74 children killed by ISIS for 'crimes' including not fasting during Ramadan

This is a rush transcript from "The Five," July 2, 2015. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: Hello, everyone. I'm Greg Gutfeld along with Kimberly Guilfoyle, Juan Williams, Eric Bolling and Katie Pavlich. This is something we call "The Five."

Here's an ISIS joke: Why did the jihadists execute 74 children? Because they can.

See, the joke's not funny because it's true. ISIS can kill scores of kids and women because we let them. Credit ocean privilege, the benefit of thousands of miles of watery separation which allows for breezy, nonintervention, which is less a stance than it is a slumber.

As ISIS continues to redefine evil, our current strategy is to mock their success as a way to hinder their propaganda. But it's like turning off the TV because your team is getting clobbered: The score remains the same. But we can't keep turning it off.

Alaa Saadeh -- I think I said that right, is the 65th creep charged with terror-related activity in cahoots with ISIS. Part of a group planning to bomb a New York landmark, he's the fifth ghoul arrested recently in the New York area as authorities issued a heightened threat alert ahead of the holidays. So how about a new joke, why hasn't ISIS killed 74 of our kids? Don't worry, they're working on it.

So far a combination of diligence, Intel and needed paranoia has kept us safe, for the most part anyway since 9/11. But ISIS is a new breed. It marries fanaticism to fidelity to principle. There snuff films make "Saw" look like Disney. As our Arab allies accused the U.S. of blocking attempts to fly heavy weapons directly to Kurds, you wonder if this is about inept strategy or a lack of will.

Which leads me to my final joke: Does the White House really think ISIS is all that bad? Well, it would depend upon their carbon footprint.

All right, Eric, I'm going to the most important.

ERIC BOLLING, CO-HOST: That "Saw" joke was very good.

GUTFELD: Thank you. I'm a fan of "Saw."

BOLLING: Me, too.

GUTFELD: The most important.

BOLLING: And accurate by the way.

GUTFELD: It is very accurate. I've been in those situations. The terrorists are planning on targeting large group that gather with minimal security. So what does this tell you? It tells you that the worst place to be is a gun- free zone.

BOLLING: Absolutely. We've been talking mass shootings, mass murders, all gun-free zones, this -- the guy in Tunisia.


BOLLING: Was on a beach. I think who has -- no one's got a gun on the beach.


BOLLING: And if they do, you can certainly see it. Alaa Saadeh, an Irish guy isn't?

GUTFELD: I don't think so.

BOLLING: No. I don't think so.



BOLLING: Here's the thing, though, ISIS. John Kerry said we could wipe ISIS out in a minute if we wanted to, but we're not going to get sucked into that. Why not? Suck us in, wipe them out, get rid of them, move on. I guess there will be another ISIS around the corner. But at least for now, let's do it.

GUTFELD: Yeah. Katie, Eric brought up Tunisia. 30 of the 38 dead are British. I mean, it sense that is an attack on England.


GUTFELD: What should they be doing? I mean, Isn't it time?

PAVLICH: Well, you know, you look at with the Arab allies and they're saying in terms of -- they're saying that England and the United States are making them go through this bureaucratic process to get weapons to the Kurds. And my question is why we are spending all this time and money on training an Iraqi army that's literally running away when ISIS comes to their door. When the Kurds have actually beaten back ISIS and doing the job quite frankly that we should actually be doing. But in terms of what's going on here on the holiday weekend and you know the FBI and Homeland Security did offer that memo saying, you know, be vigilant. But the bottom line is although the FBI is doing their job and arresting a lot of these guys in New York, down in Washington, D.C., the fact is that they can't be everywhere and citizens do have an obligation to be aware, to put down their cell phones, to have a good time at the parades and all that. But just pay some attention to see because the FBI is not going to be there if something goes down and you need to be ready to go.

GUTFELD: It's a good point, Kimberly.


GUTFELD: They're going out -- it's about soft targets. Places like malls which are -- which have minimal security. I mean, what are we left with? We're left with the second amendment.

GUILFOYLE: Well, that's right. I mean, arm yourself because the government isn't going to take care of you in a certain sense. I mean, why are we lacking the capacity, the wherewithal to do this? Like the psychological capacity to say, let's get this done when we know that we can do it. We have a military that's strong and willing and able and lives to defend freedom and liberty. Nevertheless, people are more concerned in this administration and in the State Department with climate change, with global warming. Instead of children that are being executed. So is it going to take something like hitting a soft target here to wake up. Like to kind of give the United States of America some smelling salts for the administration so they say, you know what? Let's get in this. Let's get it done. Let's not like play around with them because they're not playing. ISIS isn't playing.

GUTFELD: Juan, are you quite impressed with the fact that I made this about guns?


GUTFELD: I think you.

WILLIAMS: It just depresses me. I mean, you guys, I mean, you know we would just.

GUTFELD: It's a fact.

WILLIAMS: It would be the Wild Wild West around here. I guess.

GUTFELD: Yes. The Wild Wild West was the polite.

WILLIAMS: We don't put our guns.

GUTFELD: The polite in place.

WILLIAMS: You know a lot of people got shot. But I mean, I'm going to tell you.

GUTFELD: Bad people.

WILLIAMS: Well, good people, too. And that's what happens most of the time when everybody has a gun.

GUTFELD: There's no statistics to back that up. More guns, more guns, fewer crime.

WILLIAMS: Guess what? Not just only good people that get shot, it's you.


WILLIAMS: Most often people commit suicide -- they're gun owners.

GUTFELD: Why am going to commit suicide?

WILLIAMS: I don't know. You know we have hopes but.

GUTFELD: Wishful thinking?


PAVLICH: Oh, Juan.

GUTFELD: Terrible.

