Advocate for women? Hillary once defended child rape suspect

This is a rush transcript from "The Five," June 20, 2014. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

KIMBERLY GUILFOYLE, CO-HOST: Hello, everyone. I'm Kimberly Guilfoyle, along with Bob Beckel, Eric Bolling, Dana Perino, and Jesse Watters.

It's 5 o'clock in New York City. And this is "The Five."


GUILFOYLE: Who is the real Hillary Clinton? The former secretary of state has long touted her history as a champion of women's rights.


HILLARY CLINTON, FORMER SECRETARY OF STATE: Over the past 25 years, I have worked persistently on issues relating to women, children and families. It is a violation of human rights when individual women are raped in their own communities. It is a violation of human rights when a leading cause of death worldwide among women ages 14 to 44 is the violence they are subjected to in their own homes by their own relatives.


GUILFOYLE: But newly unearthed tapes throw that claim into question. Clinton in the 1980's discussing a case she took on as a young lawyer in Arkansas, the one she represented a man accused of raping a 12-year-old girl.

Here's Hillary in her own words, laughing about how she helped get this convicted child rapist a reduced sentence.


HILLARY CLINTON: Do you remember that case where I represented that guy? It was a fascinating case. A really interesting case. The guy was accused of raping a 12-year-old.

Of course, he claimed he didn't. All this stuff. He took a lie detector test. I had him take a polygraph which he passed, which forever destroyed my faith in polygraphs.


ROY REED: How did it turn out?

HILLARY CLINTON: Oh, he plea bargained. Got him off with time served in county jail, he'd been in the country jail about two months.


GUILFOYLE: A 12-year-old victim is now 52. And she claims Clinton went to great lengths to discredit her and, quote, "took her through hell."

Dana, as a former prosecutor handling case, rape cases, child abuse, sexual assault cases, these are some of the most egregious and violent crimes that can be committed against women and children. Hillary Clinton made a choice. She was not a public defender. She took this on as private counsel and elected to represent a man and get a reduced sentence for someone who raped a child.

How does this set well with the message she's trying to communicate that she's for women and this is something she's fascinate about?

DANA PERINO, CO-HOST: Well, I think most women that support her are inclined to do so ferociously and they are very loyal to her, and they will find some sort of way to rationalize this in their minds. They might say she was just being a good lawyer. I don't know what they'll be able to say about it.

One of the reasons this is happening is that Hillary Clinton is trying to have it both ways for almost too long. Is she a presidential candidate or is she a private citizen in post-public service life? She has a big book that's come out and all of her records are at the University of Arkansas.

And I think very interesting, just look at the media coverage and the difference. During the 2012 election, "The Washington Post" ran a story about how Mitt Romney was a bully in high school. And remember all the anonymous sources and it went and it was front page "Washington Post", it led, I remember, MSNBC. We even talked about it here.

This actually has been known for some time but had been repressed by other news organizations. "The Washington Free Beacon's" Alana Goodman finds the tape. She does the reports and puts it out there.

What happens yesterday? University of Arkansas bans "The Washington Free Beacon" for coming back because they forgot to fill out a certain form that they needed to fill out.

GUILFOYLE: Yes. So, I think I hope women are going to be smarter and intelligent and say, listen, this is inconsistent with what she's been telling us. Who should I believe? Which is the real Hillary Clinton? The one back then taking cases on, voluntarily choosing to represent a child rapist?

That's a big choice. You're pro-choice Hillary. That was a choice she made. This is my problem with it.

ERIC BOLLING, CO-HOST: It gets worse.

GUILFOYLE: It's just such an egregious crime.

BOLLING: This actually gets worse if this is true, according to "Smoking Gun", according to "The Daily Beast", Hillary Clinton --

BOB BECKEL, CO-HOST: Here's some sources for you.

BOLLING: "Daily Beast", you don't like that one?

BECKEL: Don't like any of it.

BOLLING: Anyway, Hillary Clinton said she knew the guy was guilty. Yet, she's still defended him and got him off, quote, "got him off with time served, ha-ha-ha."

Why does that matter? Because you look at Hillary Clinton if she wants to run in 2016. Do you want someone who feasibly could be sitting in the Oval Office, making decisions, who could laugh about a 12 -- getting off someone she knew was guilty on some sort of legal technicality. I guess that's not the kind of leadership I want. That's not the kind of character I would want my president to have.

GUILFOYLE: Well, it's a moral choices issue. It's an ethical issue. It's one of integrity and it really goes to the core of whether or not you are someone that believes passionately in women's rights and the right of women to be free from violence and evil like this.

Look, I was a prosecutor. We made no money as a prosecutor. I could have -- I made a choice, that wasn't something that sat well with me. I chose to be on the side to represent and protect victims of violent crime, the people that are most vulnerable, Jesse, women and children.

JESSE WATTERS, CO-HOST: That's right. And I don't have too much of a problem with her getting this guy off on a technicality. That's what lawyers are paid to do.

What I have a problem with her doing is lying about this victim and then laughing about it. This is a 12-year-old girl raped who was brutally, was put in a coma. She was a virgin, OK? She was told she could never have children again.

