Alyssa Milano 'On the Record'

This is a rush transcript from "On the Record," June 12, 2009. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

JAMIE COLBY, FOX NEWS GUEST HOST: We have known her for years as a star actress, but Alyssa Milano is two other things. She is an author and a huge baseball fan.

Earlier, Alyssa went "On the Record" with Greta about her book, "Safe at Home, confessions of a baseball fanatic."


VAN SUSTEREN: Alyssa, thank you very much for joining us.

ALYSSA MILANO, ACTRESS: Thank you for having me.

VAN SUSTEREN: "Safe at Home," a great new book. Did you have fun writing it?

MILANO: I did. I had a lot of fun. I was a little terrified at first. Prior to the book, I had only written blog entries, you know, which were maybe four paragraphs. So it was a daunting task, and it took me about a year and a half.

But it was fun. You hear so often, it was such a cathartic experience. But it was. It really was.

VAN SUSTEREN: It's a surprising topic, at least when I got the book, I was surprised to see the topics.

The me ask you some quick questions. On a one to 10 scale, 10 being the most, the best, how much you like baseball?


VAN SUSTEREN: Ten. All right, OK.

In terms of the game, would you rather go to the ballpark, watch it on the couch with your father, or listen to it on the radio?

MILANO: I think they all have their benefit. I love being at a ballpark just because of the community atmosphere. I love being on the couch with my dad. And I love Vin Scully's voice. I'm a Dodgers fan.

VAN SUSTEREN: It is sort of interesting, you even have a favorite spot on the couch, not just any spot. You write about it in your book that there is a special place on the couch.

MILANO: Yes, I have a lot of weird rituals. And I guess they are superstitions. And it's really odd, because I find that they have translated into my real life.

For instance, last week I was shooting a pilot, and we had this run-through. And the run-through went really well. And it was for the network and the studio. And I was a nervous wreck beforehand. And it went really well.

And then on tape night, I found myself like trying to repeat the same things that I did on run-through night, which, you know, I can only assume that I got that kind of habitual superstitious thing from being a sports fan, because that is the kind of stuff we do.

VAN SUSTEREN: Name your team.

MILANO: Dodgers.

VAN SUSTEREN: Name your team. And you got that from your father. Have you ever wavered a little bit and thought, well, maybe not the Dodgers?

MILANO: Yes. I have never said, maybe not the Dodgers, but I have said, you know, I could follow, if the Dodgers are out of that, I could follow the Angels or the Yankees.

My dad, once the Dodgers left Brooklyn, actually became a Yankees fan, so most of my childhood was spent watching the Yankees. It wasn't until we moved to L.A. when I was 12 that he became a Dodgers fan again.

VAN SUSTEREN: I think a lot of people would be surprised to find out you wrote a baseball book. How often do you listen? How much of a fan are you? Do you look of the scores every day when you can't watch a game? How carefully do you monitor the Brooklyn -- or the Los Angeles Dodgers, excuse me?

MILANO: Pretty, pretty, religiously. I have had season tickets for the past six years. So I go to a least 40 games a year.

And with technology being the way it is now, it is so much easier to support your team if you are not actually able to be at the game, just the application on the iPhone where you can get up-to-the-minute highlights, which is crazy.

You know, it is a very long off-season for me. I mean, I am a true fan. I feel like it has always been part of my being. It wasn't until my 20s when I really became obsessed and understood what I love about it, because it was more of a game before then.

But, yes, I follow them a lot.

VAN SUSTEREN: It is sort of interesting in reading her book, you can tell you're interested because you have this little sort of, under season tickets, you know the people in front of you and you wondered where they were when they did not show up at a number of games.

It is sort of part of the baseball culture in your little section. I mean, you know them very well.

MILANO: I know them. And I feel that being at a baseball game is almost one of the last -- I don't know my neighbors in Los Angeles, the people that live next door to me, but I know all of my neighbors at the stadium.

So I feel like baseball games are one of the only community aspects we have left in society. Maybe church is the only other thing I can think of where, you know, you can't wait to see them, and it becomes like a family.

VAN SUSTEREN: Barry Bonds is undoubtedly one of the greatest players. I have a problem calling him a greatest player. He is a player with an asterisk because of steroids. Are you a little more forgiving than that?

MILANO: I think so, yes. I think I can look at that and say, even if he didn't take the steroids, which I am not condoning steroids at all, he still would have been one of the greatest players.

I have maybe a different outlook on that whole issue, which is, baseball has dealt with controversy in the past, and they have overcome it. And we really are a pharmaceutical nation. Every commercial you see is about some pill to pop to make you feel better.

And I don't blame these players for trying to look for an end. They have done it year after year with different products, greenies and amphetamines, or, you know, spit on the baseball if you were a pitcher. And I think this is just the version of that that is sort of parallel to where we are. I equate it in the book, you know, that it is hard to find an actress over 40 that hasn't shot their face up with both talks, you know? Everyone is looking for some edge or some quick fix.

VAN SUSTEREN: A couple of quick questions -- football team. Do you have a football team, or not? Are you totally a baseball woman?

MILANO: I do. My fiancee's dad actually runs the chain gang for the New York Giants. So I have to say the New York Giants, otherwise I will be disowned.

VAN SUSTEREN: Basketball. Are you an NBA fan?

MILANO: I like the Lakers a lot.

VAN SUSTEREN: And hockey?

MILANO: The L.A. Kings. I had Kings season tickets when I was 14.

VAN SUSTEREN: All right, good.

Well, the book is a great book. "Safe at Home." And it is a surprise, and it is a fun read.

Thank you very for joining us, Alyssa.

MILANO: Thank you, Greta.


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