PAVLICH: No, but here's about my.

GUILFOYLE: He's too angry to do that.

GUTFELD: I don't want to make you happy.

WILLIAMS: No, no, no because then I'd have to get a black suit and then you know, I need to put on.

GUTFELD: Why is that have to be black?

WILLIAMS: I miss him so much. But anyway, so.

(LAUGHTER) WILLIAMS: But let me just say, I happen to agree that everyone, as Katie was saying, has to be aware, has to pay attention. Last night I'm in Times Square, right. And you wouldn't believe the police presence. I think the police in New York are making a show in case anybody has any questions. They are aware. They're watching. And you're not always going to be aware.

GUILFOYLE: There are tons of cops out. You can't even take.


GUILFOYLE: A right on 57th off to 6th. They're like no.

WILLIAMS: No, no, no, to tell you that. OK. So the police are on.

GUTFELD: The terrorist of Juan.

WILLIAMS: And then we have the incident.

BOLLING: They have one.

GUTFELD: Yeah, yeah.

BOLLING: I mean, look at today.


BOLLING: Can someone hear a sound in the navy yard.


BOLLING: There are thousands of cops there.

WILLIAMS: I was just about to say.

BOLLING: There spend about $2 million.

WILLIAMS: There you go. I was just about to bring this up.

BOLLING: Millions of dollars because someone thought they heard a sound. They're winning.

WILLIAMS: They're winning. No, the paranoia is, you know is over the top. I think it's a little much. But I agree with Katie, you've got to watch. But I don't know that we have to go to this extent. Now I will say that what I'm hearing from all the people who are talking about this is, including Mike McCaul the chairman of Homeland Security in the House. Is it you know what, you've got July 4th, you've got Ramadan, and then you've got some kind of anniversary of ISIS doing something a year ago and they're very aggressive on the internet. So there is no credible and specific threat against any target in the United States. Let's put that on the record. But people are.

BOLLING: Can you say that again?

WILLIAMS: There is no credible.

GUILFOYLE: Where are you getting that from? Al Jazeera?

WILLIAMS: Everybody says that. The intelligence is.

BOLLING: FBI Director Comey said he has a credible threat in every single state.

WILLIAMS: No, no. He said that there are people who are Lone Wolves that we have to watch out. There are people who may be plotting.


(CROSSTALK) WILLIAMS: But there is no credible specific threat.

PAVLICH: No, Juan. That is the most.

BOLLING: I think he said the exact opposite of that.

PAVLICH: That is the misleading actually argument that the government does put out. They say we don't have actual intelligence for a credible threat.

WILLIAMS: Correct.

PAVLICH: But the bottom line is this. You don't need a credible threat for there to be a threat all the time in a Lone Wolf situation. There wasn't a credible threat for the Mohammad cartoon situation.

WILLIAMS: No, but Katie.

PAVLICH: They didn't have a credible threat there. And guess what, they got attacked.

WILLIAMS: Right. So Katie.

PAVLICH: Let's just say that it's not an issue and don't pay attention?

WILLIAMS: I didn't say that.

PAVLICH: I mean, Juan.

WILLIAMS: I agreed with you to pay attention, but there is. It's a big difference between saying we know there's a credible and specific threat and we're trying to stop it. No. That -- this is a different level. This is Lone Wolves. This is somebody who's cooking up a bomb in the basement.

BOLLING: Yeah...

GUTFELD: Yeah, but those bombs work.

WILLIAMS: Yeah, Sometimes they do.

GUTFELD: But let.

GUILFOYLE: It's also why you need intelligence to be able to figure out what they're up, who they're talking to and communication with, surveillance, listening, whatever it takes.

WILLIAMS: You know what really buzz me out is that they're so powerful over the internet with our children. If you've got a lonely, lost kid, these are the people being recruited. They're the biggest threat to us right now.

GUILFOYLE: Yeah. But we have to dampen down the allure.

WILLIAMS: How do they do that?

GUILFOYLE: Yeah, the seductiveness of ISIS. They're doing very well. Social media, luring people in, getting them to come and become radicalized.


GUILFOYLE: So we have to give them a -- you know what whooping, like you cannot even imagine there and beat them down and then it's not going to seem so glamorous anymore.

BOLLING: General Hayden said the same thing. You got to start beating -- having some battlefield wins.

GUILFOYLE: It's true.

BOLLING: Why not has some battlefield wins and film it.


BOLLING: Film it and put it up on the internet.

GUTFELD: We need our own propagandas.

BOLLING: This is.

PAVLICH: Right. BOLLING: Yeah, these are your all almighty ISIS fighters and show it.

PAVLICH: But not even just on the battlefield. I mean, you need propaganda showing what the actual conditions are for the women who go over there.


PAVLICH: Propaganda showing these young men who are teenagers, who are lost in American society. Who want to go and fly over to Syria and Iraq because it's been glorified as this amazing warrior type training? No. It's hell in Iraq and Syria.


PAVLICH: And we're not doing a very good job on social media of really putting that information out there and showing these people that look, you're seeing this from ISIS? But this is the reality of what it actually is to be in those situations and what you're going to be fighting for.

GUTFELD: I want to roll this from Rudy -- it's Rudy Giuliani, but it's about basically what Eric is saying is that what's needed is a victory and Giuliani kind of spells out how it could be done or how fast.

(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) RUDY GIULIANI, FORMER MAYOR OF NEW YORK CITY: I believe if the United States wanted to, in six months it could take out ISIS completely. It's not like Iran. Long term I consider Iran the great threat to America. ISIS is a threat that a good president with the military we have, could take out in six months.


GUILFOYLE: It doesn't.

GUTFELD: Do you agree?

WILLIAMS: Oh, yeah.