And what did Hillary Clinton do to this person when she said this girl seeks out older men. She said -- that's just a lie. She said this person is mentally unstable -- also a lie. She said that this girl had made up rip rape claims before -- that was a lie. OK?

Hillary has a problem with unethical behavior and lying. We know this about her. Remember, she was terminated for the House Judiciary Committee investigating Watergate for unethical behavior. She lied about coming under fire in Bosnia by the snipers. And then she's spinning this tail about this video in Benghazi.

She's got a real problem with telling the truth. I think this is going to be very damaging.

GUILFOYLE: This should be a value issue. This is the type of person with the core values they share or not when making a decision about who you want to be the representative for the country -- Bob.

BECKEL: She was 26 years old when she took on this case. I don't know of a defense lawyer that doesn't know that their client is guilty. Most all of them do. And you do whatever is necessary as a lawyer, I presume. That's what you guys say you do anyway. You do what your best representation is. If you're dragging someone down to do it, you do it, because that's what you're in the business of. That's why people don't like you all that much. But the fact of the matter is she was 26 years old when this happened.

And to try to take a 26-year-old tape, it's a good opening lead for us because we don't have much else to talk about, but it's a bunch of bull crap.

GUILFOYLE: Why doesn't it matter? This is really consistent, as Jesse said, with, you know, Hillary's values at win at all costs.


GUILFOYLE: And the callousness toward the sanctity of human lives. What difference does it make when Americans died in Benghazi because of administration's shortcomings and security shortfalls there?

BECKEL: That's not why they died. That's also bull crap.

BOLLING: OK. So, take any one of these in and of themselves. They may not be reasons to disqualify Hillary Clinton as the next president. But when you start adding them up, when you start adding the ethics investigation, when you think about what happened in -- I can't remember the year, Hillary Clinton was somehow trading commodities and made several hundred thousand dollars. There was some scandal going on.

You know, there's a whole history, Bob. It's -- you know, what do they call it? The summation of your work, it's a body of work. What you end up with is someone who has literally no problem lying and maybe no character. That's not the president I want.

BECKEL: That's a general statement. You picked out four things, not one of which has not been proved yet.

BOLLING: She lied about Benghazi.

BECKEL: She didn't lie about Benghazi.

BOLLING: She's in front of draped caskets --


BECKEL: I'm not going to talk about Benghazi.

BOLLING: That's fine. Don't talk about it, but I'll just make this final comment.

She stood in front of four draped caskets in Andrew's Air Force Base and blamed the video knowing very well that whole Benghazi situation was not a protest --


BECKEL: This has been well-scrutinized. What did you say for?

GUILFOYLE: OK. Bob, let's focus on this -- the issue at hand, because the whole platform that has been very strongly put for by the Democratic Party and the left is, oh, the war on women. The Republicans are committing war on women.

If she's going to be the choice, she is going to be the one that's going to take the White House for women, right? I think people would be excited to see a female president? Is she the right choice? Is this the person with the right values? Is this the person 26 years of age, she was not a child, but she did traumatize a child to this day? The woman is upset about this way she was treated, victimize by Hillary Clinton.

She might not have been mentally unstable at the time, but you can bet being put on the stand and being forced to read things about yourself that somehow you are to blame, you are deserving of a rape, you are deserving of crimes of violence committed against you is so far afield so offensive. It should matter.

BECKEL: Let me take this one out, but she has done more for women's rights and human rights. She went to China in the face of opposition for the entire government and spoke out about Chinese women. She's spoken up about Muslim women. She has a body of history of working for women. And no woman has been more scrutinized than this woman has.

So, just give her a break. She was -- I will say it again, she's 26 and she's a lawyer, which is another problem.

GUILFOYLE: Go ahead, Dana.

PERINO: The interview is from somewhere between 1983 and 1987. So she wasn't 26 when she did the interview.


PERINO: And I think that her recollection of it is something I guess that is worth pointing out as well.

I also don't think she has been the most scrutinized. Well, I think it's obviously. This has been out there but the media protects her. If you read, "The Washington Free Bacon's" Matthew Continetti today, with Glenn Thrust now with "Politico", when he was at "The New York Daily News", was going to put this forward and the editors, he said, buried it, because they didn't want to hurt the cause.

It actually ends up hurting the Democrats in the long run when the media tries to protect them.

The difference between this and the Mitt Romney story that I mentioned on the front page of "The Washington Post" about him bullying, being a bully in high school is very different from trying a case when you're 26 and then talking about it 10 years later.

GUILFOYLE: Absolutely right. The time reference that you made, Dana, is significant.

WATTERS: And let's look at Hillary's history with women. I mean, I know she's done a lot. Think about what she's done as well. I mean, we have had her leading the charge to smear Monica Lewinsky as this desperate reckless shut. Do you remember that?

Or how about when Juanita Broaddrick accused her husband of rape? Juanita allegedly came up and said, well, Hillary came up to me, confronted me and tried to threaten me to keep quiet. And I also remember in '93 when she was, you know, the first lady running for president. She said, you know, I could stay at home and cook cookies and drank tea in the kitchen, but I decided to pursue a profession smearing --

BECKEL: Is that your best case right here?

