you think is that he's becoming almost like a peace -- a New Age-y Epsilon Institute follower, but he's just actually using it to create the ad.

PERINO: How mad is the person who really came up with that commercial?

GUTFELD: Exactly, because it's not true, but it's still a great story. All great stories are false.

OK. Up next, Al Sharpton's daughter, speaking of, is suing New York City for millions over a sprained ankle. But some recent pictures she posted on Instagram are raising questions about her claims. The details ahead.

GUILFOYLE: I mean, how bad...


ROGINSKY: He's no stranger to controversy, but now Reverend Al Sharpton's daughter is making headlines of her own. Dominique Sharpton is suing the city of New York, asking for $5 million for spraining her ankle in a crosswalk last October, claiming she was in, quote, "permanent physical pain." But less than three weeks after filing that suit, Sharpton posted pictures of herself after climbing to the top of a mountain in Bali, Indonesia.

So Greg, I actually have a question for you.


ROGINSKY: There were 774 claims in 2014 like hers. But yet we're not talking about any of them, because their last name is not Sharpton. Now, I'm not fan of Al Sharpton, but do you think this is unfair, to make a big deal out of this because it's his daughter?

GUTFELD: I think it's -- lawsuits are now getting better odds than playing the lotto or the horses in terms of getting money for nothing. So I think it's important -- I don't care who it is, to bring it up and make it an example so people know this stuff goes on.

And she's related to a charlatan. He's a charlatan. She's a charlatan.

And the great thing about the Web -- the only great thing about the Web -- it exposes fakes via their own stupidity. She posted these pictures of herself climbing a mountain. She'll probably sue the mountain now.

ROGINSKY: It calls back to A block. You shouldn't put stuff on Twitter, as Greg was talking about.

Kimberly, the odds of the city settling with her are pretty good. Right?


ROGINSKY: Because I think they typically do, right?

GUILFOYLE: Well, it depends, too. It doesn't mean that necessarily her claims are -- that she can't be compensated for it, despite she can go on and do some physical activity. But this is everything that's wrong with the tort system in this country today.

It's just appalling, because the direct cost of the U.S. tort system in 2009 just alone was approximately $250 billion. And you have people slip and fall. They, you know, slipped in a crack in the street. I guess she was down. But now she's climbing mountains. Doesn't seem like it's so debilitating or permanent.

She's also on Instagram -- again to your social media comments -- in high heels doing everything else. So how bad is your sprained ankle? And why do you need to be compensated for $5 million?


PERINO: I would not give her a dime, and I'd charge her with perjury.

BOLLING: Here's why, K.G. She works for the Al Sharpton National Action Network. He's a director there. They owe $4.5 million in back taxes. I don't know, $5 million number. It comes tax free, so that would take care of that.

Here's the question, though. Agree with you, Greg. Charlatan. The rotten apple doesn't fall far from the rotten tree.

ROGINSKY: The sins of the father...

BOLLING: But who is the -- who is defendant in this case, K.G.?

GUILFOYLE: It's going to be the city.

BOLLING: New York City. Who is the mayor of New York City?

GUILFOYLE: De Blasio. I'm winning this game.

BOLLING: Who's buddies with De Blasio? Al Sharpton, De Blasio, and they all hang out.

GUILFOYLE: The way you triangulated that.

BOLLING: This is so obvious. If they pay one penny...

PERINO: I agree.

BOLLING: ... they will be paying tens of millions or hundreds of millions of dollars in lawsuits over sprained ankles.

ROGINSKY: Wow. Well, on that really depressing note, because I still think the city is going to settle. And what do you...

PERINO: I said I would not give her a dime, and I think she should be charged with perjury. She made a sworn statement. She said that she -- she filed a lawsuit. She said she wanted the $5 million because of her sprained ankle. She lied. Therefore, I would not give her anything. I think the city should sue her.

For investing money in suing (ph) her.

GUILFOYLE: And by the way, she was able to go to NAN's Justice for All march in Washington and to a New Year's Eve party, you know, in Miami.

I'm so sorry. You must have taken some extra strength Tylenol to work through your pain.

ROGINSKY: All right. I've never seen Dana so riled up about anything.

PERINO: It makes me mad.

ROGINSKY: (UNINTELLIGIBLE). Really riled up about this.

All right. "One More Thing" is up next.


