Acting DHS Sec. Chad Wolf describes his visit to Portland amid violence

This is a rush transcript from “Sunday Morning Futures," July 26, 2020. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

MARIA BARTIROMO, FOX NEWS ANCHOR: Good Sunday morning, everyone. Thank you for joining us. Welcome to "Sunday Morning Futures." I'm Maria Bartiromo.

Crime, coronavirus and China dominating the headlines this morning, as Congress scrambles to hammer out the next federal stimulus package before millions of Americans lose their extra unemployment benefits at the end of the month, all this against the backdrop of the 2020 election now just 99 days away.

President Trump canceling all GOP events in Jacksonville, while asserting himself as the law and order candidate, dispatching officers to Portland, as well as more force in Seattle and Chicago.

Just ahead, acting Secretary of Homeland Security Chad Wolf is here to tell us what the federal government is doing to restore safety to our nation's cities, as protesters target his own home.

This as newly declassified documents reveal the FBI used counterintelligence briefings as a cover-up to investigate the Trump campaign. Senator Lindsey Graham is here with the very latest on his Russia deep dive, as he prepares to grill former Attorney General -- assistant General Sally Yates before the committee on Wednesday.

We're joined this morning by Congressman Devin Nunes with more breaking news on the Steele dossier. He will reveal it right here for the very first time coming up.

And in the middle of all of this, Beijing busted this week for spying on U.S. soil, after three Chinese nationals were arrested trying to steal medical research, a concern you heard here from Senator Tom Cotton, flagging this on this program in April.


SEN. TOM COTTON (R-AR): I have little doubt that the Chinese intelligence services are actively trying to steal America's intellectual property as it relates to the virus that they unleashed on the world, because, of course, they want to be the country that claims credit for finding those drugs or finding a vaccine, and then use it as leverage against the rest of the world.


BARTIROMO: Global investor Ray Dalio is back with us today with his assessment of the China threat and why it hasn't stopped him and others from investing there.

All that and a lot more, as we look ahead today on "Sunday Morning Futures."

But, first, new revelations this week about Christopher Steele and his bogus dossier paid for by Hillary Clinton's campaign and the Democratic National Committee.

Newly declassified documents providing even more evidence that the FBI knew that there was no collusion as early as January of 2017, but they kept investigating Trump and his campaign anyway and renewing warrants to do so.

This just the latest domino to fall, with more bombshell documents expected any day now.

White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows breaking that news right here with us right here last week.


MARK MEADOWS, WHITE HOUSE CHIEF OF STAFF: We know that they not only knew that there wasn't a case, but they continued to investigate and spy -- and, yes, I use the word spy -- on Trump campaign officials, and, actually, even doing things when this president was sworn in, and after that, and doing it in an inappropriate manner.

You're going to see a couple of other documents come out in the coming days that will suggest that, not only was the campaign spied on, but the FBI did not act appropriately as they were investigating.

It's all starting to come unravel -- to unravel. And I tell you, it's time that people go to jail and people are indicted.


BARTIROMO: Joining me right now to talk more about that is Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham.

Mr. Chairman, it's great to have you once again. Thank you so much for being here.


BARTIROMO: A big applaud goes to you for declassifying documents over the last week and really getting to the news and the truth.

Thank you, Senator, for doing that. I know that our audience is grateful.

GRAHAM: Thank you.

BARTIROMO: I want to talk about what you declassified.

And, certainly, you have articles in this from The New York Times, where we see Peter Strzok, FBI agent...

GRAHAM: Right.

BARTIROMO: ... marking off the articles, saying there is absolutely no evidence of this.

Tell us about the report that you declassified from the FBI which is based on an interview with the subsource of Christopher Steele.

GRAHAM: So, there's two things that we declassified so the public could understand how corrupt Crossfire Hurricane actually was.

Number one was a memo written by an intel analyst who spent three days interviewing the Russian subsource. I don't know about you, but I always thought the Russian subsource was somebody based in Russia in the bowels of the Russian government risking their lives, trying to get information out to the Democratic Party.