WATTERS: Is that my best case?

BECKEL: Is that what you just said?

WATTERS: These are examples of her declaring war on women when it's politically convenient.

BECKEL: A war on somebody who was having an affair with her husband which -- I'll grant you she was ambitious and it hurt, and was going to hurt her and she didn't want to see him to get hurt.

WATTERS: She stood by her husband while he was sexually harassing people all over the country. I don't know if that's the paradigm of being a feminist icon.


BECKEL: Maybe she was willing to do that. But that's not for me to judge. The question of balancing her work with women against three important instances you're talking about and coming down the side that she's not a good representative of women is crazy.

WATTERS: I don't think these are four instances. This is, like we said, a summation of her body of work.

BECKEL: Of her body of work?

WATTERS: Of people victimizing women.

GUILFOYLE: Bob, if you're going to run on a campaign platform saying the other side's got a war against women, I'm the one. I'm your wartime conciliator on behave of women, to do what's best and fight for them, fight for women and children, then you bet you're going to get this kind of scrutiny and it is relevant and it's especially relevant that she brings it up 10 years later and her attitude about it.

Next the commissioner of the IRS had to answer to lawmakers today about those e-mails conveniently lost related to the agency's targeting of conservative groups. He was defiant and refused to apologize. You're going to see that, straight ahead.


PERINO: How did the IRS lose thousands of e-mails related to targeting of conservative groups? Well, House lawmakers want answers and they hauled the agency's commissioner to Capitol Hill today to get them. But they didn't get much. Instead, things got testy.


JOHN KOSKINEN, IRS COMMISSIONER: This concludes my testimony.

REP. DAVE CAMP (R-MI), HOUSE WAYS & MEANS CHAIR: What I didn't hear in that was an apology to this committee.

KOSKINEN: I don't think an apology is owed. There had not a single e-mail has been lost since the start of this investigation. Every email has been preserved that we have.


PERINO: The IRS scandal is egregious that even America's favorite Boy Scout showed he has a limit.


REP. PAUL RYAN (R), WISCONSIN: I am sitting here listening to this testimony. I just -- I don't believe it. Nobody believes you. Hard drives crashed. You learned about this months ago, you just told us, and we had to ask you Monday. This is not being forthcoming. This is being misleading again.


PERINO: All right. We're going to kick around the table.

Eric, layers of deception, patterns of abuse, and, finally, the committee is saying we have had enough and I think it is starting to show across the country that people just don't believe it, especially because it's not the hard drive where the e-mail would reside. It's on the server.

So, why isn't it possible to go and get the emails --

BOLLING: Well, they'll get to that. Remember, where are the emails? Oh, we lost them. We can't find them. OK, then they're probably on the hard drive. Oh, guess what? We recycle this, we threw those out. So, they must still be on the server. Well, we'll let you know about that.

Here's the problem with that hearing -- first of all, the bigger picture is that they think we are that stupid. They think they can --

PERINO: The administration.

BOLLING: The administration thinks we can -- we're going to continue to buy this B.S. that we heard about it in the news, or we can't find it, we're not. So, things like this happened, here's what the Democrats did today, they apologized when it was their turn to ask the question.


BOLLING: To the IRS commissioner, instead of asking him to apologize to American people. The committee, the Democrat in the committee apologized to what we did. And one guy, I can't remember who it was, started talking about Area 51, and Obama's birth certificate to make a mockery out of it.

So, they don't care. Democrats clearly don't care about this. This is a problem. They don't want -- this is a scandal they want to go away as quickly as possible, and they do what Bob does, change the subject, make fun of it and say, I'm not talking about it, and then they think we're going to be OK with it. But we're not.

PERINO: But on this one, from the very beginning, Bob, you said that you thought this was the biggest problem for the White House, of all the things that they had going on. This is what concerns you the most.

BECKEL: The one that concerns me now more though is the V.A. I think that's a bigger voting issue. I don't think anybody believes that it's --

PERINO: Believe that they lost the email.

BECKEL: I mean, I find it amazing that -- I don't believe that they think a person is that stupid. It's just -- to me, they try to put a conspiracy like that together in Washington, more and more in person (ph) is impossible to do. The worst part about this is that it's covered up the story which is these right wings tax exempt groups for breaking the law by involving themselves about campaigns. They were, too.

PERINO: That is a nice Saul Alinsky tactic and I am learning from you, but I'm going to skip you now.



PERINO: Because -- all right. Let me ask you something, Kimberly. This is a question for a prosecutor.


PERINO: The committee has been doing its work. They've been stonewalled. They were told six months ago they had the e-mails and then they are told, oh, wait, actually we've known for six months on emails, all these things.

So, as a prosecutor, the Department of Justice does have discretion to go forward to try to do something. They don't seem like they're going to do so. So, at this point, even if nobody likes a special prosecutor, do you think it is time to ask for one?

GUILFOYLE: I think it has to be strongly considered, given the nature of the Department of Justice. We cannot expect them to do what the name over the door says. That's the problem.