BOLLING: All right. Time for "One More Thing." I'm going to kick it off, in the spirit of the college graduate -- college spirit. Check this out. Ronald Nelson, a superstar high school student, was accepted to all eight Ivy League schools plus Johns Hopkins, plus Vanderbilt, plus more. Where did he decide to go? He decided to go to the University of Alabama, a state school. Check out why.


RONALD NELSON, ACCEPTED INTO ALL IVY LEAGUE SCHOOLS: I ended up choosing the University of Alabama, because not only was I accepted into their top honors program, which is the university fellows experience, I also received generous amounts of scholarship money. I plan on going to medical school, and I figured that I might as well just save that money now, and hopefully, it's going to...



BOLLING: Keep your eye on this guy.


BOLLING: This guy is the smartest. Keep your eye on him. He's awesome.

All right. Greg, you're up.

GUTFELD: If you want to read something interesting, go to I have an article on there on something I call social network dysmorphia. It's the sense of attention from others that is out of whack with your sense of attention for others. Meaning that you think that people are thinking about you more, because you're online too much. It's real, and I've invented it.

Time for...


GUTFELD: Greg's Sports Corner!


GUTFELD: Take a look at this.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The third baseman drives one to left. At the track, at the wall and it is gone, a home run.

You see the fan here off the glove of that woman and this guy comes barreling over, pushes her aside and takes it away.

That woman, about to catch the first career home run off the bat of Matt El Franco (ph). That guy comes over -- watch him push her here. There. Come on, dude.


GUTFELD: I mean, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, while she's trying to catch a ball. Actually, I think she ended up getting a free T-shirt.

PERINO: That's unbelievable.

GUTFELD: They're married now.

BOLLING: A Phillies fan.

GUILFOYLE: You know what? Who raised...

PERINO: You should do "I Hate These People."

GUILFOYLE: Who raised him that he behaves in such a reprehensible way?

GUTFELD: You've got to go.

GUILFOYLE: I ought to punch him.

ROGINSKY: Phillies fans are all like that.

GUILFOYLE: Speaking of punching and boxing, going a few rounds here and there, oh yes, Mitt Romney and Evander Holyfield faced off for Charity Vision. And it went fantastic, raised about $1 million. Take a look.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I want a good, clean fight. No head butts, no low blows. Mitt, no biting.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You can see, this is a lot of effort right here. Romney up against the ropes. He's going to work a little bit in the clinch.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The candidate will try and beat up the body. Down goes Holyfield.


GUILFOYLE: Well, if only (UNINTELLIGIBLE). I think it was fantastic.

Can I tell you something? I think Mitt Romney looks so handsome.

GUTFELD: That was just like every other boxing match: it's fixed.

GUILFOYLE: He looks amazing, don't you think?

BOLLING: Got to go. Jules.

ROGINSKY: Well, on that note, the guy that beat Mitt Romney got a Twitter today. Obama -- Barack Obama is now on Twitter, @POTUS. The handle will be handed off to the next president when Obama's term is up.

And this is what he said. "Hello, Twitter, it's Barack. Really! Six years in, they're finally giving me my own account."

Bill Clinton immediately tweeted him back, saying, "Welcome to Twitter, @POTUS. One question: Does that user name stay with the office? #askingforafriend." Ha-ha.

Hilarious. And hilarity ensued again. Obama responded: "Good question, @BillClinton. The handle comes with the house. Know anyone interested in @FLOTUS?"

BOLLING: He's friendly with Marco Rubio?

GUTFELD: Please read more tweets. Come on.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, my God.

PERINO: You know that thing, like, if your -- if your parents are on Facebook, it's time to get off Facebook?

GUILFOYLE: Change the password.

PERINO: I think that maybe that just happened to me and Twitter.

BOLLING: Your turn.

PERINO: OK, did you hear about this guy? The FBI says that this hacker says -- his name is Chris Roberts. He says that he actually got onto a plane's -- through the entertainment system. This is Chris Roberts here. He's saying that he was able to control the plane through the entertainment system.

I'll tell you, I was with a pilot last night who says that's not possible. We were on a flight, sitting next to me. They're rushing me, and now I'm really embarrassed. Anyway, he said it's not possible.

BOLLING: All right. We're going to leave it right there. "Special Report." Don't forget: Send your pictures.

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