The Russian subsource, we now know, was on the payroll of Christopher Steele. And he also had a working relationship with the Brookings Institute. And we have learned from the memo that we declassified that the Russian subsource, who was American-based, not Russian-based, told Christopher Steele: Here's what I have got. It is bar talk. It's rumor. It is innuendo. It is not really reliable.

And what did Christopher Steele do with that? He turned it into a Tom Clancy novel. He sold it to the FBI. They sold it to the FISA court to get a warrant against Carter Page. And what does this memo show?

Then, in January 2017, when they found the Russian subsource, who was in the United States, he disavowed the dossier as being reliable. The FBI knew it, did a 40-page memo. But the FBI continued to lie to the court, getting new warrants based on the dossier in April and June of 2017. After they knew it was a bunch of garbage, they continued to use it anyway.

Somebody needs to go to jail.

BARTIROMO: So, tell me about the criminality, because...


BARTIROMO: ... if that subsource told the FBI agent, this is all bar talk...

GRAHAM: Right.

BARTIROMO: ... this is all hearsay...


BARTIROMO: ... why didn't the FBI stop renewing warrants to spy on Carter Page?

GRAHAM: That is the central accusation that I'm trying to find out. I'm doing oversight. Durham is doing a criminal investigation.

Here is what I can tell you, that Peter Strzok new that the subsource was not reliable. In the notes that we declassified where Strzok is commenting on the February 14 New York Times article, he indicates in there that Steele does not have insight into the reliability of the subsource.

So, that tells me that Strzok knew about the interview with the subsource in January, where the subsource says it is all bar talk and hearsay. So, Strzok has a duty to report to the court exculpatory information. He has a duty to notify his superiors that the key document to get a warrant against Carter Page, the Russian dossier, is no longer reliable.

I find it impossible to believe that McCabe and Comey were not made aware of this 40-page memo. Think about it for the moment. What's the odds that somebody would go to the trouble of writing a 40-page memo, shredding the reliability of the Russian dossier, and not tell other people in the FBI about it? I think there's zero chance that happened.

And anybody that knew that the Russian dossier was unreliable and continued to get a warrant against Carter Page based on that document should go to jail for defrauding the court.

BARTIROMO: So, you are calling witnesses down to get interviewed in front of your committee.


BARTIROMO: You have got Sally Yates coming soon.

GRAHAM: Yes. Right.

BARTIROMO: Are you going to call Jim Comey and Andrew McCabe?

GRAHAM: Yes, absolutely, at the end.

But I want to call Sally Yates. But let me tell you who I want to call for sure, is, I want to call the person who prepared the memo. I want to call the case agent who interviewed the subsource for three days in January and ask him, oh, by the way, did you tell anybody above you that the dossier is a piece of Russian disinformation?

They're laughing their ass off in Russia. This New York Times article that somehow the subsource has been compromised, nobody in Russia is mad at this subsource who is U.S.-based, because the subsource took a bunch of Russian disinformation, sold it to Christopher Steele, who sold it to the FBI.

What happened here is that Russian disinformation was used by American law enforcement in weapons form to go after a sitting president. They're laughing their ass off in Russia about this. They would give this guy a medal.


So, tell me about the Sally Yates interview. That is happening on August 5.

GRAHAM: OK. Right. Right.

BARTIROMO: That is coming up. What do you want to find out from Sally Yates?

GRAHAM: Three things. Three things.

Ms. Yates has previously testified that she met with President Obama and Vice President Biden, I think it was Comey and Brennan and a few others, to talk about the ongoing surveillance of General Flynn, who was the incoming national security adviser.

At that meeting, she learned for the first time -- and she is number two at the Justice Department on January the 5th, 2017 -- that the FBI was surveilling General Flynn. What shocked her the most is that Obama knew about it, and she didn't.

Now, what do I want to ask her? I want her explain to us, how is it possible the president of the United States knows about a surveillance of the incoming national security adviser, General Flynn, and you didn't?

And did she hear Vice President Biden mention whether or not Flynn may have violated the Logan Act? And I want to under -- I want her to explain to us what kind of system is in place?

On January the 4th, the FBI agents in the field recommended dropping General Flynn from Crossfire Hurricane because there was no there there.

So, really, what I want to hear from Flynn is, how could Obama know and she didn't? And did Biden mention that we should be looking at Flynn in terms after a Logan Act violation? If he said that, that is contrary to what he has been saying publicly.