WILLIAMS: That's the point. That's the point that Eric was mocking earlier.


WILLIAMS: Because I think John Kerry, the secretary of state said we can take these guys out anytime. You saw it. Why don't we do it?

GUTFELD: But he won't. He was mocking the fact that he won't.

BOLLING: No, no, no. What he's mocking is that we could -- he recognizes the fact that we could do it.


BOLLING: But we're not going to get in suck into that fight.

WILLIAMS: Yeah. We got -- right.

BOLLING: The opposite, he's got more -- I would agree with Rudy Giuliani let's do it.

WILLIAMS: No, no, Rudy.

BOLLING: He wants the fight, we'll finish it fast.

WILLIAMS: Rudy is saying we can do it anytime. But the larger policy question is do you want to put Americans.

BOLLING: Got to ask him something?

WILLIAMS: No, we're not because do you want to put American boots on the ground. This is the larger conversation.

GUTFELD: Yes. I would say yes at this point.

WILLIAMS: OK. Well, there you go.

GUTFELD: Because how many kids.

WILLIAMS: I would say no.

GUTFELD: How many kids do you need?

WILLIAMS: How many kids in troops?

GUTFELD: How many kids.

WILLIAMS: How many kids that have already died in the Middle East?

PAVLICH: You know what?

WILLIAMS: How many of our kids.

PAVLICH: They sign up for the military to go fight people like ISIS. This is why they sign up.

GUILFOYLE: This is a volunteer army.

WILLIAMS: Oh, I see.

GUILFOYLE: Nobody is forcing anybody to go.

(CROSSTALK) BOLLING: Did I make the case for winning it without an American boot on the ground? OK. Maybe you'd need them. I don't know. We put some Arab boots on the ground.

GUILFOYLE: Are you going to say carpet bombing at.

BOLLING: Yeah, listen.

GUILFOYLE: I know it.

BOLLING: Raqqa, that's where they -- that's their headquarters. It's where they train people. Wipe that city out. Yes, there's going to be collateral damage. There are going to be women and children who die if you wipe the city out. They know the risks when they're living among ISIS.

GUILFOYLE: Not to say like, get out.

BOLLING: When they out from America and they go hang out with ISIS, they're just going to die.

GUILFOYLE: Just get out.

WILLIAMS: Is that going to rebuild the Middle East? Is that going to provide stability?

PAVLICH: That's not our job.

WILLIAMS: Is that going to stop it? No.

GUTFELD: We're trying to stop them from coming to us and destroying us.

WILLIAMS: They're not coming to us at this point on social internet.

PAVLICH: They're here, Juan.

WILLIAMS: You think that's going to stop?

PAVLICH: They're here.

WILLIAMS: Once we -- oh, there's never ever going to be another militant crazy group.

PAVLICH: This guy is got arrested last week.

GUTFELD: That shouldn't stop you from getting rid of the current one.

WILLIAMS: We try to stop it. GUILFOYLE: That doesn't make any sense.


GUILFOYLE: Let's not imprison, you know serial killers.


GUILFOYLE: Because there's going to be others that come after Manson, so don't bother. It makes no sense.

GUTFELD: I think that's a good metaphor to end on.

GUILFOYLE: Thank you.

GUTFELD: You're welcome.

All right, ahead, two TV networks, a department store and now an entire city threatening to dump Donald Trump. Details, when The Five returns.

(COMMERCIAL BREAK) GUILFOYLE: Should the government really be in the business of bullying over political correctness? Two stories to bring you tonight. First up, New York's Mayor Bill de Blasio says his administration is now reviewing all of the city's contracts with presidential candidate Donald Trump, over his recent remarks about Mexican immigrants.

(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) DONALD TRUMP, 2016 PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: When Mexico sends its people they're not sending their best. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume are good people.


GUILFOYLE: In a statement, de Blasio called Trump's comments, disgusting and offensive. And the quote hateful language has no place in New York City, says de Blasio. You've got a big smile.

GUTFELD: You know de Blasio is so right. It's so wrong to smear an entire group of people. He would never do that like to maybe the police department. He's such an ass. He's 45 percent crack. Trump has done more for NYC in than de Blasio -- in one year that de Blasio will do in several lifetimes and it brings up a great point. Progressives can only get in power if capitalists build a city because they create the environment to sustain the destruction of progressives. New York City is rich and vibrant city because of people like Trump that allow the barnacles of capitalism like de Blasio to sustain. They're like barnacles on a boat. They're disgusting.

BOLLING: And then they try to bring them down.


BOLLING: They let the capitalists build the city up of building the institution up and then they bring -- moveon.org is petitioning to boycott Donald Trump's products. I mean, it's so like -- they're economic terrorists. And then de Blasio plays along and says, you know what, these are my people, the move on -- the left-wing liberal base. They're my people so I'm going to support them. Suggesting now that they are going to go through all the contracts that Donald Trump has, buildings with the city. I mean, he built half the west side highway. Now they are going to back and start looking at contracts? I mean, retroactively?


BOLLING: It's cheap, it's political. I'll tell you what. Mayor Bloomberg would never do anything like that.

GUILFOYLE: No, he wouldn't. Yeah.

BOLLING: He was too much of a businessman to do something like that.

GUILFOYLE: Yeah. Donald Trump has done far more for New York City than this mess.

GUTFELD: (inaudible), dormant through the `80s, the ice skating rink. And he went -- they were supposed to renovate it. Took how many five years? And he went to Koch and said I'll do it by the end of the year. He did it.

GUILFOYLE: Yeah, totally. And everybody loves it.


GUILFOYLE: Ice skating rink.

WILLIAMS: Therefore, you can say anything about a whole group of people, a whole nation, and you can just -- they're just despicable, horrible, rapists, thieves, drug dealers.

