Why Obama Is Merging the EPA With Churches

If I had told you five years ago that this government would bypass the Congress — and thus you — and go through the EPA to get climate change done, by having them declare that when you exhale you poison the air, you wouldn't have believed it.

And, if I had added that the government is going to merge with churches under Democrats, you'd have said I was stark raving insane. That's is why I told you this, a couple of months ago:


GLENN BECK RADIO PROGRAM: I beg you, look for the words 'social justice' or 'economic justice' on your church Web site. If you find it, run as fast as you can. Social justice and economic justice, they are code words.


Suddenly, I went from religious zealot to a godless, atheist animal in one sentence. I was a heretic, a heathen and a hater.

But again, this isn't about me, this is about you. The reason I warned you about this is because they are injecting this social justice poison into our churches. To provide cover for the social justice movement, Time asked: "Why Does Glenn Beck Hate Jesus?" The Huffington Post wrote: "Glenn Beck to Jesus: Drop Dead." And then there was the Marxist Reverend Jim Wallis, urging Christians to "turn off Glenn Beck."

Why they would mount a campaign so fast and so vicious? Now I can tell you why: It was because we were right. Your church is being attacked through a faith-based initiative headed up by Barack Obama's administration.

It was quite an amazing smear campaign from the same people that continually accuse us of smearing them when we use their own words against them. We're going to show you their own words again in just a minute. Keep in mind, they can't have the truth being pointed out to you — the American people — that churches are being used by progressives to help bring about the fundamental transformation of America.

Remember when the left railed against President Bush's faith-based initiatives? They were hysterical over his attempt to force Christianity down the throats of innocent, unsuspecting, secular Americans. How dare he? They screamed "unconstitutional," "separation of church and state" and every other ignorant, numb-skulled drivel that could spill out their faces.

At his first press conference after taking office, the lovely and talented Helen Thomas asked President Bush:


HELEN THOMAS, COLUMNIST: Why do you refuse to respect the wall between the church and state? And you know that the mixing of religion and government, for centuries, has led to slaughter. The very fact that our country has stood in good stead by having this separation — why do you break it down?


My, how times have changed. Bush's opponent in 2004, John Kerry, said this about cap-and-trade last week:


SEN. JOHN KERRY, D-MASS.: I think this could pass. And the reason it could pass is that we have the broadest base of support, as I said. We have faith-based community support for this bill.


Since when does John Kerry get excited over churches getting involved in politics?

Well, now President Obama is using the faith-based offices to promote the Gospel of Gaia on the United States and there's nary a raised numb-skull voice?

Obama's Advisory Council on Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships recently issued its report of recommendations and the Obama administration is about to take faith-based initiatives to a whole new level.

The president's council envisions the government and religion partnering to push the good news of global warming, climate change and green issues. Yes, the religion of environmental and social justice.

The council hopes the new EPA faith office will also help churches and other non-profits improve "access to financing," including "establishing revolving loan programs or working with utility companies to help finance greening building projects."

Obama is merging the EPA with churches to make it easier for churches to get loans to green up and push green initiatives on their parishioners. On the one hand, if you don't cooperate, your 501c3 status could be in jeopardy, but if you help with the administration's agenda, why the government could help you build a new chapel.

The administration's emphasis on faith goes beyond cap-and-trade. Nancy Pelosi is now asking churches to help her pass immigration reform:


SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE NANCY PELOSI, D-CALIF.: On the subject of immigration because I think the church is going to have to play a very major role in how we, how people are treated. The cardinals, the archbishops, the bishops that come to me and say we want you to pass immigration reform and I said but I want you to speak about it from the pulpit. I want you to instruct your, whatever the communication is — they — the people some oppose immigration reform are sitting in those pews and you have to tell them that this is a manifestation of our living the Gospels.


Net Neutrality is getting support from religious groups like the Christian Coalition. Among the coalition's 2010 agenda: "Prevent discrimination on the Internet by passing Net Neutrality." The group Free Press is also pushing the Net Neutrality agenda through events like "faith-based community organizing and media reform."

Where is the ACLU? This is an organization that believes our kids have to be protected from evil Christmas carols in school and that civilization can't exist if the Ten Commandments are seen by the public. But merging the EPA and faith is perfectly fine?

Yes. In fact, it's the perfect program for the ACLU: Replacing God with government and the Creator with the created. The environmental justice religion is so powerful now that one of the leaders of the movement — one of its high priests — has admitted that what they're jamming down our throats won't even help solve the supposed problem:


JOEL ROGERS: I hope you all realize that you could eliminate every power plant in America today and you could stop every car in America — take out the entire power generation sector, take out all of the transportation sector — and you still would not be anywhere near 80 percent below 1990 levels. You would be closer to 60 percent — it would be around 68 percent — and that is with bringing the economy to a complete halt, basically.


Al Gore has admitted that C02 doesn't even necessarily drive temperature up — the basis of his entire argument for global warming:


REP. JOE BARTON, R-TEXAS: The temperature goes up before the CO2 goes up.

FORMER VICE PRESIDENT AL GORE: Sometimes, that has been true in the past. The opposite has also been true in the past.


That's not what he said in "An Inconvenient Truth" — that would've been well, inconvenient for him. But it isn't about truth or saving the planet. It's about using social and environmental justice to fundamentally transform America. And just as environmental justice has nothing to do with saving the environment, social justice has nothing to do with the justice, the Bible or God.

After the White House faith-based council's report came out, I was being attacked on the Internet: "Why doesn't Glenn Beck practice what he preaches?" and then Acts 2:44-45 was cited: "And all that believed were together, and had all things common; and sold their possessions and goods, and parted them to all men, as every man had need."

Notice anything missing there? How about the word "government" or "force" or "taxes?" They didn't have all their possessions taxed and confiscated by Rome and then redistributed to the poor. They chose to give all of their goods. And I can't help but wonder if the person who posted that scripture has parted with all he has? I would be willing to compare my contributions to the poor to yours, sir.

Look, from the beginning I have explained that social justice, as presented by many of these people on the left, is code for "Marxism." And who is it that attacked me from the beginning? Marxists like Jim Wallis. In the Reverend's own words:


MAUREEN FIEDLER, HOST: Are you then calling for the redistribution of wealth in society?

REV. JIM WALLIS: Absolutely. Without any hesitation. That's what the Gospel is all about.

WALLIS: I get a call one day from a priest. And Dorothy Day is in town opening a Catholic border house on Kenmore up on the north side. She wants to meet you; do you have time? Do I have time? We had one community car, which was always broken and so I ran, you know, 20 blocks. And I'm in the parlor of the Catholic worker and in walks the great lady. Dorothy wrote a book about her life called "Love Is the Measure," but she wasn't ever soft. Very tough. So you're a radical student like me, right? You were a Marxist like me, right? Yeah.


That's why they have been so vicious and relentless in trying to discredit and destroy me. They can't have the American people understand what it is they're doing with this social justice and EPA-faith office. It's a radical perversion of the Gospel. Which is why you're hearing nothing from the far-left lunatic fringe about "separation of church and state." They know this isn't about God; it's about control and the fundamental transformation of America.

Look, I want you to know that I'm telling you this because nothing is as it seems. A jobs bill is really another stimulus bill, which is really just graft. You need to know the truth and make your own decisions. So, we're going to show the roots of social justice. We'll get the truth from one of the leading evangelists in America and what it actually is.

Your church is either for socialist government or the living of the gospel and you need to know which one they are teaching.

— Watch "Glenn Beck" weekdays at 5 p.m. ET on Fox News Channel