BARTIROMO: Well, what did they also say -- what did the FBI say to Congress?

Because I remember John Brennan being interviewed...

GRAHAM: Stay tuned.


BARTIROMO: ... in testimony to -- in front of Trey Gowdy.

GRAHAM: Yes. Yes.

BARTIROMO: And he said to Trey Gowdy, we did not use the dossier. It was a small part of the overall mosaic.

GRAHAM: Right.

BARTIROMO: What about the FBI and what it told Congress? Is lying to Congress a 10-year felony, as Trey Gowdy has said on this program?

GRAHAM: So, stay tuned.

Next week, you are going to learn more. Not only do we now know that the FBI lied to the FISA court about the reliability of the dossier. They told the court that the subsource was truthful and cooperative and Russian- based.

The truth of the matter is that the subsource was American-based. He was an employee of Christopher Steele, who was on the payroll of the Democratic Party. And he told Christopher Steele, this is all a bunch of hearsay.

And when the FBI understood that the dossier was no longer reliable, they continued to use it. But we also now have found -- and this will come out next week -- that Congress got suspicious about the Russian subsource and the reliability of the Steele dossier and that members of Congress asked to be briefed about it.

I will tell you next week what I found. And here is what I think I'm going to be able to show to the public. Not only did the FBI lie to the court about the reliability of the Steele dossier. They also relied -- lied to the Congress. And that is a separate crime.

BARTIROMO: So, that is a second criminal -- that is a second criminal act, then?

GRAHAM: And this is in 2018.

So, again, I want to emphasize this, that the Congress got suspicious, the Intelligence Committee did, about Steele and the reliability of the dossier. The intelligence community did not want to include the dossier in the intelligence assessment provided to President Trump about the 2016 campaign because they didn't trust it.

So, they started asking questions at the FBI in 2018 about the subsource and how reliable this information was. And I found the notes that the FBI used to prepare that briefing. Mr. Horowitz told us about them. I found them.

Stay tuned next week. You're going to find, not only did the FBI lie to the FISA court. They lied their ass off to the Congress.

BARTIROMO: Unbelievable. This is more breaking news. We will follow your reporting next week, Senator.


BARTIROMO: Real quick, before you go, you have been knee-deep on working on another package for the shutdown and the coronavirus response.

GRAHAM: Yes. Right.

BARTIROMO: Are we going to see you pass something before the Senate leaves on August 8? What is the conversation now about those unemployment benefits, which will go away on July 31?

GRAHAM: Well, here's the problem we have.

Seventy percent of the people, almost, on unemployment are making more unemployed than they did when they worked. We need to change that. State benefits are trying to replace 50 percent of lost wages.

What Mnuchin wants to do is have a federal benefit to take it up to 70 percent. Our goal is to give you 70 percent of the money you lost by being employed, not to give you a pay raise in unemployment.

We have got to fix that. We have got to take care of kids. We have got $100 billion in this package to safely get kids back to school. And hospitals are beginning to be overrun again by new admissions. So we have got money to help our health care system.

Half the Republicans are going to vote no to any phase four package. That's just a fact. And a lot of Democrats are going to insist on $3 trillion, which would be way too much. It would be wasted money.

I'm confident that President Trump will lead us to a solution where we have money for kids, jobs, and health care. We need to stimulate the economy. We need a phase four. And I think we will come together before August the 5th to get this done.

BARTIROMO: All right, we will leave it there. We will be watching.

Lindsey Graham, thanks for your leadership in all of this. We appreciate your time this morning, sir. Thank you.

GRAHAM: Thank you.

BARTIROMO: Senator Lindsey Graham joining us there.

A quick break, and then coming up, acting Secretary of Homeland Security Chad Wolf is here live on what the federal government is doing to do to restore law and order across our country, with some mayors saying they're just not welcome.

Back in a minute.


BARTIROMO: Welcome back.

Crime and vandalism besieging downtown Portland overnight, as the city enters a 60th straight day of often violent protests over the death of George Floyd.

President Trump deployed federal officers there to restore law and order, facing opposition from local lawmakers who are demanding they leave.

