Animal Rights Activists Get Naked...

This is a partial transcript from "The O'Reilly Factor," February 12, 2007, that has been edited for clarity.

BILL O'REILLY, HOST: "Back of the Book" segment tonight. The People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, PETA, is running an ad on the Internet featuring the American flag and — well, take a look.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It is our duty in the coming months to continue drawing attention to the plight of animal abuse in the meat, clothing, experimentation and entertainment industry.

Often this will mean taking our clothes off. And we believe all this country needs to get the ball rolling is a little encouragement.

Our campaign against the atrocities at KFC continues, and we've taken on new challengers, as well. We've launched campaigns against Burberry, and (INAUDIBLE), calling on those companies to stop killing animals. We will be heard. And seen.


O'REILLY: Indeed. Joining us now from Norfolk, Virginia, the senior vice president of communications for PETA, Lisa Lange.

Lisa, Lisa, Lisa, Lisa. Now, I know you want attention. I know your group wants attention. And obviously, this is a way to get attention. You yourself, I believe have done a few of these stunts, right?


O'REILLY: And you do them to try to get your message out. And your message du jour is what?

LANGE: Well, you know, almost 400,000 people came to to see the state of the union undress. And for us that's a huge success, because when they're at the site they hear about our major campaigns, like we're trying to get KFC to stop killing animals, chickens in such violent ways.

They kill 800 million chickens a year. And most consumers don't know that these animals are having their throats slit while they're fully conscious and able to feel pain.

And so our campaign is to get consumers to know that as long as KFC is abusing chickens in a way that would be felony cruelty to animals if done to dogs or cats, they shouldn't buy chicken from this chain.

O'REILLY: All right. Now are you just against killing chickens? If they were euthanized in a better way would that be all right?

LANGE: Well, you know, we make — we make no apologies for being a vegetarian group. We want to stop eating...

O'REILLY: But I mean, you're a group that represents animal rights. But surely you can't say to people, Americans particularly, that if you eat meat that you're violating whatever, because most Americans exercise their freedom by eating meat.

And so I'm trying to get on the KFC thing if it's — if they changed their ways and did it a more humane execution of the chicken — I don't know how else to say it — would that be OK?

LANGE: Well, the thing is with our KFC campaign we're asking for some very practical things that KFC can do today, which includes instituting a policy of using only controlled atmosphere killing, which introduces a gas to the atmosphere and kills them painlessly.

O'REILLY: All right. All right. I got it. So you're not saying that KFC can't kill any chickens. You just want them killed in a certain way. All right.

LANGE: WE would — right. We would rather not see animals die to end up on someone's plates. But in the meantime, we're practical in our approach.

O'REILLY: All right.

Now a lot of people are going to be very offended that I even showed this PETA video, but again, I got to report what's going on in this country. And our philosophy is we don't show you anything you wouldn't see at the beach.

LANGE: Right.

O'REILLY: Do you think it might work against you in the sense that the folks would say, you know, these PETA people, No. 1, they're nuts, and No. 2, they're doing things to draw attention to themselves that are tawdry?

LANGE: No I think — you know, there's nothing wrong with sex. There is nothing wrong with being sexy. And it is working. If we're able to do something fun and upbeat, like our naked state of the union, and get the type of traffic that we're getting to our web site.

And we're able to monitor this. So we know that people are watching that video, and then they're moving onto our undercover investigations videos and choosing to download...

O'REILLY: Why can't we do it — why can't we do it in an intellectual way?

LANGE: Well, we do that, too.

O'REILLY: I know. I know.

LANGE: You know, it's because some people will hear about us for the first time because of our sexy "we'd rather go naked than wear fur" campaign. If that's how they're introduced to us, they'll keep coming back.

O'REILLY: So the ends — the ends justify the means?

LANGE: No one's hurt in all of this. There are no bad consequences. There are only good ones. People are able to watch a video and enjoy it and walk away, maybe understanding that they can come to us for a list of cruelty free products or a vegetarian starter kit.

O'REILLY: If kids go on there, can they get — you know, do you have the kid thing blocked out or something?

LANGE: Yes, yes. You know, you can only see the video if you're 18 years and older.

O'REILLY: All right. All right, Lisa, you know, I — you know, it's America. And we appreciate you coming on. People make up their own minds as always. Thanks very much.

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