GUTFELD: You can't say that.

WILLIAMS: You know what, Donald, it's OK.

GUTFELD: You can't say that.

WILLIAMS: It's OK. Just because your golf course and skating rink and a carousel, we at The Five just want you to know we love you. It's cool. Go ahead.

GUILFOYLE: We didn't say that. You're not the elected spokesman.

WILLIAMS: This is unbelievable.

GUTFELD: We're not thrilled with what he said.

WILLIAMS: Oh, oh, wait a minute.


GUTFELD: You have no memory from yesterday?

WILLIAMS: Oh yeah, but I remember what you just said which is basically let him do it. Let him go.


PAVLICH: Here's the problem. OK. What de Blasio -- Bill de Blasio is doing by going through all the contracts that they already put in place with the city. This is called fascism, when you get into the middle of a going retroactively to look at business deals that have already been made based on legality and law and business. And you go back and say, we don't like what you said so we're going to take away your livelihood and punish your businesses. That is fascism. In the sense that we don't like what Donald Trump said. He should have certainly, you know, divided up the issues here. There are a lot of good people who come here to work. But he has a point when he says we have a lot of criminality coming from Mexico. And guess what, Mexico doesn't want those people back. I'll give you a couple of examples. Last year in August, border patrol agent Javier Vega Jr. was murdered by two illegal aliens who had been deported multiple times while he was fishing with his family. Mexican Cartels, Donald Trump talked about the Drug Cartels and bringing drugs here are operating in dozens of states across the country. They're running the streets of Chicago now which is partially why there is so much violence in Chicago. Mexico has a strict border policy. But whenever we want to enforce our border, they kick and scream and they do nothing to make sure that the criminals that come here from their country are put into jails in their country and they don't come back or cross the border.

WILLIAMS: I say no Americans ever commit crimes.

GUILFOYLE: And that's the issue. WILLIAMS: Yeah, no Americans ever do these things. I mean, if you want to start talking about racial groups.


WILLIAMS: And high levels of crime, we're going to kick a lot of people out of here. We're talking about.

(CROSSTALK) PAVLICH: That's the difference between.

WILLIAMS: Yeah, this is.

GUILFOYLE: What enforcement of the laws that is on the book.

WILLIAMS: They're here illegally.

GUILFOYLE: Enforce the laws that are on the books. You don't give criminals a free pass. It doesn't matter where they come from. I have something else for you. Next up, President Obama has made it very clear where he stands on the Washington Redskins name controversy.

(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) BARACK OBAMA, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: If I was the owner of the team, and I knew that there was a name of my team even if it had a storied history that was offending a sizable group of people, I'd think about changing it.

(END VIDEO CLIP) GUILFOYLE: Well, now his administration may actually block the team from getting a new stadium over its objection to the nickname. Interior Secretary Sally Jewell reportedly told D.C.'s mayor that the National Park Service will likely not support the constructions of a new stadium on land owned by the agency -- Bolling?

BOLLING: Good job, Park Service. Good job, D.C. because you're going to loses out on a stadium. Let me give you now a couple of numbers, Barclays Center over here in Brooklyn. The year after they opened, they put up $145 million in direct economic activity naming, concerts, basketball games, venues and another $150 million in indirect economic activity to Brooklyn. Almost $300 million in the first year alone for a stadium -- and by the way, that includes somewhere around $20 million in tax revenue. You don't want that?

WILLIAMS: You know what's not comparable.

BOLLING: Knock yourself out.

WILLIAMS: You know what's not comparable, right?

BOLLING: What do you say?

WILLIAMS: You're talking about eight games a year for a football stadium.

BOLLING: Yes. But they can use.

WILLIAMS: You're talking about 80 games a year for a basketball team, or a hockey team.

BOLLING: You think it's a bad idea to bring a stadium back to the city?

WILLIAMS: No. You know, look, I'm a fan. I say go ahead. But I'm just going to tell you something, it's not necessary economic engine. Don't forget, it's in a big congested neighborhood, Capitol Hill.

BOLLING: Bring the stadium to an area you increase the economic activity all around the area.

WILLIAMS: I don't -- the football the big thing is you have to basically give it away to the rich owners. That's what's going on.

GUTFELD: You know, this by the way, this is a very easy stance to take. It's a symbolic stance for a president to talk about the Washington Redskins. Perhaps, if ISIS's name was the ISIS Redskins, he might have a stronger take on it?

GUILFOYLE: He might.

WILLIAMS: Well, he might. I just a new.

GUTFELD: I'm glad you agree with me.

WILLIAMS: I just got a new t-shirt and it says Washington football team.


WILLIAMS: It doesn't say that horrible name.

GUTFELD: Yeah, but you still root for the Washington Wizards, Juan.


GUTFELD: The Wizards.

WILLIAMS: I know. I know because you worry about that. But let me just say, they.

(LAUGHTER) (CROSSTALK) WILLIAMS: Do you know the patent trademark office has ruled that their name is offensive. Justice Department agrees.


GUTFELD: I didn't know the patent office is offensive.

PAVLICH: Am I correct, right?

WILLIAMS: You know the dictionary says that it is a racial slur, right?

PAVLICH: It is a macro aggression or micro aggression?

WILLIAMS: No, I'm just saying. It's any kind of aggression.


WILLIAMS: It's just you know, why does that have to be the name of a team? I don't understand why Dan Snyder who is the owner, he cannot move on. (CROSSTALK) BOLLING: And the Indians, and the.

WILLIAMS: It's not offensive.

BOLLING: And the Blackhawks.

WILLIAMS: Is that offensive, the Blackhawks?

BOLLING: Juan, honestly don't think Redskins is offense.