Acting Secretary of Homeland Security Chad Wolf has been leading the federal response in Portland.

He joins me right now.

And, Secretary, it is great to have you this morning. Thank you so much for joining us. And, certainly, your leadership on all of this is critical.

Please explain to us the difference in terms of what is happening in Portland vs. the response to other cities across our country where there is also crime and vandalism and in need of law and order?

CHAD WOLF, ACTING U.S. SECRETARY OF HOMELAND SECURITY: Well, thanks for having me on this morning, Maria.

What's going on in Portland is very different than any other city across our country today. What we have in Portland is, every night, again, between midnight and 5:00 a.m., you have anywhere from 2,000, 3,000, upwards to 4,000 violent individuals targeting federal property, the federal courthouse there in Portland and federal law enforcement officers.

They are arriving every night, using city streets and city parks. They're coming armed with rocks, bottles, basketball bats, power tools, commercial- grade fireworks, eliciting that violence, and targeting their violence on federal courthouse and federal law enforcement officers.

That is very different than what is going on in Chicago -- places like Chicago, Albuquerque, Kansas City. That is where you see normal criminal activity, street crime, what we say, regarding gangs and drug dealers.

And, again, President Trump and the administration, led by the Department of Justice, is targeting that type of crime.

But, again, Portland is very different. What we see in Portland is a city, at least at certain hours of the night, completely out of control. We see city leadership there has fostered an environment that allows these criminals to do this throughout the night, untouched, absolutely untouched.

It is time for Portland to join other responsible cities around this country, working with federal law enforcement, to address this violence.

Just last night, Maria, we had protests across the country. We had some violent protests taking place in Seattle, in Oakland, in other cities. But what we saw there is, we saw local and state, federal law enforcement -- working with federal law enforcement, addressing those issues, without major incidents.

We need Portland to step up to the plate, do their responsibility, and work with us to address violent criminal activity occurring every night.

BARTIROMO: Well, what if they don't, Secretary?

Something has got to give, right? This is going on every night that Portland looks like Baghdad. And they are pushing back on officers. These people can go all the way up to the fence and the perimeter and throw bricks at officers. What are you going to do about it?

WOLF: Absolutely.

Well, I will say that we're working very, very closely with the Department of Justice, the FBI, as well as others. And I will say that we are going to have additional actions probably as early as this week.

We cannot continue to let law enforcement officers targeted and injured night after night after night.

And I just want to say, we often hear from, again, city leaders and even other leaders, Oregon senators, who say there is not a lot of violence going on, it is mainly peaceful protesting.

I would say to you, that we have over 70 arrests. We have over 188 individual injuries. We have got over a dozen times it has been declared a riot that says otherwise. This is violent, violent activity. We have got dozens of pictures, photos, videos, some of which we released, that say the complete opposite.

So, I think it is very important that Americans and your viewers understand what is going on in Portland. It is violent crime every single night.

And, again, I'm asking the city, the state to step up, do their job, work with federal law enforcement, and let's bring this to a peaceful conclusion.


WOLF: And let me just end by saying the department strongly supports individuals who want to peacefully protest. You want to exercise your First Amendment right, there is no concern.

In fact, that happens in Portland every day. There's no incidents. There's no arrests. And we're fine. It is this violent criminal activity that has to stop.


And you may actually have two of your agents permanently blind, God forbid, because they were -- they had lasers shined in their eyes.

I want to take short break and come back and talk about that, as well as a protest planned right outside of your house.

Stay with us. More with Secretary Chad Wolf when we come right back.


BARTIROMO: Welcome back. We are back live with acting Secretary of Homeland Security Chad Wolf.

Secretary, we were just going through the situation in Portland. I want to get to the other major cities in our country and the violence happening there.

But why can't -- before we finish on Portland, why can't you just arrest the leadership in Portland because of their ignoring what is really happening on the ground?

WOLF: Well, we absolutely are doing that.

So, we're working with the FBI there in Portland, with the U.S. attorney's office there in Portland, to address the leaders that are organizing this and then going after them.

We're also making arrests every night. We made more than seven or eight arrests last night. And we will continue to do that. We're continuing to hold these criminals accountable. If the city won't, the federal government will hold these folks accountable.

