Ben Carson on 'moral Monday' protests, Trump's tax plan

This is a rush transcript from "Your World," May 9, 2016. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

NEIL CAVUTO, HOST: All right. You are looking live at Omaha, Nebraska.  Donald Trump about to address quite a few supporters there, no doubt trying to respond as well to criticisms that he has been receiving from fellow Republicans who question whether he is a real Republican.

And then the other dustup that might have been created by his own V.P. selector, Ben Carson, who is saying that, well, he is open to anyone and everyone on that ticket for Donald Trump, including Democrats.

Ben Carson essentially doubling down on that with me earlier today.


BEN CARSON, R-FORMER PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: What I've said is that if there is a Democrat, a prominent Democrat, who believes in the Constitution, including the First and Second amendments, believes in personal responsibility, hard work, a hand up and rather than a handout, fiscal responsibility, and a strong responsible military, sure, I'd be happy to talk to such a person. But I don't know of any such people.  Somebody let me know.


CAVUTO: All right. So I just want to be clear, still out on the table, remote though it may be is a Democrat to run with Donald Trump.

CARSON: If they met all of those criteria. In which case they would really be a Republican (INAUDIBLE).

CAVUTO: OK. Switching gores. Could it end up being you? Could you be like what Dick Cheney was for President Bush? You go through the search and conclude, like Dick Cheney did, there's really no one better than me.

CARSON: I don't want it to be, because it would be such a big distraction.  You remember before, you know, once I started gaining steam the left just went berserk. Why would I want to bring all that distraction to the situation? It's much too important that we win.

CAVUTO: What about former candidates who ran like yourself? You seemed to have ruled yourself out, but Marco Rubio's name has come up. But, of course, they had a lot of bad words back and forth. Is that hard to overcome?

CARSON: It's not hard for me to overcome. Some people, you know, they let things stick in their craw a little longer. But, you know, the fact of the matter is, what we have to be thinking about is the country.

What is going to happen to the country if we fail in this endeavor? And therefore we have to make all of those issues secondary issues.

CAVUTO: But, you know, you've also got a good people sense, Doctor, maybe because of years as such a top surgeon, that you know to meet and talk to people, you have had a good way to sort of facilitate a discussion and a rational one at that.

And the fear seems to be -- and maybe it's part of the screening process, I don't know, that ill will from a campaign, if it's too ill, and people can't get past go, and they'll remember, as you said, even when you surged in the polls and you became a lightning rod for criticism, a lot of people are going to remember that.

Would you then preclude those individuals who were particularly nasty back and forth with Donald Trump and he with they, that whatever the justification, rallying around the nominee now, you would fear that the media wouldn't get over it, voters couldn't get over it, and so you take those people out?

CARSON: I don't know if you take them out but you certainly take that into consideration. You ask yourself, is that an indication of how they really feel or were they just doing what was politically expedient for them.  That's what we have to sort out.

CAVUTO: But you think that you could survive all the playing the press clips and everything else, because almost everyone who ran against Donald Trump was on the receiving end of his main calling, and then they returning with them. I mean, how do you sort that out?

CARSON: Well, that speaks to the level of maturity that a person has. You know, he said some things about me, too, but I recognized why that was going on. I know he doesn't really feel that way.

But, you know, people say what they need to say at the time. You can sort those kinds of things out by looking at a person's life, and by, you know, looking at their relationships with lots of other people.

It's complex thing. It's not just this simple political thought of this person can bring me this state or this person can bring me this demographic. It has got to go much deeper than that, because, you now, we're trying to fix an ailing country.

CAVUTO: So let me ask you, when you talk about trying to rally around people to fix an ailing country and do that, are you concerned with what Paul Ryan said yesterday that he hasn't really made up his mind on Donald Trump, and all these people are not going to be going to the Republican Convention, including Mitt Romney, including virtually all the Bush family?  What do you make of that?

