Yale Student's Murder: What Police May Seek in Their 'Person of Interest'

This is a rush transcript from "On the Record," September 15, 2009. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GRETA VAN SUSTEREN, FOX NEWS HOST: Let's go to Rick Leventhal for an update on the breaking news about the murder of the 24-year-old Yale student Annie Le -- Rick?

RICK LEVENTHAL, FOX NEWS: Greta, we've heard a lot of rumors over the last three days, and some of them have proven true, but some have not. One of them was that the suspect wasn't tall, that he had taken off and that police were searching for a man had no idea where he was, at that tonight at this press conference they would actually announce that they were searching for fugitive.

But that is not the case. They have named the suspect as Raymond Clark, a 24-year-old lab technician who is a person of interest in the murder of Annie Le.

They went to his home in Middletown, Connecticut, tonight. They served two search warrants, one on the whole one on his body. They took him into custody. They have brought him to a secure police facility where he will be forced, they say, to give samples of his hair, other saliva, saliva -- they want DNA from this man so they can compare to evidence that has been recovered from 10 Amistad Street, where the homicide, they believe, of Annie Le took place.

Now, they say if he does not go operate, if he doesn't give them the samples that they need, then he will be arrested at that point. But right now they are calling him a person of interest, Greta. And they say if he provides them with the samples, they will let him go, but they will not let him out of their sights.

And it will take, they say, 24 to 72 hours to analyze the DNA evidence that he provides -- Greta?

Photos: The Murder Case of Annie Le

VAN SUSTEREN: Rick is there any suggestion that she was familiar with him at all, someone she might have worked with in the lab?

LEVENTHAL: Yes. Police would not go to detail on the possible relationship between these two except to say that they did work out of the same laboratory.

He was an employee of the university, he was a lab technician, apparently worked with animals. She is a grad student at the University. She was doing experiments in that lab. So they presumably crossed paths more than once.

Now, the "New York Post" has a story outline tonight that discusses the suspect and has interviews with family members who said that he knew this girl and passing, but they claim that there really was no relationship there.

VAN SUSTEREN: I take it that the police have been on to him since the very beginning, because they had such a good security system going in and out of the building, as well as surveillance cameras.

Anything weird or unusual about his background?

LEVENTHAL: I have heard some things that I can't confirm tonight, Greta.

But suffice to say, as far as building security is concerned, they knew, 99.9 percent certain who is in the basement at the time that Annie Le swiped her card, her ID card, and got access. You have to swipe it twice, apparently, to get into that basement lab.

So there is a short list of people who have access to that lab. Annie Le was one of them. And Raymond Clark is the other, or one of the others. And he has been identified, again, as a person of interest. They have, as I mentioned, served award on his home and on his person.

They say they are -- the purpose is seizing potential evidence relative to this homicide investigation.

We have heard, as I mentioned, for days now that this was the person that they were looking at and looking for. There have been rumors as to perhaps it was an unrequited love between the two. There have been other rumors about his possible dislike for her.

Again, this is not something that I can confirm, and the police don't want to go into any details on the evidence that they have. But suffice it to say that they were looking at this person very closely. There were reports that he had scratches on his chest and that he had failed to live detector test during questioning.

Now, remember, the New Haven Police Department has questioned more than 150 people, and some of them more than once, we had heard that this person, Raymond Clark, had failed an FBI administered lie detector test and stopped answering questions and asked for a lawyer.

They confirmed that he has a lawyer, Greta. They did not confirm that he failed a lie detector test.

We also -- don't want to forget this -- have been told that they did recover bloody clothes from that lab, but those apparently stashed above the ceiling tile in that lab. And the close, we are told, did not belong to Annie Le but presumably along to the killer.

So once they get his DNA, his hair, his saliva, potentially his blood, they compare that to whatever is on those clothing, if they can match the clothing to him and to Annie, you may put the pieces of this puzzle together -- Greta?

VAN SUSTEREN: Rick, thank you.

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