And I think it is interesting. I have often been asked by a number of city officials, as well as, again, senators, who say, just have DHS officers stay on federal property. If you stay on federal property, all will be fine. We did that Friday night, Maria, and over seven officers were injured on federal property.

So, this has nothing to do with, you stay on federal property, and then we will peacefully protest. That is not the case.

We know what their aim is. Their aim is to destroy that courthouse and injure law enforcement officers. We have them on video as saying that. We know what their goal is. And we're going to continue to protect and do our job.


How are your officers doing, your agents doing who are -- have lost eyesight because of the lasers shone at their eyes?

WOLF: Yes, well, I appreciate you mentioning that.

We have two to three different officers. We are waiting on final results to see how much their eyesight will permanently be lost because of the activity of these criminals. As you indicated, they are shining lasers, high, powerful lasers into officers' eyes as they emerge from the courthouse.

So, we're taking steps, we have taken steps to address that. And we will continue to protect our officers at all costs.

And, again, all I need is the city of Portland to step up and do their job. These individuals are on city streets. They're in city parks, arming themselves every night. And the city simply does nothing about it, absolutely nothing.

BARTIROMO: Unbelievable.

WOLF: It is irresponsible, and it is very dangerous.

BARTIROMO: And right now, there are plans for a protest right outside of your home. What are you doing? What can you tell us about this other protest which is really trying to single-handedly attack you?

WOLF: Well, what I can tell you, Maria, is, our officers in Portland every night are targeted.

Their personal information is on the Internet, put out there by these criminals, by these anarchists. They're identified. Their families are harassed. They go where they're staying. The doxing is prolific. And we're trying to address that.

And, of course, we see them trying to do that to myself. We will continue to do our job. We are not going to be deterred by this. This is tactic they have used for over three years, three-and-a-half years. We know what it is. We're prepared for it.

At the end of the day, we're going to do our job, we're going to do our mission. The American people deserve that.

And, again, I go back to the -- most reasonable Americans understand what is at play in Portland, understand what the department is doing, what the president is doing and what the administration is doing. And that is, we are standing up for law and order. And anyone who says otherwise is not being accurate.

And I will say that the other -- the other side that wants to criticize law enforcement, what they don't do, they do not condemn these acts of violence in Portland. I have talked with a number of Democratic members of Congress. And all but one...


WOLF: Only one have asked me about the health of my officers. All they want to do is condemn law enforcement for doing their job, and, again, very irresponsible.

BARTIROMO: Bernie Sanders would also like to defund the Pentagon. The Democrats want to cut defense spending as well.

And, real quick, give us your sense of what is happening in other cities across the country. Shootings are up 50 percent in New York. Crime, murder, and shootings are up in Chicago.

What is happening in other cities, and how are you dealing with that? Tell us about Operation LeGend.

WOLF: Absolutely.

So, Operation LeGend is a Department of Justice-led operation into a number of cities. It has been on going in Kansas City. It is also taking place in Chicago, Albuquerque and a few others.

And, again, what we're doing is, we're surging law enforcement assets into those cities to work on federal crimes that are being committed, whether it is gang violence or drug-related violence.

And these are task forces that are occurring every day. And, again, federal officers are doing that in conjunction with state and local law enforcement officers.

So, what we're doing is, we're surging resources, the Department of Homeland Security, using our Homeland Security investigation agents, are supporting that effort, again, trying to address some of the violent criminal activity that is occurring out in these cities that has gotten completely out of control.

But I want to emphasize, we're doing that with state and local partnership, as we have done for the past several decades. Nothing is going to change there. We are going to continue to have that partnership with them.

But what we are trying to do is, we're trying to put additional assets into those cities, so that we can investigate more, we can wrap up those investigations quicker, and we can make more arrests.

BARTIROMO: And is there a coincidence that many of these cities are being run by Democrat officials?

I just want to talk quickly about policy and whether or not the Democrat policies are encouraging this. Nancy Pelosi the other day called your agents Storm Troopers. You have got -- just like you said a moment ago, you have got officials saying these are peaceful things, and they're not peaceful.

What do you say about all of these cities, which we are going to show on camera now, being run by Democrats?