So, instead, we're going to have to look elsewhere again. Just so you know, your taxpayer dollars that you put in, the Department of Justice, they're not doing much, they're on vacation or something. Or they have got shades on. They're out in the back garden. They're not paying attention.

So, now, you're going to have to rely also on groups and nonprofits to even represent and go forward and make FOIA requests. Yes, and consider getting a special prosecutor because they're not being transparent and they have no interest in telling the truth. We know those e-mails are available and they have been lying at it from the beginning. I like Paul Ryan's comment.

BECKEL: You've just besmirched the entire office of Justice Department, where people just like you -- you said you went to work as a prosecutor because it was the right thing to do. There are thousands of lawyers in the Justice Department who could be making a lot more money --

GUILFOYLE: Well, I was ethical and upheld the law. And took an oath I take seriously. Fine.

BECKEL: And 99 percent of them --


GUILFOYLE: Eric Holder --

WATTERS: Bob, you just besmirched all the conservative groups. They should have been targeted any way. Also, let me put out what we learned today about the timeline. In June 2011, OK, June 3rd. Congressman Camp wrote a letter to Lois Lerner alerting her that he knew what was going on, asking her questions about targeting, criteria, corresponding with the Treasury Department. Ten days later, you know what happens, it crashes.


WATTERS: Three weeks later, the whole thing is shredded. OK? So, the timing of it is absolutely insane.

And then he was asked today, this new commissioner, why they don't keep records of these e-mails. You know what he said, we can't afford it. They have a budget of $12 billion, OK? They have a $12 billion. They're doing "Star Trek" videos.


BECKEL: -- these tax-exempt right wing committees did not involve themselves in funding campaign, or talking to campaigns, following the letter of the law as a tax-exempt independent committee, that's bull crap.

PERINO: You don't have evidence of that.

BECKEL: I certainly do.


WATTERS: Is that what you're alleging? Guilty before proven innocent?

BECKEL: They weren't prosecuted when they should have been prosecuted.

WATTERS: OK. So, you don't think the IRS went far enough? Is that what you're saying?

BECKEL: I'm saying they should have been prosecuted.

GUILFOYLE: They made a finding that there was no wrong-doing. So, what are you talking about, Bob? The victims in this case are people that were targeted because of political ideology. And that's a crime, destruction of evidence and withholding evidence is a crime. That's the team you play for.

BECKEL: Let's take a look at the tax filing of any of these groups and ask yourself, how close they came to breaking the law by involving themselves in right wing Republican campaign --

PERINO: You know what? Because --

BOLLING: Do you think, I'm sorry, Dana, do you think the 501c4s are breaking the law? Then, those are the unions.


BECKEL: I think in some cases, they do. Yes.

BOLLING: Well, maybe, then we should start looking at them.

BECKEL: Well, you've been looking at them for a long time.

PERINO: Jesse's point on the budget -- they have a $12 billion budget, but $1.8 billion is specifically for I.T. management, $300 million of that was for server management. And they can't -- it's not just Lois Lerner's e-mails that were lost. It's six additional people who happened to lose their e-mails at the specific time the committee is asking for. That's why I think it doesn't pass muster.

Before Bob gives you a heart attack, Eric's fastest seven is next, featuring Carney, Colbert, Bradshaw, and a very photogenic felon. That's next.


BOLLING: Welcome back to the fastest seven minutes in cable, news or otherwise. Three curious stories, seven curt minutes, one kinetic host.

First up, today was Jay Carney's last day at the White House. No longer does he have to keep a straight face when saying things like, "We heard about it in the media," or "yes, the president thinks you can keep your doctor."

Last night, Jay sat down with Stephen Colbert. Check it out.


JAY CARNEY, OUTGOING WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY: They want to hear themselves talk or they want to create moments. They're creating some drama and sometimes --

STEPHEN COLBERT, COMEDIAN: Shut the (EXPLETIVE DELETED) up. Did you ever -- did you ever want to -- hey, guys, I got a question for you, why don't you bite me?



BOLLING: OK. We're going to do clockwise around the table, starting with Dana on this one.

PERINO: I know it's funny because I know that frustration, though. I do think that the reporters there, they do their job and I think they do it pretty well.

BOLLING: Tell us about that minute, that first day after you're no longer with us?

PERINO: Well, it's a bit different because I stayed until the end of the administration so I wasn't leaving in the middle of it. So, I don't know exactly.

But I know from talking with Ari Fleischer, and Mike McCurry and Robert Gibbs, where it's this moment you feel on top of the world. You get to go to your kids' little league games, take your wife out to dinner, go for a walk and you don't have to check your BlackBerry. I'm sure Jay is having a great afternoon.

BOLLING: Jesse, Jay Carney might be popping his collar and hitting the beach for "THE FACTOR"? No?

WATTERS: I don't think so. I mean, the guy is such a hypocrite. He says that the press likes to play with the camera and talk a lot. And this is the administration that put Roman columns over Obama for his speech in Denver. This is an administration that go on every talk show they can, Steve Harvey, Ellen, "Between Two Ferns", the guy takes his teleprompter everywhere.

