Your World Mailbag

Some of the topics we've brought up on recent shows have struck a nerve with our viewers — and you've let us know about it!

A sample of your responses:

Beckel vs. Rogers

Wayne has my vote... calling that Democrat a "moron" was an excellent characterization. I would have called Beckel a lying moron myself!
Rita S.
Modesto, CA

Count me as someone who was not offended, but rather enjoyed Wayne Rogers calling Bob Beckel a moron.
Charles S.
Ruidoso, NM

Kudos to Wayne Rogers. Finally someone with courage to call a spade a spade...
Karl J.
Roswell, GA

God bless Wayne Rogers! Finally someone had the cojones to step up and kick Bob Beckel's ass...
Paul C.
San Diego, CA

Wayne had no right calling Bob Beckel a moron just because he got Rogers in a lie about Kerry... your show is pathetic!
David S.
Las Vegas, NV

View from the Left

Come on, Neil, engaging Alan Colmes on media bias is like discussing henhouse security with the fox you hired to guard it.
Frank H.
Playa del Rey, CA

Your assessment of media bias was totally accurate... it's clear the media takes every opportunity to bash Bush.
Jennifer R.
Milwaukee, WI

Colmes is a good guy for a liberal, someone you could drink a beer and argue with on a regular basis... Gregg (Hymowitz) is someone I could not have a beer with!
Joe K.

Neil, why don't you just come out and endorse Bush. It is so obvious you are a conservative.
Thomas B.

Neil, you can't fool me with your snide liberal leanings. You're just a bigger, more hideous version of Colmes!
Donna K.

FOX Business Team

After stumbling upon your show while surfing, I've become a regular viewer. You seem to be fair and even-handed and even have a few hot babes hanging around. Keep up the good work.
George K.
Taneytown, MD

You are great! You would be greater if you could get Skinnerville away from the previous show. Good luck!
Robert B.

Your Assignment

I'm sitting her watching Prime Minister Ayad Allawi give his address to the U.N. It's a pity they never had a toastmasters club in Iraq.
Ed S.

Please note that the opinions expressed on this page do not reflect those of FOX News.