Actor Jon Voight on Daughter Angelina Jolie

This is a partial transcript from "The O'Reilly Factor," April 26, 2007, that has been edited for clarity.

BILL O'REILLY, HOST: Thanks for staying with us. I'm Bill O'Reilly.

In the "Personal Story" segment tonight, daughter and dad. Angelina Jolie and Jon Voight.

Today Ms. Jolie spoke at the National Press Club in Washington. It was a madhouse, as you would expect. Everyone was there. And everywhere the actress goes she draws major attention.

Now, Ms. Jolie was asking for increased funding to help poor children all around the world, which is her mission.

With us now is Ms. Jolie's father, Academy Award winning actor Jon Voight, whose new film coming up on June 22 is "September Dawn".

But this movie is going to be controversial, because it deals with a massacre allegedly ordered by Mormon leaders — Mormon leaders — back in 1857, and there's a Mormon running for president.

Is Mitt Romney going to like this movie?

JON VOIGHT, ACTOR: Well, so far he hasn't seen the movie. And I think — and most of the Mormon community has avoided seeing it, because they don't want to get into a discussion of it.

And as a matter of fact, when I first read the film, when somebody sent me the script to do it...


VOIGHT: ... I found it this horrifying story, you know, shocking. I had no idea that this had happened 150 years ago, ironically enough on September 11 a story about religious fanaticism.

O'REILLY: Interesting. You have that connection.

VOIGHT: Yes. So when I saw — what I saw in it was the ability to see the anatomy of religious fanaticism, using a religion to — as a rationale to murder people.

O'REILLY: And it was — the basic premise is that the West was being settled in 1857 and people were coming across Utah. And the Mormons didn't want them coming across Utah, right.

VOIGHT: Well, there's — at that moment there was a lot of paranoia in the Mormon community. There were a lot of things going on in the Mormon community.

O'REILLY: Because President Buchanan wanted them to basically not have polygamy and all that kind of stuff, right?

VOIGHT: Many things were going on with them. And their characterization of this innocent wagon train of Christian people moving to California was such that they set to attack them. And they tried to get the Indians to do it. And then they took a hand and did it themselves.

O'REILLY: There was 157 dead?

VOIGHT: Hundred and twenty something.

O'REILLY: Yes. All right. So I mean, I feel sorry for Mitt Romney in a way. I don't think anybody should vote for anybody for religious purposes at all. Romney is a good man.

VOIGHT: He is.

O'REILLY: He ran the commonwealth of Massachusetts...

VOIGHT: The irony is that Mitt speaks very eloquently about the dangers we face with religious fanaticism from the....

O'REILLY: So the theme of the movie is religious fanaticism. It's a cautionary tale.



Now, your daughter, Angelina Jolie. You know, we checked her out. I don't know whether you know this or not. Big investigation on her. And we found out she walks the walk, that she gives all the money, millions of dollars and this and that.

She has become, I believe, the most interesting celebrity in the world. In your opinion, why?

VOIGHT: Yes, she is fascinating. She's fascinating to me. She's my daughter. I'm completely fascinated with her. And I have a great admiration for all the work she does and in her humanitarian effort.

I think she's quite stunning, of course. Very attractive gal. And she, for whatever reason, she has a certain charisma.


VOIGHT: Now, she's one of those people. There's several people that catch...

O'REILLY: In the acting — in the acting profession, you've known them all. Some people have charisma and some don't. She obviously has it.

Did you know that going through? Did you ever think that it was going to be this crazy? Because I feel sorry for her. I mean, you were in, you know, "Midnight Cowboy", a lot of big films. And you know how intense the press can be. Everybody watching you every two minutes.

VOIGHT: And we know that the press tends to sensationalize. They try to sell papers. They try to sell, you know, air time, whatever it is. And it is a tough — tough deal. But also celebrity does a lot of good. And she's using her celebrity for the good.

O'REILLY: Your politics are more conservative than hers, would you say?

VOIGHT: I would say so. I don't know really exactly her politics. I don't — I would say that right now my concerns are very specific. But can I just unload on you?

O'REILLY: Absolutely.

VOIGHT: Right now, and it has something to do with, you know, what's going on with the religious fanaticism that's creating our enemy. We have a real enemy.

O'REILLY: You bet. The Jihadists want to put a bullet right in your head.

VOIGHT: We're facing people who want to destroy America. Want to destroy our democracy, all democracy.

O'REILLY: Right.

VOIGHT: And in this country, I'm really quite frightened, Bill, at the — what has happened to our great nation. We're being divided by extremists who really believe the propaganda that they're being fed on a daily basis by cunning professionals, I would say.

O'REILLY: You saw it up top. You saw it.

VOIGHT: And they — what I hear, you know, talking about our president. When I hear people saying quite unthinkable things about our president, when I see our president defaced, which is defacing our country. He's the leader of our country. He's the leader of the free world. It — my heart is very heavy.

And I know that we can't be defeated by military power. But we have been invaded by propaganda. It's very effective.

O'REILLY: Listen, I'm right there with you.

VOIGHT: When I see these kids in school — we send our kids off to school. They meet with — they meet with professors that have certain agendas. They come back calling America imperialist, which is an insanity. If there was ever a nation that wasn't an imperialist, it was ours, in World War II.

O'REILLY: We left those countries.

VOIGHT: Of course.

O'REILLY: And gave them freedom.

VOIGHT: And we supported them and nurtured them into the world economy.

O'REILLY: Right.

VOIGHT: And we're doing the same thing with Iraq and Afghanistan.

Now, it's — it is very concerning to me that I have heard this from, you know, from people who have great celebrity, and they talk against our president. And I say, "Well, this is a dangerous time, fellows." They don't realize...

O'REILLY: The downside of free speech. And that's what it's all about.

Mr. Voight, thank you very much. "September Dawn", movie comes out June 22. It's always a pleasure to see you, sir.

VOIGHT: Great to see you.

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