WOLF: Well, I'd say the comment from Speaker Pelosi that our federal law enforcement officers, civil law enforcement officers are Storm Troopers, are the Gestapo, or are thugs is absolutely irresponsible. It's dangerous. And she should immediately apologize for that.

What we again see across these cities is violent crime occurring. We will continue to surge resources, not only in Portland, but in other cities across the country.

But I do want to make a different -- a distinction, which we talked about at the top of this segment. What is going on in Portland is very different than any other -- any other city across the country. And that relationship with the federal law enforcement officers and those state and local law enforcement officers is very different in Portland as it is anywhere else.

So, I want to make sure that everyone is clear about that, and there's no confusion.

BARTIROMO: Understood.

Thank you so much, Secretary. Great to have you this morning. We so appreciate it, acting Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf.

We will be right back with Devin Nunes live. He's got breaking news on the Russian collusion hoax, the coup that failed.

You will never believe which prestigious Washington think tank he says has links to developing the dossier -- next.


Congressman Devin Nunes was among the first lawmakers to question the Russian collusion hoax, as then chairman of the House Intel Committee, telling us right here on this program three years ago that the FBI engaged in a coup to take down a sitting president.

This week, he joined me on "Mornings With Maria" over on FOX Business with some breaking news on the Steele dossier. Watch.


REP. DEVIN NUNES (R-CA): Where we now see direct links between the Brookings Institute leadership and the creation of -- possibly of the Steele dossier and the dissemination of the Steele dossier.

I think they have real answer -- questions that need to be answered here about, what on earth was the president of Brookings doing texting back and forth to Steele? Why was he accepting the dossier?


BARTIROMO: Joining me right now with an update is Congressman Devin Nunes. He's the ranking member the House Intel Committee.

Congressman, it is always a pleasure to see you. Thank you for being here.

NUNES: Thank you.

BARTIROMO: We have this breaking news this morning, as the subsource of the dossier, Igor Danchenko, has been unmasked.

Tell me about this subsource and its tie -- his ties to Brookings.

NUNES: Well, thank you, Maria. Thanks for having me on.

You may remember, a couple months ago, I was on your show, and I talked about that we were really looking at three Russians. And as Senator Graham said at the beginning of the show, it ends up that we actually weren't looking for -- the third one was actually not a Russian at all. He actually -- it sounds like he lives here in America.

And the FBI led Congress to believe that -- and the media led Congress to believe and they led the American public to believe that somehow Steele had this really super secret source that nobody could know about.

Well, it ends up that he used to work for the Brookings Institute. It looks like there was a lot of connections to the Brookings Institute, which, for those of your viewers who don't know what this is, this is like the prominent left-wing think tank here in our nation's capital.

So, we're investigating now, and have been. And we had these links earlier on. People may remember. The president of Brookings, back in 2016, we know that he had given the dossier to a few people. We had that through testimony.

You also may remember that the State Department was involved and there were additional dossiers that weren't the Steele dossiers, except that they mirrored the Steele dossiers. And we think there is a connection between the president of Brookings and those dossiers that were given to the State Department that mirrored the Steele dossiers, which, look, all of this, what does this mean?

These -- this was the Clinton campaign's dossiers. It was the dirt. It was a phony story that they sold, not only to the American people, but they sold it and corrupted our FBI, where it appears like these dirty cops were more than willing to take this information and present it to the FISA court.

So, here is the final point on Brookings.

BARTIROMO: Are you -- yes.

NUNES: So, here's the final point.

So, we have now expanded our investigation, full-blown investigation, into the Brookings Institute. And it really centers on two issues. One is the IRS. This is a tax-exempt organization. They're supposed to stay out of politics. They clearly have not done that. They have obstructed our investigation with propaganda for the last four years.

It's well-known that they have attacked our investigation for four years through this kind of phony legal group of fact-checkers that they set up.


NUNES: So, we need to look at their -- see if they have been involved in politics.


NUNES: Secondly, they take...

BARTIROMO: So, the -- yes.


Secondly, they take -- they also take foreign money from foreign countries and foreign governments. And we need to know what foreign governments were involved in this, because were they acting on behalf of a foreign power?

