White Men Only?

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At the risk of some friends getting mad at me... did you happen to see the Democratic debate last night in New Hampshire, hosted by my former employer CNN? Wolf Blitzer, my good friend, did a great job... my only complaint: Did CNN have to use only white men to do it?

I noticed a full page ad in the New York Times announcing Wolf, Larry, Lou Dobbs, Anderson Cooper and John Roberts. Yikes! Would CNN not notice or not care? I don't know which is worse. How about a woman? A Hispanic? An African American? When FOX did its debate, Wendell Goler — an African American — played a prominent role.

And while I am at it: The Democratic candidates on the stage snubbed FOX and its partner the Congressional Black Caucus in favor of CNN and its five white guys. What's with that? Would you not think the candidates would be sensitive to this problem? Yikes! Perhaps Sen. Edwards should clue CNN that indeed there are two Americas — maybe more — not just all white guys.

Monday, I am in New York and our show tonight originates from…? That I don't know... yet. If I make the train to get me back to Washington, D.C., by 9 p.m., it will originate from Washington. If not, I will have to hijack one of my New York colleagues' studios and do the show from here. I would prefer to go home simply because I have been on the road so much and Saturday's travel back from Florida to D.C. was not particularly restful (Tropical Storm Barry complicated matters a bit.)

Send your thoughts and comments to: ontherecord@foxnews.com

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