The 16 most famous animals on the Internet

An adorable toddler + a wrinkly-faced dog taking naps together = instant Internet fame. Mommy blogger Jessica Shyba captures the sleepy moments and posts them for her <a target="_blank" href="">295,000 Instagram followers</a> to coo over. The nap buddies even scored their own book deal. "<i>Bedtime for Theo and Beau</i>" will be the first of two books featuring the best friends set to be released on February 3, 2015. In the meantime, visit their <a target="_blank" href="">Instagram page</a>.  (Jessica Shyba/

More than 1.3 million people follow this cat on Twitter to read things like, "JAZZ PAWS," and "TROT TROT TROT TROT TROT bowl of food AND SCENE." Interested in seeing what this rescue feline has to say? <a target="_blank" href="">Click here to find out.</a> (Jason Scott)

Possibly the cutest hedgehog on the Internet, nearly 300,000 people tune in to watch 3-year-old African Pygmy Hedgehog Biddy's adventures. Check them out for <a target="_blank" href="">yourself on his Instagram page</a>. (

It's safe to say that this 4-year-old Shiba Inu living in New York City is the <a target="_blank" href="">most fashionable dog on the Internet</a>. (

Before you ask, yes, the mustache is real. <a target="_blank" href="">Hamilton</a> is no ordinary cat; this cat with a stache has hipster tendencies. He even has his own <a target="_blank" href="">clothing line</a>. (

Arguably the most famous cat on the Internet, Lil Bub has more than 160,000 Facebook fans and a book coming out in September. She was born a "perma-kitten" and a dawrf cat and has no teeth which means her tongue is sticking out at all times giving her that signature smile. (Lil Bub/Youtube)

Lil Bub and her owner Michael Bridavsky <a target="_blank" href="">visited our studio</a> to discuss the documentary "Lil Bub and Friendz" which debuted at the Tribeca Film Festival in April.  (Chris Kensler/

Mark Zuckerberg's dog, Beast, has his own Facebook page. Naturally. The cuddly creature has more than 1.6 million likes. (Facebook/

This cute pup was so small when she was born, she fit into a coffee mug! Named for the "Survivor" singer, Beyoncé earned her name after veterinarians at California's Grace Foundation were able to resuscitate when her heart wasn't beating at birth. Since her scary beginning, Beyoncé has become an Internet sensation and works as an "ambassadog" for pet adoption. (Associated Press/Youtube)

When the video of a baby panda sneezing and terrifying its mother hit the Internet, a star was born. This <a target="_blank" href=";v=FzRH3iTQPrk">sneezing panda video</a> has been viewed 161,236,684 times! (jamesccostello/Youtube)

The five-second video of what is actually a prairie dog turning its head to the tune of dramatic music has been dubbed <i><a target="_blank" href=",28804,1974961_1974925_1970499,00.html">Time's</a> </i>9th greatest video of all time. With almost 40,000,000 views, hundreds of spoof videos have been made, including by celebrities like Justin Bieber. (Cregets/Youtube)

Don't mess with this grumpy cat. Nicknamed grumpy cat for her less than inviting facial expressions, Tartar Sauce moved past Internet fame when she appeared on the front page of the Wall Street Journal in May of 2013. Her face is plastered all over the web in the form of memes and Youtube videos and she has more than 1,000,000 likes on Facebook. (SevereAvoidance/Youtube)

This German polar bear was rejected from his mother and taken into the care of zookeepers at the Berlin Zoo. In 2007, an animal rights activist said in an interview that the polar bear should have been killed rather than saved by the zoo. The controversial statement caused an uproar of support for Knut, who died at the age of four. The mayor of Berlin, Klaus Wowereit, released a statement after the bear's death. "We all held him so dearly. He was the star of the Berlin zoos." ( The Showbiz 411/Youtube)

Although not a real cat, the video of a feline with a pop-tart body and a rainbow tail was ranked at number 5 on the list of most viewed YouTube videos in 2011. Originally uploaded by 25-year-old Christopher Torres of Texas, the video has received almost 100,000,000 views on Youtube. (saraj00n/Youtube)

The Pomeranian's Facebook page reads, "My name is Boo. I am a dog. Life is good." With more than 6,000,000 Facebook fans, the cuddly pup scored a gig as the Official Pet Liaison for Virgin America Airlines. Boo also has a book out called, "Boo: The Life of the World's Cutest Dog." At least he's modest! (ILoveBooDog/Youtube)

Voiced by Jenny Slate (<i>SNL, Parks and Recreation</i>) and directed by Dean Fleischer-Camp, <i>Marcel the Shell with Shoes On</i> was an instant Internet favorite as soon as the <a target="_blank" href="">video series</a> hit Youtube. The stop motion animated short film features Marcel the Shell being interviewed by an off-camera filmmaker about his every day life. Marcel is even getting his own children's book coming soon. Marcel's quirky voice and cute reponses are what make this video so successful. For example, Marcel uses a strand of hair as a leash for his pet dog, a piece of lint. (Dean Fleischer-Camp/Youtube)