WILLIAMS: But I'm telling you, if you look in the dictionary it's a slur.

GUTFELD: What about the giants? Go around -- there are a lot of large people out there.

GUILFOYLE: You're offended by it.

GUTFELD: I know there are a lot of large people out there that are very self-conscious. It's very hard to go around when you're a large male or female. People go oh, look at the giant.


GUTFELD: Let's go, giants. You know giants you should be ashamed of yourselves.

GUILFOYLE: But now what are we going to do?

GUTFELD: I don't know. What about the.

GUILFOYLE: What about our team?

WILLIAMS: What about minions? I like that name.

(CROSSTALK) BOLLING: New York averages.

GUTFELD: Exactly. It's we call the B's.

BOLLING: They're like normal.

GUTFELD: The A's, the.

GUILFOYLE: No. But it's really true all the names. The braves, I mean, what are you going to do?

WILLIAMS: I have no objection. You object. None of you seem to get it. The Redskins name is offensive. It is a slur.

PAVLICH: Not to a majority of Native Americans who have been polled multiple times.

WILLIAMS: Oh, please. Get out of town.

PAVLICH: This stands might (ph) I don't think the Redskins here.

WILLIAMS: Yeah, yeah. Talk about people who are getting paid off. Oh my, gosh.

BOLLING: Oh, so wait a minute.


BOLLING: So the group that is opposed to being slurred is OK with it, but they're not.

WILLIAMS: No, they're not. They're not.

PAVLICH: Some majority of them are.

WILLIAMS: They are not.

PAVLICH: Juan, they show up at press conferences.

WILLIAMS: Yeah, yeah.

PAVLICH: With Dan Snyder in their gear.

WILLIAMS: And why do you think they'd show up? Oh, I've.

PAVLICH: Because they don't care.


GUILFOYLE: It is disconnect because it is not in accord with what Juan believes, so Juan is going to put on some blinders.

WILLIAMS: You think so?

GUILFOYLE: I'm watching it. I'm seeing it.

WILLIAMS: Oh my God.

GUTFELD: You look (ph) for the Wizards.

WILLIAMS: I can't watch. I can't watch.


WILLIAMS: I can't watch anymore.

GUILFOYLE: Stay in that position.

(LAUGHTER) GUILFOYLE: Like this. Shaquille O'Neal may be one of the greatest basketball players of all time, but his golf game? Well, it could use some work. See what happened yesterday when Shaq hit the links and tried to tee off. It's next in the Fastest 7.

(COMMERCIAL BREAK) BOLLING: We're back, time for the fastest eight minutes or so, on television. Three tempting stories, seven --

(CROSSTALK) BOLLING: It is and I wrote it, one temperate host. First off, remember this hit `80s TV show.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You better step on it. He's after us!


(END VIDEO CLIP) BOLLING: Well, you could have guessed it. Bo, Luke, the beautiful Daisy and uncle Jesse are no longer on TV because TV land pulled The Dukes of Hazzard from their line up yesterday, in response to the uproar over the Confederate Flag that's painted on the roof of that '69 Dodge Charge named General Lee. K.G., you love that. You love that series.

GUILFOYLE: Well, I did. I really did.

(CROSSTALK) GUILFOYLE: I used to watch it with my brother all the time. I thought it was fantastic and I like both of these guys. You know, there -- look, I mean, it's a car. It was done in the past. What are you going to do? I don't know. I don't think they needed to pull it because of that. You think so?

BOLLING: Do you think they should have pulled it?

GUTFELD: No. This is now beyond absurd. And it shows you how many cowards work in the media. Now this is a lock step lemming march of people who are worried about offense. We have a generation now of needy naysayers who are just looking for things to be outraged at. And they're mistaking crusades for careers. This is not a job, filling out petitions instead of applications? It's very sad.

BOLLING: So let me ask you this before I move on. What about shows -- "All in the Family" eventually got pulled. "Sanford and Son" eventually got pulled for the same reason?

GUTFELD: I don't know. It's just pathetic. It's pathetic.

BOLLING: Should they have pulled it?


GUILFOYLE: I knew it.

BOLLING: Should they have pulled "All in the Family?" Should they have pulled "Sanford and Son?"

WILLIAMS: I think if you stop and think back about things like "Amos and Andy" or black-faced shows. Or think back to "Birth of a Nation," which basically mocked black people during Reconstruction in this country and led to a lot of racist beliefs.

You know, as I said on this show before, my kids -- this show ran, I think, like you know, '80 through '85 or something. So my kids were little and loved this show, because it really was a family show, as Kimberly was saying.

GUILFOYLE: Remember, and you bought it for your boys.


GUTFELD: You didn't watch it for Daisy?

WILLIAMS: It was the kids who liked the show. But everybody -- Daisy and her pants were famous.

GUTFELD: Once you go Bach.

Catherine Bach, right?


BOLLING: Katie, one thing about this.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, my gosh.

PAVLICH: I just think that erasing American culture out of the history of our culture is a problem. I mean, you don't just learn history through history...

BOLLING: Meaning the flag or the show?

PAVLICH: The show. I mean, the show is part of American culture. And I think that we should not just be erasing it because we have a disagreement.

WILLIAMS: Are you going to do Charlie Chan and say it's American history?

PAVLICH: But the point is that not running "The Dukes of Hazzard" on television is not going to do anything to prevent someone from going in who is a real racist to going into a church and killing people. That is the bottom line.

BOLLING: We've got to run.

PAVLICH: You've got to find a better argument.

BOLLING: Let's move on to this one. Stephen Colbert left "The Colbert Report" in December. He's been on hiatus until he takes over for Letterman on CBS in September. Colbert may be trying out some new material. He sat down with rapper Eminem on public access TV in Michigan.