Everybody questioned for all this time, you know, the Trump campaign and Republicans were involved with Russians. Well, who was the Brookings Institute -- who were their foreign donors? And are they doing all of this not just to help the Democratic Party, but also any foreign government?

BARTIROMO: Well, what tells me -- what this all tells me, including the subsource revealed, is that there was indeed collusion in this country, but it was collusion with Hillary Clinton and the Democrats.

Is that a fair statement?


NUNES: Well, yes.

And it also just goes to show you that this was some sick fantasy that was made up by the Clinton campaign and their operatives. And think of this. You had people in the media -- remember this whole thing about prostitutes and Pee tapes in Moscow?

These fools were running around all over Europe and Moscow, the leading institutions, these supposedly leading reporters, but nobody calls them out on that. And the whole thing was like some sick fantasy made up by the Clinton campaign.

BARTIROMO: Well, many of them actually got Pulitzer Prizes for their reporting.

NUNES: That's right.

BARTIROMO: I want to ask you about Robert Mueller, because these items that were declassified clearly indicate that the FBI knew that the dossier was fake, that the dossier was hearsay and bar talk.

How come Mueller didn't unearth these things? I mean, let's watch Robert Mueller when he testified in front of Congress to listen to what he said about things like Fusion GPS.

Roll the clip.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: When you talk about the firm that produced the Steele reporting, the name of the firm that produced that was Fusion GPS. Is that correct?



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Well, let me just help you. It was. It's not a trick question or anything. It was Fusion GPS.


BARTIROMO: "I'm not familiar with it."


BARTIROMO: You have unearthed all of these things, Lindsey Graham declassifying the evidence that the FBI knew the dossier was garbage, and he had no recollection? I don't understand. Where was Mueller in all of this, Congressman?

NUNES: Well, look, I think the question is, is, does Mueller know where Mueller is, OK?

This was somebody who has put up as an avatar to give credibility to this investigation that was phony from the beginning, OK? So I'm not talking about just in 2016. I'm talking about the day that Mueller walks in the door.

I'm not sure he knows what the hell's going on. And, clearly, a couple years later, when he testifies before Congress, to not know who Fusion GPS is was astounding.

And, look, the Democratic Party -- it's very odd. For a party that seems to be against white people and always talking about racism, they sure like to, like, prop up these avatar old white dudes, where -- they have one running for president right now who's hiding in his basement, who won't answer questions.

What was his involvement? Their presidential candidate supposedly went after him, was the one who concocted this idea to use the Logan Act to investigate the Trump campaign, and the incoming president, by the way.

BARTIROMO: Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.

Well, you have made 14 criminal referrals, with a 15th pending. We are waiting on John Durham to investigate that. We're going to hear more from John Durham, I assume.

Let me move on, real quick, about the technology CEOs testifying, not in front of your committee, but they're going to be testifying this week in the House in front of the Judiciary Committee.

You have said conservative censorship is the most important issue ahead of the 2020 election. What do you want to hear from people like the head of Twitter, the head of Google, et cetera, when they testify this week?

NUNES: Well, look, Congress gave these guys special powers, so that they could create companies, so that people could go and use the Internet.

It was supposed to be an open public square. Think of it as a public square, where everyone, as long as they're not -- as long as they're following the law, they can go out there and state their case, and participate in that public square.

What's happened here is, is that Facebook and Google and Twitter are partisan hacks for the Democratic Party and the left. And so what's happening is, think of that -- go back to that public square example.

They're deciding who gets to go into the public square. So, the good thing will be is that we're actually going to have the Parler CEO who's going to testify. And you can follow me at Parler @DevinNunes at Parler.


NUNES: And he's been on your show, Maria.

They have actually -- they're actually...


NUNES: They have that town square. And they're letting all Americans go there and express their views.

BARTIROMO: OK. We got to jump.

Congressman, it's good to see you. Thank you so much, Devin Nunes.

NUNES: My pleasure.

BARTIROMO: We will be right back.


Secretary of State Mike Pompeo this week taking a hard line once again on Beijing, accusing the Chinese Communist Party of tyrannizing its people, while speaking at a Richard Nixon Library event in California on Thursday, Pompeo's rebuke coming just hours after two Chinese diplomats were caught trying to steal coronavirus vaccine research in Houston.

