Another Hot Air Hearing

They are called hearings. Why? Who's hearing?

I suspect, Judge Alito... and that's it.

He's the one we should be hearing. But he's the one who isn't talking.

Senators are doing the yapping, at a ratio — I clocked, unscientifically today — at about 6-to-1.

That means, six times more bloviating from senators than answering from Judge Alito.

And don't gang up on the Senate Judiciary Committee. That's all committees in Washington.

Every time Alan Greenspan comes up on Capitol Hill for his "hearings," he's the one listening — usually to long-winded politicians grandstanding and meaningless pseudo-intellectual babble, the stupidity of which is, well, stupefying.

And by the way, fair and balanced here, this isn't a Republican issue or Democrat issue — this is an all-senator, all-points-bulletin issue.

They all yap too much and ask too little.

It's insulting to us, it's insulting to Judge Alito and it's insulting to our country.

I'm still waiting for the senator who asks short, to the point questions, because he wants clear, to the point answers. In short: The senator who makes sense, not speeches. Alas, I haven't found him or her.

Hearings? Try... hot airings.

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