Alternate juror supports Zimmerman verdict

This is a rush transcript from "Hannity," July 17, 2013. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

SEAN HANNITY, HOST: And this is a Fox News alert. Our local station in Orlando, Florida, WOFL Fox 35 just sat down for an exclusive interview with an alternate juror in the George Zimmerman murder trial. Here's a portion of that interview.


VALERIE BOEY, FOX 35 ORLANDO REPORTER: What did you think of the verdict?

UNIDENTIFIED MAN: I was -- I supported the verdict. I agree with it.

BOEY: And was there anything in the evidence, in the testimony that really came out at you?

UNIDENTIFIED MAN: I think the things that I focused on when I was -- when I was doing my own deliberation was the non-emergency phone call. It did pick up on things out of Rachel Jeantel's testimony. Trayvon Martin's phone records or her phone records when they were talking. The --

BOEY: Of course, Rachel Jeantel is the friend that Trayvon Martin was talking to right before the shooting on the cell phone.

UNIDENTIFIED MAN: Correct, yep. Yep. And I call them ear witnesses, the ones that heard the noises, when the noises were going, and they helped me fill the gap and then the eyewitness. And I think -- but I think the one thing that stands out the most is the injuries. Just to Mr. Zimmerman.

BOEY: What did you think of neighbor John Good's testimony? Talked about MMA style, ground and pound.

UNIDENTIFIED MAN: Yes. I mean, you know, what I -- I got from that was just the motions that he saw. You know? Whether it was ground and pound or MMA. You know, it didn't -- it wasn't relevant to me. It was just the motions and the fact that who he saw on top and who he thought was on the bottom. I think that's more relevant features to his testimony to me.

BOEY: Did you think Rachel Jeantel was credible?

UNIDENTIFIED MAN: I did pick up some credible information from her, so yes, I do think she was credible.

BOEY: And whose voice do you think was on the 911 call?

UNIDENTIFIED MAN: I -- personally, I can't tell you who it was. But from the witnesses' testimonies and from the injuries to George Zimmerman, I believe it to be him.

BOEY: You believe that it was George Zimmerman's voice?


BOEY: And so, you would have voted not guilty?


BOEY: What did you think of B-37, the juror who spoke out? Did you see that interview?

UNIDENTIFIED MAN: I did. Yep. To be honest with you, I was surprised that anybody could come out that quickly and talk about this. I know that when I got done and released, and was asked about what I thought, I -- I, you know, I didn't know where to start. I didn't know what to say. And so, I was a little surprised that she came out as quickly as she did. I'm not surprised that it might have been -- that it was her that came out but, you know, I just -- just think that was a little bit too soon.

BOEY: And what is your reaction to all the protests, demonstrations and talks of a civil rights complaint now?

UNIDENTIFIED MAN: Yes, you know, I just don't understand the civil right complaint. I didn't see the evidence there that -- in the courtroom that would make anybody believe there's a civil rights case for this. The protests, you know, the people are going to be angry no matter what the verdict was. And there's nothing we can do about that. So I just hope that they're peaceful and, you know, they just do it, you know, as calmly, as best they can. You know? And there's not destruction and not hatred and not, you know, a lot of anger towards the jurors.

BOEY: And so, when you heard the verdict, what was going through your mind and how did it make you feel?

UNIDENTIFIED MAN: Well, what went through my mind was my first impression was that I thought that it was an accurate verdict. And the next thing I went through my mind was how hard I know that they -- the ladies worked to reach that verdict and to, you know, that they -- proud of them for putting -- looking at the evidence and doing what they had to do to come up with the verdict.

BOEY: And what was your reaction when you found out that you were an alternate?

UNIDENTIFIED MAN: Disappointed. I had a feeling that I might have been an alternate because of where I was sitting but I would have liked to have been in the room with the five ladies and had a chance to talk about it and, you know, you couldn't talk about it the whole time we were together and would have been a great time to sit down and get their thoughts and what did they see, what did I see, you know, to compare and deliberate. I wish I had an opportunity.


HANNITY: Fox 35 will air that interview in its entirety tonight. Joining us now is Fox 35 reporter Valerie Boey who just did the interview a few minutes ago. And welcome back Valerie. Also, joining us is former prosecutor Doug Burns and defense Attorney Remi Spencer. Valerie, let me start with you. First of all, good interview.

BOEY: Thank you.

HANNITY: First of all, I am really impressed with the way these jurors -- the seriousness with which they approached this case.

BOEY: Certainly. They were very, very focused.


