Apple's New TV Deals Create Bigger Cloud

Apple TV streams high-definition web videos from your home PCs to your television. (Apple)

Apple has moved more media into the cloud thanks to deals with the TV industry, the New York Post reported Tuesday.

The Cupertino, Calif.-based company expanded its cloud service Monday, allowing users to store their television shows remotely and access them on-demand across multiple gadgets, including Apple TV.

Apple said, "iTunes in the Cloud now lets users download previously purchased TV shows to their iOS devices, Apple TV, Mac or PC [personal computer] at no additional cost, just like music, apps and books."

Apple announced its new cloud service in June, but only after tough negotiations with the music industry were completed.

A number of insiders said Apple had an easier time dealing with the TV industry because piracy concerns were not an issue with the TV studios; the only shows stored in the cloud were ones bought through Apple. The deal with the TV industry was just completed.

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"All of the major TV providers signed agreements with Apple to permit this new offering," an industry source told the Post.

The cloud was expected to help boost sales of TV shows via iTunes, because now customers will not have to clog up their hard drives to store the large files.

"Storage space locally was a significant barrier to purchase," a TV industry source said.

Part of the expanded cloud service included an Apple TV upgrade, which introduced the ability to purchase shows through the hockey puck-sized gadget. Before, only a couple of networks allowed users to rent shows through Apple TV, but now it will have access to a more robust library.

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