Who Is Judge George Greer?

This is a partial transcript from "The O'Reilly Factor," Mar. 25, 2005, that has been edited for clarity.

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JOHN KASICH, HOST: In the "Personal Story" segment tonight, as we told you, we're awaiting a ruling from Pinellas County Circuit Court Judge Greer (search). However, he's made, as we all know, repeated rulings in favor of Michael Schiavo (search), Terri's husband.

Judge Greer has taken a lot of heat from the pro-life people and may have even been asked to leave his Baptist church over the whole situation.

Joining us now from Clearwater, Florida, his attorney, Dennis Devlaming, who's been friends with Judge Greer for 30 years.

Dennis, thanks for being with us. All right, Dennis, tell us who this guy is. We hear so much about him. What is he like? —You've known him for 30 years.

DENNIS DEVLAMING, FRIEND OF JUDGE GEORGE GREER: Judge Greer is a conservative judge. He's a hard worker. He is somebody that you know where he stands because he follows the law.

KASICH: Well, Dennis, look, I mean we say he's a — we've read about him. It says he's a conservative. He's a religious man. Is that accurate? Is he a man of strong faith?

DEVLAMING: Yes, he is. Yes, he is. And when we learned the other day that the church had asked him to leave, I think it was devastating to Judge Greer and his family.

KASICH: Well, let's start with how does he, Denis, you've known him, like I say, for 30 years, how does he square his decision to have the plug pulled? Even though there's been so much controversy surrounding it. I mean, there is no living will. There is a lot of controversy, regardless of how you feel about it. There have been issues in dispute.

How does he square that with the fact the family would like to take care of her, and with his religious convictions?

DEVLAMING: Well, unfortunately, he cannot use those religious convictions or any moral justification or non-justification in his rulings. I think Judge Greer, if you knew him, he's a very well respected jurist. He's somebody that was given a case. The case was to make the decision whether or not the individual, in this case the husband...

KASICH: Right.

DEVLAMING: ... was — was — could prevail in a court to indicate that he wanted, that is his wife wanted to not have efforts such as forced feeding.

He listened to the facts. He listened to the evidence. He listened to the experts. And he made his decision, just like in any other trial they make their decision.

KASICH: Right.

DEVLAMING: And — and I understand there's been almost 20 rulings that have come from that in both the state and federal courts.

KASICH: Right, I got that. Denis, has he — has he told you that it's been excruciatingly difficult? In other words, I know what his rulings have been. And I know where — what people say about his faith...

What's confusing to me is a lot of these facts are in dispute. They're in dispute even right now. So has he indicated to you that this has been difficult for him? In light of his feelings. You can't separate your feelings from who you are, anymore than I can separate being a congressman from sort the way I was made.

DEVLAMING: But you can and you have to separate your rulings from who you are when you're a judge. We down here did not elect a Christian judge. We elected a judge that happened to be a Christian.


DEVLAMING: And with Judge Greer, and frankly, I never sat down with him. And I wouldn't do that to him to ask him the personal nature of what you said about his personal feelings about whether this woman lives or dies. I don't think he has the luxury to make that decision. He has to follow the law.

KASICH: And you know, Denis, just because you're a person of faith doesn't mean you have to be in favor of keeping the tube in. I think that's clear, as well.

But it's interesting, because so many overwhelmingly are for going for life in terms of these things that surround this case that have really been in dispute.

Listen, one question I would like to ask you, you know, Michael Schiavo's attorney made a campaign contribution to the judge. When I heard this today I was sort of surprised. Why you do think he'd take that?

DEVLAMING: I'm sorry? Why would he...

KASICH: Why would he take a campaign contribution from a lawyer for Michael Schiavo, in light of all this controversy? Do you think this was a bad decision? And I'm not trying to defame him here. I'm just — it's bizarre to me.

DEVLAMING: It's not bizarre. I mean, I think you'll find out that lawyers give contributions to judges and they appear before those judges. I think the judges with integrity may be grateful for it. But — and I've made contributions to judges, and I've lost an awful lot of hearings in front of those judges.

KASICH: You know, when I was in politics, whenever I had something going on that involved somebody, I was always very careful not to take anything from them. But look, that's a matter to question his integrity.

You're a stand-up guy for coming on. Judge Greer obviously feels strongly. He's put a lot on the line. And we're just going to have to see how this all works out. Sir, thank you for coming on.

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