BOEY: Well, what I -- you know, gave me a better understanding of how they looked at all this evidence and the testimony. You know, juror -- E-54, this middle aged man, he says the three things that really stood out to him were of course, the non-emergency call that George Zimmerman made, his injuries as well as the testimony by Rachel Jeantel. And he says that's because that call proved that Trayvon Martin was down by his father's house at the time and then had to go back up to where the shooting took place. So, that's why he believes Trayvon Martin attacked George Zimmerman.

HANNITY: Yes. And by the way, all the other jurors believed that, too, according to the other juror that spoke out. Any other information that you got out of the interview, give us a little preview?

BOEY: Yes. B-37 said that George Zimmerman should not have, you know, should have gone back to his car. However, E-54 disagrees. He says, you know what? He lived there. He had a right to stay wherever he wanted. He says he was not profiling Trayvon Martin, and you know, remember how the prosecutors trying to spin it, you know, in that sense of making him sound like a racist, but E-54 said, no, he was not, we didn't get that at all.

HANNITY: Yes. All right. You know, this is interesting, Remi ,because, and I said the law, John Good, the eyewitness to this case, the obviously -- the screams. Every one of those jurors thought it was George Zimmerman which makes sense.

REMI SPENCER, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: It does make sense. Because we know that the prosecution put on two witnesses that said it was Trayvon Martin's voice but the defense put on seven.

HANNITY: His mother and brother.

SPENCER: Right. They put on seven from the defense and some of those were from the state's case. So, it was a compelling argument that they made. And the jurors got to hear the tape. They got to hear what these witnesses were offering their opinion on so it's not surprising that the jurors believed it was, in fact, Zimmerman's voice on that 911 call.

HANNITY: But the law was clear here. You're a prosecutor.


HANNITY: There's a lot of I think prosecutorial abuse in this case.


HANNITY: Irregularities. They withheld evidence in this case for example.


HANNITY: What are your thoughts on these?

BURNS: Well, my thoughts are number one that they probably would have been well served to maybe not charge it as high as they did. OK? They could have come in with some type of criminally negligent homicide which by the way Sean would have brought in the fact that he followed him, didn't identify himself, didn't say that he's armed.

You know, it's easy to Monday quarterback. But this swinging for defenses with murder two. Why do that, charge something lower. They came in at the last second. They said third-degree felony child abuse felony murder. Well, if you want to do that? Do it at the beginning.

HANNITY: Yes. Well --

SPENCER: Exactly right. I completely agree. And I don't think this is unique to this case. I think prosecutors across this country in cases that we are not watching on the news every night overcharge as a matter of course and here we saw how it backfired.

HANNITY: It's also -- but the justification of use of deadly force is very clear in Florida. And also, every juror -- nobody thought this was about race. The Trayvon Martin family, they said it wasn't about race, even the prosecutors said it, and now the civil rights I think --

BURNS: Sean, there's too many discussions of different issues. I'm a lawyer.

BOEY: Hey, Sean.

BURNS: The case was never about race. OK?


BURNS: And as you said, the family said it. So now they're trying to make it about that. It makes no sense.

HANNITY: Valerie? Sorry.

BOEY: Well, I talked to State Attorney Angela Corey just a few days ago, she said she never called George Zimmerman a racist and she also said, she didn't withhold evidence. She said, she gave them a DVD of the pictures and the text messages, however, the defense just didn't have the software to download it and she says, that is where the mistake happened.

HANNITY: Isn't it true, though, that they gave black and white photo which was very, very different. They didn't give the actually color photo, Valerie?

BOEY: Yes. That's what the defense was saying originally. But she swears that everything that they had was on that DVD and that if they had that proper software they would have gotten the same things that they had.

HANNITY: Why did she then fire the whistleblower in the case who's now filing a lawsuit?

BOEY: I asked that. And she said that Ben Kruidbos was a trusted friend and that he violated their trust and that he could no longer work there because of that. She also said that he wiped the laptop clean which was unacceptable.

HANNITY: Well, I'm not sure if that's believable at this particular point because the defense is saying they didn't have this evidence. What do you think?


BOEY: Absolutely.

SPENCER: That's a major, major problem. We know from our federal courts that Brady versus Maryland says that anything that might tend to exculpate the defendant, in other words show that he might be innocent, has to be turned over to the defense.

HANNITY: All exculpatory evidence.

SPENCER: That's exactly right.

BURNS: Absolutely. SPENCER: Not the way we would want our system to work, we don't want the prosecutor to hold it.

BURNS: After the verdict, she takes to the podium. Every prosecutor's taught, just stay above the fray. There's the verdict. We respect it. And sit down. Not --

HANNITY: They were bitter?

BURNS: They were bitter. Sore losers.

HANNITY: Yes. I agree with all that.

BURNS: Thank you.

HANNITY: All right. Valerie, thank you both. Valerie, great job as always and we always appreciate you coming on. Thank you very much.

BOEY: You're welcome.

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