CARSON: Well, once again, you know, people are reacting to their personal wound. They're not thinking about, you know, what is going to happen to the country, what's going to happen to our children and our grandchildren.  I think we have to give it also more time, a little more space, and let some of those raw wounds heal.


CAVUTO: They're not. They're not going. They're not going.

CARSON: In the long run, you know, rational thought processes will take precedence. That's what's going to happen.


CAVUTO: But what do you think of that? Just as someone who's trying to facilitate this discussion and say, all right, we've decided on a nominee, did the Paul Ryan thing surprise you? Did the reaction it's getting from the likes Nebraska Senator Ben Sasse, who thinks maybe they've got to look at a third-party candidate?

Are you concerned the guy you're helping is creating a firestorm and you're busy looking for a running mate but now people seem to be running away?

CARSON: Well, I'm concerned that the people who don't realize what the consequences of dividing the party and ignoring the will of the large number of people. That concerns me.

But like I said, I do believe they will come around. It's just -- recognize what we're dealing with here, Neil. We're dealing with a system, both Democrats and Republicans, that is used to having control and that is used to being able to control the candidate.

You've shown them something that they've not seen before. They don't know how to deal with it. So, you know, they will figure it out and then they will recognize what this right thing to do.

But this is brand new territory for them, so they're exploring right now.

CAVUTO: But they're doing more than exploring. If he were just an outside the box candidate, Doctor, with some unusual ideas, it would be one thing, but they remember the names. And like you say, those wounds take a while to heal.

But now they're raising the sort of flip-flops that they hear coming, not only on whether to put a Democrat on the ticket, you seem to say that might not be the case, but when it comes to self-funding, maybe not in the general election, he's going to raise money in that regard. When it comes to the minimum wage, he is open to raising it.

I mean, he is sending some mixed signals, is he not?

CARSON: Well, you know, as far as putting a Democrat on the ticket, you know, that's my own personal feeling.

CAVUTO: I understand.

CARSON: If there was one who really fit all this criteria, I think one of the things that we need to get away from is, if you're a Democrat, you're bad, if you're a Republican, you're bad.

Let's start thinking about being an American first, and if you're an American, and you're thinking about the welfare of those who are coming behind us, and you're thinking about personal responsibility and fiscal responsibility, I don't care what you call yourself.

CAVUTO: Well, a lot of conservatives in your party do, Doctor. And fairly or not, when they heard that they said, ah ha, we knew he really wasn't a conservative. They heard the minimum wage thing when he ruled against it when he was running, now saying that he is open to raising it, now saying yet another sign. We don't know where this guy stands.

CARSON: Well, I think most.


CAVUTO: I'm sure you've heard this. Here's another guy we thought, what do you say?

CARSON: Yes. I think most of the American people are much more mature than the politicians. And that's the reason that Donald Trump is where he is. Even though the establish did everything they could to stop it from happening. The people said, we don't want to contest it or a brokered convention.

We don't want all this slime that we have seen before, so they came out in record numbers to make sure that this.


CAVUTO: No, no, I understand, there's no denying that. And you're right, the numbers are what the numbers are and he won in a walk, to your point.  But were they fooled? Some conservatives are saying, wait a minute, this isn't the guy we thought.

CARSON: No, they're not fooled. If they've been fooled, then I know nothing about people, I can tell you that.

CAVUTO: SO looking at this now, and going through this search now, and also playing a key role of counseling Donald Trump and a bridge to the part of the party that wants to work with him, others who are afraid to work with him, feel they don't know him, how do you think this is all going to end up, Doctor?

CARSON: I think it's going to end up with conservatives across the board recognizing that if we put Hillary Clinton in there and she gets two or more Supreme Court judges, then America we know is gone, and that's going to be on their hands.

And I think they will recognize that. I think people are more mature as they get a chance to let this marinate a little while, think about it.  Right now, it's just the raw emotions, you know, with possibly losing control, then you start -- you know when you spray a fly with Raid and it starts spinning, it's sort of like that situation.

But it will all calm down.


CAVUTO: By the way, not for the fly sprayed with Raid, the fly generally dies.

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