PERINO: Everywhere.

BOLLING: You know the other media thing he did...

GUILFOYLE: That's your favorite. That's your favorite. If only Jay- Jay could have been this funny. Away from his podium.

BOLLING: He does look more relaxed, doesn't he?

GUILFOYLE: He's so super happy. Let me tell you something. He doesn't have to go there and spin the nonsense.

BECKEL: I thought it was something I would say, and I imagine he would say it every day. I don't blame him. This is some of the people asking questions.

BOLLING: All right. Next up, this guy right here could be a model or not. Come on, put the picture up. Or an actor. But he's not. He's a felon. That's not the story. The story is that the "USA Today" highlighted this thug and ran his mug shot to sell newspapers.

"The Fastest 7" is appalled. We would never do such a shameless thing, unless of course, it was Kardashian, Bieber or DiCaprio.

But the perp's reaction to his newfound fame? Take a look.


JEREMY MEEKS, MUG SHOT WENT VIRAL: I just visited my wife, and she said I blew up all over Facebook. Well, I appreciate that, but I just want them to know that this is really not me. Like I'm not some king pin.


BOLLING: K.G., you can lead it off. You're blushing.

GUILFOYLE: No. I'm just saying. Obviously, here's the thing: I wouldn't want to try the case to put him away, because the people can excuse all the females on the jury. You'd have to do it in a clever way. You'd have to look and think they're checking him out (UNINTELLIGIBLE) or not?

But the guy is a criminal. He's on a $900,000 bond. So all kidding aside, this is somebody, obviously, who's done hard time. He's got the tear drops in the state prison. You see the shot of him there.

But yes, maybe he'll be in a Benetton ad after he gets out.

BOLLING: Bob, have you ever gotten out of a speeding ticket or anything because of your good looks?

BECKEL: As a matter of fact, I have rolled up $300 bills. This guy's a -- I did once. I won't say which state it was.

BOLLING: You bribed?

BECKEL: I bribed the cops. Three hundred bucks. I put two on. He asked for an extra hundred. This guy is one of the ugliest punks I've ever seen. And why they think -- why they think this skinhead ought to be good looking.

BOLLING: He's not.

BECKEL: You said you think he's a good looking dude. Look at him. He looks like a dog, like a canine.

PERINO: Well, the thing about "USA Today" is that a picture of a dog would sell newspapers, too.

GUILFOYLE: Well, let me tell you something. If Bob is such a hypocrite. Do you remember hot mug shot girl?


GUILFOYLE: With the curls?

BECKEL: She was good looking.

GUILFOYLE: Put her up. Bob was in love.

BECKEL: She looked a lot better than that before. The one who was the judge.

PERINO: That was the other one.

BECKEL: She was hot, that one.

BOLLING: That was another one, too.


WATTERS: I think I'd be nervous about this guy. I don't think you'd want to be called hot in front of the entire country when you're in prison. That's not a good look for him. My favorite were the comments under this section here.

How about this: "He can kidnap me any day" from one woman. Or "What is he guilty of, first-degree sexiness?" And then my favorite, "Let me know when you get out, Daddy. Long list of naughty things I want to do to you.

GUILFOYLE: You understand, he gets nine -- he gets nine years.

BECKEL: Did you add -- you added Kimberly's contact.


BOLLING: Next up, football. Terry Bradshaw, winner of four championships with the Pittsburgh Steelers in the '70's, takes a shot at Peyton Manning's lack of Super Bowl rings.


TERRY BRADSHAW, FORMER PRO FOOTBALL PLAYER: Peyton Manning was the best quarterback. No one would argue with that. If you like winning good during the season and losing the Super Bowl, that's your guy.


BOLLING: All right, Bob, we'll start with you on this. He's got a point.

BECKEL: Yes. I mean, he's got a point. He was a great quarterback. But I think great quarterbacks don't say things like that. I mean, he should give Manning a break. Manning is a great quarterback and had some bad luck. But Terry ought to be a little careful.

Also, let's keep in mind Terry won four Super Bowls in a row. That is unbelievable. But the talents up against him those few years were mediocre at best.

PERINO: What a dig.

BOLLING: What do you want to do...

PERINO: I think that Terry Bradshaw -- no, actually, I want to defend Terry Bradshaw, because he was doing an event where you're giving a speech. I don't think he needs to apologize. And look, the room laughed. It worked.

GUILFOYLE: He was kind of like kidding around. Talking a little smack. We like Terry. He can't do wrong, yes.

WATTERS: We like Terry, too. He's one of our guys here.

Some perspective here: He won four Super Bowls. I think the first two games he had 18 completions combined and then the fourth game he had four picks. I mean, come on, let's give this guy some (UNINTELLIGIBLE) here.

GUILFOYLE: You know what? He's a clutch guy. He's a clutch quarterback. He's a winner. I mean, anybody could go to the Super Bowl, but somebody -- you know, somebody has got to win it, and he won.

BOLLING: You're saying Peyton...

GUILFOYLE: I didn't say that.