STEPHEN COLBERT, COMEDIAN: I'll name some Bob Seger songs and see if you can sing any part of them, OK? "Against the Wind."

EMINEM, RAPPER (singing): Against the wind. Running against the wind.

COLBERT: Pretty good. I gave that one away because it's in the title. OK. How about "Like a Rock?"

(singing): She rolled me away, turn, turn the page.


COLBERT (singing): Someday, lady, you'll accompany me.

(speaking): Are these ringing any bells?

EMINEM: Yes, they are. But you're going really fast, though.

COLBERT: OK. But I thought you were a rapper. Don't rappers talk fast?



BOLLING: Is this public access in Michigan? Is he playing around, trying to figure out what's going to be good for CBS?

GUTFELD: Just he's bored. He just made the highest-rated episode of "Only in Monroe" ever.

My question is, Eminem is now 43. And he still dresses like a 22-year-old. You know what? He's four years away from becoming a country singer. This is what he's got to move.

GUILFOYLE: You just freaked Katie out.

GUTFELD: Kid Rock did it. When you get to a certain age, you realize, "I can't look or live like this anymore. I have to grow up." He's going to do country rap and then country rock, and then he'll be in Nashville.

BOLLING: Katie, you want to weigh in on Eminem or Colbert?

PAVLICH: Yes. I think that Eminem has probably done too many drugs throughout his career. And I would hope that he doesn't go into country music, because it will make it worse.

GUTFELD: He's quite talented, Eminem.

WILLIAMS: You know, I thought this was hilarious. I don't know. You can talk about it. But actually, it's great TV. I mean, it was worth watching. I thought it was very funny. And at one point I'm not sure that Eminem got the joke. And I don't know if that was part of it, but it was hilarious. Because you know, you could end up as a greeter at Wal-Mart unless you have a 401(k) or something. And he's like, "Are you -- are you serious at this point?"

BOLLING: Are you surprised that both of them show up on public access?


BOLLING: For me, that's...

GUILFOYLE: I think it's so odd. Is this supposed to be like that two-fern thing?

GUTFELD: Yes. It's meant to be a joke.


GUILFOYLE: Oh, I didn't think it was hard-hitting "60 Minutes" style. Poor Eminem could not keep up with the questions.

BOLLING: All right. Let's do this one. Shaquille O'Neal is a big guy who talks a big game. That's what he does. Charles Barkley is also a big guy who talks a big game. Both were awesome NBA stars. Both have trash-talked each other's golf games for years.

Yesterday it was go time. Time to find out who's got game and who's got bupkis. Here's Shaq.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It's OK. We all take practice swings.




BOLLING: I'm not sure I'd be doing the little victory dance.

WILLIAMS: That was so bad. Boy, he looked bad. He looked like he was chopping at the air there.

GUILFOYLE: That was really bad.

WILLIAMS: Oh, it was bad. But you know, I mean, you know, don't give up your day job, Shaq. Geez, that was terrible.

BOLLING: Barkley also takes shots at Shaq, but he admits he's not a good golfer.

GUILFOYLE: Yes. I think Barkley's super funny. I like him. I don't care if he can golf or not.

GUTFELD: I think it might upset our viewers. I think it is very good to be bad at golf. Because golf is designed to harness only the most specific set of skills that can't be used anywhere else.

Just because you can hit a ball off a tee means that you can only, only hit a ball off a tee. It doesn't transfer into any other skill set. So being good at golf just means you're good at golf. God bless you, Chuck.

GUILFOYLE: You're not, are you?

GUTFELD: I'm terrible at golf.

GUILFOYLE: I knew it.

BOLLING: One more skill that golf does -- that does require, is required...

BOLLING: Drinking.

BOLLING: No. Getting outdoors for four hours on a Sunday afternoon.

GUILFOYLE: You could stretch that into, like, eight.

PAVLICH: I'm not judging Charles, but I'm not judging Shaq, because I look like that, too, when I try to golf.

BOLLING: You play golf?

PAVLICH: I can on occasion.

GUILFOYLE: I have amazing custom clubs that have my name on it and "The Five" logo.

BOLLING: Get out of here! No kidding?

GUILFOYLE: Thank you, Revolution Golf.

WILLIAMS: Wow, that is cool!

BOLLING: We've got to leave it right there.

It's one of the hottest debates on Twitter right now. Should you put peas in your guacamole? Juan's going to tell you all about that food fight coming up.


PAVLICH: Well, as we get ready to celebrate our nation's birthday, some Americans aren't sure why we're celebrating.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What are we celebrating on the Fourth of July?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Our independence.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: A little more specific.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It's the day that we overtook the South.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Name one of the Founding Fathers of America.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I don't want to do this.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You don't know?

What year was the Declaration of Independence?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Was it in 1964? Eighty-four? 1864? I don't know.


PAVLICH: Yes, well, maybe they skipped out on their U.S. history classes.

And while some citizens don't know much about their country, others are considering moving elsewhere, according to a new study. The recent survey found that more than a third of Americans are actually open to the idea of permanently living abroad.

So Greg, why are millennials terrible sometimes?

GUTFELD: Well, OK. This was an online poll for a peer-to-peer money transfer service in the U.K.

PAVLICH: Just to get that out there.

GUTFELD: This is garbage. By the way, if you asked -- if you asked me would you live -- in my 20s if you would live abroad? I'd go, "Hell, yes." I'd go to France. French women, berets, French bread.

GUILFOYLE: Yes, yes.

GUTFELD: So I think it's just one of those things that, if you could, you would.

PAVLICH: Yes, but Kimberly, this unscientific survey shows that more than half of millennials, 55 percent, say that they would consider leaving the U.S., and it's because of the economy. Guess who created the economy? Obama. Guess who they voted for?

