RIM's comeback plan for Blackberry: cartoon superheroes?

The Bold Team (RIM)

Research In Motion downplayed their new 'BeBold' campaign Tuesday following a wave of negative reactions from the Internet.

RIM on Monday introduced four new cartoon superheroes who will help the company spread the word about its products as it looks to regain traction in a market increasingly dominated by rivals Apple and Google.

But following nearly universal criticism, RIM quickly backtracked, noting that the infographic campaign was simply intended to "be a bit of fun."

The original image displayed four cartoon superheroes dubbed "the Bold Team." Gogo Girl can save the day with her “brilliant strategy, a smile or a spatula,” Max Stone is “tough, proud and a little wild,” Justin Steele is “always ready to stick up for his friends and Trudy Foreal is “not afraid to call it as she sees it.

"Whether it’s the determination to run in your first marathon or earn a degree, you proved to us that for you, 2012 is about one thing – boldly seizing opportunities to pursue your dreams," the company said in a blog post. The company encouraged users to share their 2012 resolutions with the hashtag, #BeBold.

Instead, users poked fun at what they considered a silly campaign, given the company's lagging technological competitiveness.

"Wth!?! #RIM is this some kind of joke?  #BeBold enough to make a mockery of your existing users," Atif Ali tweeted.

"#BeBold Stick with RIM, buy Blackberry products. Even though the organization is in tatters, and have awful products," Frank Orlando tweeted.

Another, Karl Bode contemplated the company's imminent demise: "What's the over under on RIM not existing as a company by 2013? #bebold http://bit.ly/zd6bja"

The company did not immediately return FoxNews.com's requests for comment.

RIM’s super infographic starring The Bold Team follows below.

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