BOLLING: K.G., so he's not a clutch guy.

GUILFOYLE: I like to focus on the positives. Like clutch guy. Like Joe Montana.

BOLLING: Winning. He has no rings. He has no Super Bowl rings. When the clutch is on, you bring it. You don't bowl...


PERINO: It's not like clutch the ball, like...



GUILFOYLE: We don't have time for that.

BOLLING: All right. We won't go into this. Ahead on "The Five," wild tape of a man who was thrown from his motorcycle surviving the crash. You'll see that.

Plus, my "Fool of the Week." Stick around.


BECKEL: As long as I have been on this show, I have begged moderate Muslims to stand up and condemn violence against from their most radical elements. When Christians are slaughtered across the globe, we hear the same sound. That's right.

Last night, a self-described -- it said crickets there. I didn't know what that meant. Self-described moderate Muslim appeared on "Hannity" and was given multiple opportunities to disavow radical Islam. Let's see what she did.


SEAN HANNITY, FOX NEWS: I don't hear a lot of criticism from so- called moderate Muslims.

SABA AHMED, ISLAMIC ACTIVIST: Well, I'm a Muslim American, and I'm wearing the head scarf. Nobody is forcing me to wear the head scarf. I could choose to wear whatever I want.

HANNITY: I didn't ask you that at all. Will you speak out against those that use your religion and force women to cover, force women to stay home and they can't drive, force women that they can't be seen in public without men they're not related to? What are your -- you're not going to speak up for those women's rights?

AHMED: Well, I think, you know, every country has their own traditions, laws and culture and here in America, like, you know, I don't think...

HANNITY: Do you think those customs are wrong in the name of religion that you're forcing women and treating women that way?

AHMED: There are rights and wrong customs everywhere.


BECKEL: Well, I think that probably said everything you need to hear. She obviously agrees with the customs. Or that or she's afraid to say something. Which I've said this all along. These people either agree with what these radical Islamists are doing or they're cowards. I happen to think most of them are cowards. A lot of them do agree with them. What do you think, Eric?

BOLLING: I think the second part of it wasn't that she necessarily agreed with the customers. She's afraid to speak up about it. I mean, she was afraid of -- and that's a problem with radical Islam. It's not like they -- they yell at you or they write something nasty about you. They kill you.

BECKEL: Yes. Yes.

BOLLING: Like I'm not -- I'm not putting myself in that boat. However, it wouldn't be bad to see every once in a while, see a moderate Muslim speak up again, atrocities that take place.

BECKEL: Don't you think, Dana, that somebody in the Muslim community will have no sense to say, from a public relations standpoint, we've got to nominate some brave soul to get out there and say something just once in a while to condemn these people?

PERINO: The interesting thing about her is she benefits from living in America where she can -- if you close your eyes, she sounds just like any other person that you would meet out on the street. Maybe not the content of her words, but the tone and the vocabulary and everything is very American.

So she doesn't have to deal with the radicalization that other people around the world are having to deal with. And I think, so that's her own world view. The people that you're talking about, that I think would be very interesting, you're not going to get the imams to come on, but what about the ambassadors?


PERINO: There's some very good ambassadors from Arab countries, Middle Eastern countries or Indonesia, somewhere, that could come on and have a rational discussion, and they have an opportunity, I think, to play a bigger role.

BECKEL: Yes, I think -- you know, Kim...


BECKEL: When we were going through this -- there's been so many heinous crimes against Christians. But we've tried to call the embassies of -- various embassies: the Egyptian embassy, the Saudi Arabian. They wouldn't come -- nobody would come out.


BECKEL: I mean, don't you think somebody somewhere -- are there not activist women who are Muslims who would come out and say something?

GUILFOYLE: I agree, Bob. You're making a great point, because there is strength in numbers, and it takes somebody to start the ball rolling -- rolling. And I think, in particular, women should be coming forward and speaking up on behalf of these atrocities and crimes committed against women that are unacceptable. They should be internationally untolerated [SIC].

And that's -- when I hear a woman like that, she's equivocating. She won't come right out and condemn radical Islam. That's -- that's weakness. But I understand that there's threat, and I do get that. But how are you ever going to combat against it or put a dent in it if you don't come forward and tell the truth and speak stand for something in your lifetime.

BECKEL: Jess, do you think she was either cowardly or she believed it?

WATTERS: I think she kind of believes it, and she's a total fraud and a total nut case, because we looked into her background, did a little profile on her. She was born and raised in Islamabad, Pakistan, her whole life. Came over here to Oregon to go to college. Worked for two Democrats.

All of a sudden becoming this Tea Party infiltrator when, in fact, she's actually an Occupy activist. OK? She's been checked into a psychiatric ward. She's been arrested for stalking. OK. This woman is not OK. She's not an OK woman. And she came up here, she might have been a plant. Who knows who she's communicating with.

BECKEL: I do not mind taking heat from you, but when you talk about my sister like that, you have got yourself in some real trouble, buddy.

BOLLING: I mean, you know what happens, Bob? When there is someone who speaks up, it's like the woman who was going to speak at Brandeis University. And she gets shut out by her education system, too. So it's a no-win for them.

