A Survivor's Story in Japan

This is a rush transcript from "On the Record," March 18, 2011. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GRETA VAN SUSTEREN, FOX NEWS HOST: Right now, estimates are about 500,000 people in Japan with no homes. Homes are either crushed or just simply washed out to sea. And it gets worse. There are not enough shelters, not enough food. And one earthquake and tsunami survivor is joining us on Skype, along with American relief worker Ken Joseph. Ken, you have there a survivor of this earthquake with you. Tell me -- tell me what it's like.

KEN JOSEPH, RELIEF WORKER IN JAPAN: Well, Kinto was at the airport, and he was just telling us the tsunami came in, and he held on for dear life. He was on the second floor and survived and then waited on the roof for help to come.

VAN SUSTEREN: And in terms of -- where were you, Ken, by the way, when it hit?

JOSEPH: Well, I was in Tokyo. We came up a couple hours later.

VAN SUSTEREN: What's the condition like? Tell me what's going on in the shelter there.

JOSEPH: Well, if you can see, this is what was the meal yesterday. It was an orange, one orange, and one -- like, four crackers. So this is the food for the whole day for the shelter.

VAN SUSTEREN: For each person?

JOSEPH: There's been no food, no blankets, no gasoline, nothing.

VAN SUSTEREN: Is anyone contacting you, any relief organization, the Japanese government doing anything for the shelter?

JOSEPH: Well, it's the story at all the shelters. I mean, they're doing their best, but nothing is coming in. And the people are just getting incredibly frustrated. We just had another -- you know, a fight outside where people are just starting to lose their patience, and nobody can understand why no help is coming.

VAN SUSTEREN: Now, is -- I -- we're are calling this a shelter, but what is it typically when it's not being used as a shelter?

JOSEPH: The shelters are mostly elementary or junior high school gymnasiums or, you know, government buildings that are turned over. They're unheated. I mean, it's just -- to be frank, it's shocking to us that, you know, have lived here all our lives. And I guess the only thing we'd like to say is please send us help. Nothing is getting through. The American military is apparently not too far from us, but we have not seen one delivery of anything. There's been no delivery to this facility since the earthquake happened a little over a week ago.

VAN SUSTEREN: Are people in the shelter missing relatives? I mean, do you have that situation on top of the hardship in terms of, you know, no -- very little food and no bedding and things? But are people also looking for loved ones?

JOSEPH: Absolutely. So for example, right next to me, we have one computer that we have a list of all the shelters, and we're trying to find out who's in which one. But I'll give you a very -- a typical example. We have a church that we just went to the day before yesterday. The church had 35 members. They could only find five. That's kind of the consistent pattern here.

VAN SUSTEREN: Is it likely they're just in other shelters, or is this an area that was hit by the earthquake and it's -- the -- you know, the worst happened and these people have been buried alive?

JOSEPH: No. No, these -- our -- these shelters here are in the best area. We were just at a couple other shelters right nearby here, and it was shocking. There was no heat. It was just freezing cold. People are huddled up in blankets. I guess the biggest question people have is why is nobody coming to help? And second, this big fear that because of the nuclear situation, the little help we have is not going to come anymore.

VAN SUSTEREN: Ken, thank you very much. And also thank the -- you know, your person with you. Appreciate it.


JOSEPH: Here's the teen behind [me] here.

VAN SUSTEREN: And I see it. And we'll try to get the word out, Ken, so someone gets there you to, to all of you. You obviously need lots of help. We'll do our best.

JOSEPH: God bless you. Please don't forget us!

VAN SUSTEREN: I won't. Thank you, Ken.