GUILFOYLE: There is. There's such a disconnect there. Ignorance, right? I don't know. Who's giving these people degrees? That's a basic thing to figure out.

You don't like it, and you're upset about the economy, who's in office? Why are you complaining about this? Do something. Exercise your vote. But they want a handout instead of doing something about it, exercising their vote, being proactive about getting a job instead of feeling entitled to be handed it to them!

WILLIAMS: Yes, yes, yes. You know, sometimes I listen...

GUILFOYLE: Get a mentor.

WILLIAMS: You know, because I'm listening to you. I just think this is wonderful. It's Kimberly. But I just wanted to mention that today there were some job statistics that came out...

GUILFOYLE: What are you talking about?

WILLIAMS: ... that indicated that the unemployment rate in our USA is down to like 5.4 percent?

BOLLING: Five point three, but...

WILLIAMS: So it's even better. Even Eric acknowledges.

BOLLING: One of the weakest...

WILLIAMS: I know, because sour grapes are so delicious this time of year.

WILLIAMS; What sour grapes? What do you think I'm hearing all around this table?


WILLIAMS: Sour grapes.

BOLLING: The most important number in that whole release today was how much people are making, wages. Flat. They were expecting to go up, and it's flat.

WILLIAMS: That's all Obama's fault. Nothing happened before Obama showed up.

GUTFELD: Finally.

GUILFOYLE: Finally, Juan, it's been agonizing.

WILLIAMS: I just love Wall Street. They're so responsible. Not greedy, no.

GUTFELD: Wall Street's done very well under Obama.

WILLIAMS: That's right. Oh, yes. Did great under that previous president, yes. Oh, my gosh.

BOLLING: Income equality blowing up.

GUILFOYLE: Why are you hating on Wall Street, too?

WILLIAMS: Oh, no, I'm just -- I was listening to you, Kimberly. And I was just...

GUILFOYLE: Juan, do you want to leave the country now?

PAVLICH: Because of -- because of Wall Street.

WILLIAMS: If you look at this crazy poll, it says that people my age, we're not leaving. It's the young people. You know, I don't think it's a bad thing in a global economy, ease of travel. I think young people should get out and experience the world.

GUTFELD: Get out of your house.

WILLIAMS: That's a fact, Jack.

GUILFOYLE: I know. But where are they going to go? Try North Korea. That's a hot spot.

PAVLICH: Well, they say they want affordable health care, lower taxes and improved education. Who are you voting for?

BOLLING: The poll was conducted first in the U.K., which is a red flag to start. But also they polled people who are transferring money, which means they have a tie somewhere else already.

PAVLICH: Yes, that's true. It's not a scientific poll, as we already mentioned. I am a millennial and daughter of the American Revolution so I'm not going anywhere.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, my God. You're a daughter? I knew you were.

GUTFELD: Coming out right now.

PAVLICH: Anyway, it's summertime right now.

GUILFOYLE: Don't take my shoes.

PAVLICH: It's summertime. So what do millions of Americans do? They go to the beach. But will another shark attack on the East Coast keep beach goers out of the water this weekend? Next on "The Five."


WILLIAMS: A string of shark attacks on the East Coast is scaring a lot of people, especially those going to the beach this weekend. Another victim, a 68-year-old man, was just bitten in North Carolina. That makes him the seventh within the last few weeks there. As the Fourth of July weekend comes upon us should people approach the water? Kimberly?

GUILFOYLE: You know, controlled water.


GUILFOYLE: Controlled water.

WILLIAMS: Controlled water?

GUILFOYLE: Yes. This is how I live my life, and it's worked out incredibly well for me.

WILLIAMS: You never go to the beach? You only stay in the bathtub?

GUILFOYLE: Outdoor showers. Hot tubs, Jacuzzis, air jets, yes.

GUTFELD: But more people die in bathtubs and swimming pools than by sharks.

GUILFOYLE: OK, well, I would actually really prefer to not be eaten alive by sharks.

GUTFELD: They only attack -- they only attack males. Like 92 percent? One woman was attacked recently.

GUILFOYLE: I'm not even safe around mosquitoes, let alone sharks. I am not convinced of this at all. I love "Shark Week." I love my sharks at a distance. Television only.

WILLIAMS: But if you are going to do the hot tub and the outdoor bathing, let us know.

GUILFOYLE: All right, Juan. Weigh in (ph) yourself.

WILLIAMS: I want to mention this to you, Eric.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, my gosh.

WILLIAMS: We've had ten people bitten now in South Carolina, North Carolina. Six bitten in June.

BOLLING: Global warming.

WILLIAMS: That's more than last year.

BOLLING: Is this where you're going with it?

WILLIAMS: Last ten years 25 people bitten. Last 100 years 55 people bitten. But within the last few weeks, six. So something's going on in North Carolina.

BOLLING: So all you're hearing is the global warmists saying, yes, it's the higher, the warmer ocean temperatures. They are right and wrong.

Yes, the ocean temperatures are warmer right now along the coast. But not because of global warming. Because the Gulf Stream has changed. It pulled the warmer water closer to shore. You have more people, and you have sea turtles who are also attracted to the warmer waters. You have more people, more food, more bait and warmer water. That's why you have so many more incidences.

GUILFOYLE: It's so sad. I feel so badly for these people. You still have to be very diligent and have to be, you know, on top of it in terms of doing alerts and making sure people listen to them.

WILLIAMS: OK. So Katie, this my favorite place to go to the beach, the Outer Banks of North Carolina. It's just gorgeous. But I've got to tell you, people according to the authorities, are going right back in the water.