BECKEL: Yes, but I mean, some...

PERINO: She's not to be taken seriously, that woman that was on.

GUILFOYLE: The list of things she's done. I've just got to ask you. Did she push the video, too?

WATTERS: You know what else? They caught her, and she's friends with the Portland Christmas tree bomber.

That's right.

GUILFOYLE: She shredded the e-mails. Destroyed the server.

BECKEL: A girlfriend of Obama, she'd probably know that.

Make sure you catch "Hannity." Tonight, he's doing a special on radical Islam later. That's at 10 p.m. Eastern.

Up next, a new study says women are still doing more work around the house than their men. And Eric and Jesse -- Eric and Jesse, you're about to find out. We should get their wives in on this one.

WATTERS: Oh, no. Here we are.

BECKEL: I think it's a good idea. Why don't you put a call in?


WATTERS: Bob is about to have a field day with this one. He loves to give me a hard time about whether I'm a good husband.

There's a new study that says women are still pulling more weight around the house than men. I guess I'll go first, since Bob is probably wondering if I'm one of those men.

I just want to start off by saying I love my wife dearly.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, my God.

WATTERS: I don't know what's going to happen in this segment.

PERINO: You can't possibly do more than your wife at home.

WATTERS: No, absolutely not. I do as much as I possibly can but still as little as I possibly can, and it just never seems to be enough.

BECKEL: Don't say that.

GUILFOYLE: Didn't I help you? I gave you -- I coached you on what you need to say and do. Are you doing it?

WATTERS: No, I am doing it. And I realize now the more I do around the house, she loves me even more.


WATTERS: That's true. I believe -- there's a big payoff.

GUILFOYLE: All you have to do is offer.

WATTERS: It's all about offer.

BECKEL: Everybody I talked to, you have a wonderfully smart, great wife. Now, she either had to be in a charity mode when she picked you up. But do you not recognize -- see, I wouldn't do anything.

When my old lady used to ask me to do something, she'd push it too far. I'd say get out of the way; I'm not going to do it, right?


BECKEL: But it is true that it's a direct proportion relationship between how much you do and how much you get.

WATTERS: See, I would not call my wife an old lady or "get out of the way."

GUILFOYLE: Get out of the way. Or push her out. I mean, come on.

WATTERS: I'm not taking any advice from you.

PERINO: I can't imagine why you're not married any more.

BECKEL: I'm not either. I'm telling you, the more you do the more you get.

GUILFOYLE: Bob, don't give Eric any tips. He doesn't need any. He's got this situation under control.

BECKEL: He's got it under control, right?

WATTERS: What is your situation? Do you have a strategy at home that you implement? What do you do?

BOLLING: Really?


BOLLING: Strategy at home?

WATTERS: Is it to hire a housekeeper?

BOLLING: My strategy is get out of the house a -- or very early and work my butt off all day.

WATTERS: So you leave at 5 a.m.

BOLLING: No, I'm up at 5 -- like 5:15, the alarm goes. And I'm sometimes, like Dana...

BECKEL: Five-fifteen?

WATTERS: To avoid housework.

BOLLING: No, no.

BECKEL: To work.

BOLLING: My wife, let me just tell you my wife is a neat freak. She -- if you put a cup of coffee down, within five minutes, it's gone and, you know, in the dish washer. She's a neat freak. So I don't really have -- and she has a lot of energy. So I don't have a lot of time to be the guy cleaning up around the house. But come on, Jesse. I work. I don't get a break?

GUILFOYLE: He also gets it. Because it's like happy wife, happy life. That's all you need to know.

PERINO: Do you take the trash out?

BOLLING: I take the trash.

GUILFOYLE: Offer, be sweet, compliment.

BECKEL: Does that mean your husbands -- five of them were not happy with you?

GUILFOYLE: No. Two of them were very happy. Two total. That's that.

WATTERS: Dana, let me ask you a question.

BECKEL: Two total?

GUILFOYLE: That's it.

WATTERS: My wife has instituted a new household chore rule.


BECKEL: ... sex.


WATTERS: When I come into the house, I have to now take my shoes off.


WATTERS: This is a new rule in the household. Apparently, I've been dragging a lot of mud into the house. So now I...

BOLLING: You or everybody?

WATTERS: Just me. Well, my kids, too.

PERINO: Do you like walking around the house without shoes?

WATTERS: Well, I mean, it's a new experience for me. I'm just trying to get used to it. Do you think that this is a fair deal, to all of a sudden, years into the marriage...

PERINO: Ask you to take your shoes...

WATTERS: ... institute a radical new house change?

PERINO: Yes. I don't know if I would have gotten married to someone who made me take my shoes off at the door. I don't know.


GUILFOYLE: You have to take your shoes off in New York. It's very dirty. So when you have children crawling around on the ground, it's not so much...

PERINO: No, I have a dog. So they can't...

BECKEL: As an answer -- the answer to your question is, if you do that, you're a wuss.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, right, Bob.

WATTERS: Am I? Am I whipped? Am I whipped now?

