ACLU Criticizes President Obama

Uncivil Debate

President Obama is getting harsh criticism from the American Civil Liberties Union. Politico reports ACLU executive director Anthony Romero did not hold back when speaking about the administration's handling of civil liberties issues, "I'm di sgusted with this president. I'm not disgusted at President Obama personally. It's his policies on civil liberties and national security issues I'm disgusted by."

Romero went on to say expectations have not been met on closing Guantanamo Bay, military commissions and the use of the Patriot Act.

Lights Out

The owner of the Empire State building is catching flack over his refusal to light up the Manhattan skyscraper for the 100th anniversary of the birth of the late Mother Teresa.

The Catholic League, which requested the lights, is furious over the decision. Building owner Anthony Malkin says there is a specific policy against lighting for religious figures. But the Catholic League points to past tributes for Cardinal John O'Connor, Pope John Paul II, and Martin Luther King, Jr., as well as a Grateful Dead charity exhibition, the 60th anniversary of the People's Republic of China and a NASCAR championship.

Human Rights Issue

A Tel Aviv delegation has been banned from joining a gay pride march in Madrid because Spanish organizers say it would be barbaric to allow it in the wake of the Gaza flotilla incident and the fact that the city of Tel Aviv did not condemn the raid.

The Israelis reacted angrily, saying Gaza is, "controlled by the fundamentalists of Hamas who do not respect any human rights and believe that homosexuals should be killed."