PAVLICH: Well, I mean, if we look at this in a non-emotional fear-based way, their chances of getting bitten by a shark are extremely low. However, you know, I have no interest in going to the bottom of the food chain. And that's exactly what happens when you go in the ocean. So I'm OK with staying out for now.

GUILFOYLE: Right. That's the thing. Just be on the beach. Like, just relax. Be happy.

GUTFELD: It's so sharkist. Everybody hates sharks, because they don't smile. You look at a dolphin, a dolphin smiles. They get away with everything. Dolphins are horrible creatures.

GUILFOYLE: No, they're not.

GUTFELD: Sharks don't even like humans. They just mistake you for fish. It's an honest mistake. There's a 20 percent -- it's an honest mistake. There's a 20 percent increase in attendance at beaches over the last, like, five years so there's more people in warm water. More sharks.

It's like saying, why are all these people getting attacked by bulls during a bull run? You know? That's what happens. More people get hit by coconuts, killed by coconuts, killed by coconuts but they don't get ratings. Coconuts don't get ratings. Sharks get ratings.

WILLIAMS: No, sharks get ratings. But I never thought that you would be a green kind of guy, defending the shark in America.

GUTFELD: I feel bad for sharks. They never sleep. Like me.

BOLLING: "Shark Week" is the best week of the year.

WILLIAMS: Like "Shark Week."

GUILFOYLE: You know they don't have eyelids?

BOLLING: They don't have eyelids.

WILLIAMS: Don't pay attention to these sharks around me. "One More Thing" is up next.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, my gosh.

WILLIAMS: Get your teeth ready.


GUTFELD: Time for "One More Thing" -- Kimberly.

GUILFOYLE: All right. Well, I have a fantastic country music suggestion for you. See, not only Dana likes country muse. I do and Katie does. And we love the Pete Scobill Band. He has a brand-new album out. It's going to be released on September 11, but you can preorder it on iTunes. And you're going to get his new song, "Wild," which is a great hit.

Instant download. I did it today. Katy got the album, too. And you may remember Pete from the tribute song that he did with Winona Judd to honor the late American sniper, Chris Kyle. And that's his song playing in the background.

GUTFELD: There you go.

GUILFOYLE: There you go. See? I can dance to country, too.

GUTFELD: Good for you, young lady. All right. Let's roll this.


GUTFELD: Dana Perino News.


GUTFELD: You know, a lot of people wonder, what does Dana do on her day off? Well, she often puts on a wetsuit, and goes she diving off the barrier reef. I think we have some tape here.




GUTFELD: This is her out there right now. She's sunbathing on the reef. I think she's a little lost. But anyway, wish her well. That's a wetsuit.

GUILFOYLE: Where's the diving?

GUTFELD: She doesn't really dive. She just relaxes. Hey, I couldn't come up with anything.

GUILFOYLE: Where's Jasper?

GUTFELD: I don't know where Jasper is. Where am I? Eric.

BOLLING: OK. So see, #WakeUpAmerica. We've been doing this on "Cashin' In." Juan's been on quite a bit. Kimberly's been on, as well. It's a hashtag on Twitter. It's off the charts. It's taking on a life on its own.

Look at this chart. Over the last 30 days, 509,000 mentions for "#WakeUpAmerica." It is becoming the conservative/libertarian/whatever go- to site for political discourse. Jump on. Start using it. That's it.

GUTFELD: Mr. Juan.

WILLIAMS: Well, this is just so -- I don't even know where to start with this I'm so upset about it. But the "New York Times" yesterday tweeted out a nouveau recipe, if you will, for guacamole. I don't know why we need a new recipe. But their recipe included peas!

BOLLING: Terrible.

WILLIAMS: Peas! This is so ridiculous. This is how bad it was. Republicans and Democrats got together to condemn it. President Obama said, "I'm not buying this peas in guacamole."

And Jeb Bush said, "You don't put peas in guacamole." What is going on?

GUTFELD: Juan -- Juan, I'm telling you. First men are marrying men. And now we have peas in our guacamole.

WILLIAMS: Where will this end?

GUTFELD: Where will this end? It's such a travesty.

BOLLING: Wonder if the White House is going to be green tonight in support.


BOLLING: President Obama pushing back on it? He doesn't like it?

WILLIAMS: He doesn't like it. But let me ask you, who would eat such a thing. Peas!

GUILFOYLE: The New York Times. Leave guacamole alone.

WILLIAMS: Exactly.


PAVLICH: Peas are not guacamole, even though they're both green.

GUTFELD: Well, you say that now, but times will change.

PAVLICH: Eventually maybe.

Well, it is Fourth of July. Independence Day weekend. So there will be a lot of drinking going on, I'm sure. Be safe. Don't drive. But it turns out that, according to the University of Vermont, if you have a light eye color, you are more likely to be dependent on alcohol.


PAVLICH: So for the light-eyed people, maybe they should be the D.D. for the weekend.

GUILFOYLE: Why is that?

PAVLICH: Stay safe.

GUILFOYLE: So people with recessive alleles?

PAVLICH: Something like that. Yes. They have something in the study that says exactly why.

GUTFELD: It's all -- this is all coded racism. I'm telling you.

PAVLICH: Against eastern Europeans.

GUTFELD: Yes. That's what it is. It makes me sick to my stomach.

PAVLICH: European Americans have problems.

BOLLING: I totally disagree with that.

WILLIAMS: Don't tell -- don't tell Donald Trump about that.

GUTFELD: No peas in guacamole! Together in my lifetime.

GUILFOYLE: You know what that means? You have blue eyes. You have blue eyes.

GUTFELD: I've got to say this, Kimberly. Don't miss "The Five's" "Proud American Special" tomorrow night, 5 p.m. Eastern. "Special Report" next.

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