PERINO: Well, you need to have house shoes.

GUILFOYLE: And who's married and who's not?

WATTERS: House shoes.

PERINO: What you need is when you walk in and you take off your muddy shoes and then you have house shoes that you only wear within the house. And then I think she might be OK with that.

BOLLING: Oh, my. You know what? I'm going to agree with Bob here. You better man up, my man.

BECKEL: Really. Seriously.

BOLLING: King of your domain, right?

WATTERS: I'm just going to track mud all through the house. Obviously...

GUILFOYLE: Jesse, listen to me. Don't listen to them. Dana and I know what's up. These two guys -- I don't know.

BOLLING: Do you dust? Do you, like, have that dust thing?

GUILFOYLE: He has a feather duster.

WATTERS: She makes me put on an outfit.

BECKEL: A little French maid outfit. I used to do that. No way.

WATTERS: Secrets to a happy marriage, by Bob Beckel.

PERINO: Sure to be a best-seller.

BECKEL: Do you have a Devil Buster, whatever those dust things are?

GUILFOYLE: Dust Buster.

WATTERS: Dust Buster.

BECKEL: You do that?

WATTERS: No, I don't dust.

PERINO: A Dirt Devil. You're a Dirt Devil, that's what you're thinking.

BECKEL: Can you tell us the five things you do the most?

We've got to go? OK.

WATTERS: I'll tell you the four things. All right. "One More Thing" is next. Take a look.


GUILFOYLE: It's time for "One More Thing," and "One More Thing" from Bob.

BECKEL: Thank you very much. You were excited saying that, weren't you?

Comedian Tracy Morgan was in a horrific car accident on the New Jersey Turnpike. He was in intensive care. We're happy to report he has now moved out to rehabilitation. We wish him well.

GUILFOYLE: That was very nice. That's succinct and actually well done, Bob.

BECKEL: Thank you.

GUILFOYLE: I'm proud of you. All right, Bob -- I mean, Eric now.

BOLLING: Bob? Bob?

GUILFOYLE: Well, you've been acting like Bob all week, actually. When I said did you want to wear my dress, because you were so..?

BOLLING: The -- K.G., the highly-anticipated "Fool of the Week," the third "Fool of the Week." Ready?

Paul Krugman earned the "Fool of the Week" this week for saying this. Full-screen, guys, please. "Mister" -- quoting him, "Mr. Obama is having a seriously good year. In fact, there was a very good chance that 2014 will go down in the record books as one of those years when America took a major turn in the right direction." That's what he said.


BECKEL: ... he's exactly right.

BOLLING: Mr. Princeton and Mr. New York Times columnist...

BECKEL: Exactly right.

BOLLING: ... Mr. Nobel Prize, Krugman, you are "Fool of the Week."

WATTERS: That's like "Fool of the Year."

GUILFOYLE: Dana, top that doozy.

BECKEL: You've got to -- you're going to be proven right, too.

PERINO: OK, this is what I love. I love the speech and the debate team. And this week in Overland, Kansas, they had the national tournament. Four thousand students from all 50 states competed in all sorts of different categories. They were competing for $200,000 worth of scholarships.

They also did something kind of fun. They did this texting in order to break a world record of how many people could text at the same time to raise awareness about speech and debate, and they broke that record. So congratulations to all of them.

And I just say, parents, if you are looking for an activity for your children to do next school year, think of the speech and debate team. It's a really great thing, and it's not expensive. You don't have to buy equipment.

BECKEL: I was on the debate team.

PERINO: All right. I believe it.

WATTERS: I can't tell.

GUILFOYLE: Fantastic.


WATTERS: All right. So I think people who ride motorcycles are insane. Here's why. Take a look at this video.



WATTERS: Wow. Flipped.

BOLLING: And he walked away.

WATTERS: He gets up and walks away. This guy Michael Smith down in Clearwater, Florida, sees that he's about to have a head-on collision with this car, slams on the brakes of his motorcycle to create a flip. Flip, flip, and he's up.


WATTERS: Beautiful recovery.

BECKEL: That's a good one.

PERINO: He meant to do that.

BOLLING: No, I don't think that Florida has a helmet law either.

BECKEL: No, they don't.

WATTERS: No, but it's time to get one.

GUILFOYLE: And let's talk about something that is extremely important, and I'd ask you all to focus and pay attention now. There is a new study out -- exactly. Guess what excites some women more than their significant others?

BOLLING: Chocolate.

GUILFOYLE: Well, I like that, too. But feast your eyes on these. It's shoes, people. You see that? See that? I put the spurs into Bob today -- see the rock studs? -- but he seemed to like it.

BECKEL: Those things look like weapons.

GUILFOYLE: They're amazing. And 1 in 5 women say they are more excited by these little bad boys.

PERINO: Maybe, that's -- Jesse, that is why your wife wants you to take the shoes off at the door.

WATTERS: That's right.

BECKEL: Yes, your heels.

GUILFOYLE: That's it for us. We're going to see you back here Monday. Greg is going to be back then. "Special Report" is next. Have a great weekend, everybody. Thanks for being with us.

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