Joining me right now is Ray Dalio. He's the co-chief investment officer and the co-investment officer of Bridgewater Associates and founder.

It is great to see you once again, Ray. Thanks very much for joining me once again this week.

RAY DALIO, CO-CHIEF INVESTMENT OFFICER/CO-CHAIRMAN, BRIDGEWATER ASSOCIATES:  Great to be here.   BARTIROMO: So, I want to talk about the economy and your thoughts on the dollar and all of the stimulus that we have seen in the Federal Reserve, Ray.

But, first, I have got to get your reaction to all that we're seeing coming out of China. I know that you are a global investor. And you look for growth across the world.

Would you still want to invest in China, given what we have learned about the Communist Party?

DALIO: I think there are three things, three big things going on, and they operate together. And those are the important ones.

The first is where we are in the debt cycle, the printing of money, and that. The second is how we are with each other, that we're having an ideological civil war that, when you combine that with an economic downturn, in which there is the printing of money and the creation of money out of thin air, is an issue.

And then you have the rising power of China challenging the existing power. Those three things, the last time they happened was in the 1930-to-'45 period. I think you have to see them together. So, that is the position we're now in.

In terms of China, we will -- we are in a conflict with China. You can call it a war, like the 1930s, so that there is a -- there is a trade war, there is a technology war, there is a geopolitical war, and there could be a capital war. And so that's the reality.

Now regarding policy, that's for governments to set. But the challenge is to set it well, because, if you say, by law, don't invest in China, or even possibly withholding the payment of bonds that the United States owes payment on in China, these things are possibilities, and they have big implications, such as for the value of the dollar, because investors, free market investors, are not used to having those things dictated by the government.

So, these are difficult questions that have to be well-addressed at this time.

BARTIROMO: But would the -- would the news of one million Uyghurs being locked up in reeducation camps, the ignoring of the rule of law by stealing intellectual property, the overreach in Hong Kong, breaking promises there, militarizing the South China Sea, do any of these things come into focus when deciding to invest in China?

DALIO: I think that we, as Americans, have got to decide on what's most important to us. And it becomes a challenge.

For example, from the Chinese perspective, they believe that is an area of sovereignty and that those internal issues are be to dealt with by them, and we have to have -- just like they wouldn't deal in our internal issues.

These are questions that individuals don't decide. Individuals have to decide...


DALIO: ... if they're ethical, if they're operating in ways that are consistent with their beliefs. That is a personal decision that you want to do.

BARTIROMO: That is exactly right.

DALIO: But the only -- but, at the end of the day...

BARTIROMO: That's what I'm saying, yes.

DALIO: At the end of the day, it will...

BARTIROMO: Hold on, Ray. We're going to take -- we're going to -- yes.

DALIO: At the end of the day...


BARTIROMO: We're going to take a break and then come back to that when we come right back.

Stay with us, Ray Dalio.


BARTIROMO: We are back with Bridgewater chief investment officer Ray Dalio.

And, Ray, a moment ago, you mentioned the potential for a capital war. I want to ask you about the economy and what your thoughts are about all of the stimulus being thrown at the economy, given this shutdown.

Do you worry about the impact to the reserve currency, the dollar, Ray?

DALIO: Yes, I -- we are only going to be successful if we do things in a solid way, right?

So, the things I worry about the most are the soundness of our money. You can't continue to run deficits, sell debt, or print money, rather than be productive and sustain that over a period of time. And that relates to the money and what's now happening.

And the second is the working together. I study history. And, as I say, the '30-to-'45 period is educational, because, within each country, there have been conflicts about -- like our conflicts. Four democracies chose to be dictatorships because of the disorder of how people are fighting with each other, rather than working together.

If we don't work together to do the sound things, to be productive, to earn more than we spend, to build our currency, the stability of our currency, and build a good balance sheet, we are going to decline.

We are declining because of those things. And so it's basically in those fundamentals that are the most important things that we deal with. We are our own worst enemy.


DALIO: So, how we deal with each other soundly and productively, in a way...


DALIO: ... that most people in the country believe is fair, is going to determine our future.

BARTIROMO: Ray -- Ray, thank you.

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