White House Stonewalling Investigation Into Security Breach

The news that is not White House approved...

Stonewall Jarrett

White House social secretary Desiree Rogers is refusing to testify on Capitol Hill about the party crashing incident, and according to Obama adviser Valerie Jarrett, it's entirely consistent with Obama's administration's commitment to transparency.

Take a look at what she told "Good Morning America" Thursday:


VALERIE JARRETT, OBAMA ADVISER: No, actually, it doesn't go against it. I think having a full review up on the Web site where anyone in the country, anyone who goes on our Web site can read it is the definition of transparency.


Given all the false data that the White House Web site has provided about the stimulus, I'm sure they'll be very enlightening on this subject, too.

But Jarrett wasn't finished. She offered this justification on Rogers' behalf:


JARRETT: We think it's important to have a balance and have the White House staff capable to have confidential conversations with the president and his team without appearing before Congress.


That's interesting, because that's precisely what the Bush administration said when its officials were asked to testify on key national security proceedings, and it was President Obama who promised to change that supposedly corrupt and secretive culture.

Sudden Departure

After less than one year in office, a top Justice Department official is already throwing in the towel. According to The Washington Post, Deputy Attorney General David Ogden is stepping down from his post.

For somebody who endured a rocky confirmation processes, Ogden is certainly making a quick exit from service. His nomination came under fire for a number of reasons. For one, Ogden had little experience in criminal law issues. In fact, much of his experience came representing the interest of the pornography industry, including Playboy magazine on a number of occasions.

The Post is reporting that Ogden plans to return to his private law practice. I wonder if some of his old clients will once again be calling on his services.

Not So Fast, Robert

Remember that White House jobs report said that the stimulus had created or saved up to one million new jobs? Well, the Obama administration in all of their arrogance proudly touted the findings of that study at every opportunity, and Robert Gibbs was chief among them.


UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: You're making these jobs that you say have been counted so carefully sound like a scientific — actual number that can be observed scientifically.

ROBERT GIBBS, WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY: At 3:00 you'll be able to observe it holistically on your computer.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Each one of these so-called saved or created jobs represents a concrete new job or saved job?


UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Or two part-time jobs, right?


UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Yes, or two part-time jobs.


UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Your critics don't believe that it's possible to come up with anything like that?

GIBBS: Critics didn't think the recovery plan would help the economy grow but I think the critics, if you put 50 cents in the newspaper machine and pull the arm, you'll see that our critics hadn't been so right.


Really, Robert?

Well, the chair of the board that oversees the stimulus is singing a different tune. In an interview with The Wall Street Journal, Earl Devaney admitted there were widespread errors in the report and a group of inspectors general are investigating the matter.

Devaney told the paper, "I don't enjoy sitting here with numbers that I know to be wrong for three months," and acknowledged that, "There's enough embarrassment to go around."

Hey, Robert, I think he might be talking about you.

Say It Ain't So

The director for Office of Management and Budget Peter Orszag made a stunning admission Thursday about administration's health care plan. According to Orszag, in the event of a government health care takeover, it may be a while before you see any changes.


PETER ORZAG, OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET DIRECTOR: It will be years to decades — but just continuous improvement.


Yes, I'm sure with the government at the helm things will magically improve for the better — you know, in a few decades when we're all bankrupt.

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