Where Is Taylor Behl?

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I am posting several pictures today of missing Taylor Behl (search) and of our journey to her college in Richmond, Virginia yesterday. Please click on the links in the photo box to check out my photo essays.

The point of the pictures is to humanize her — we do so many stories on missing people that it is possible to become immune to the importance of trying to find them. Missing people are not numbers but with the seemingly endless list of missing people it is easy to get desensitized. Current pictures help find missing people — older pictures can sometimes help remind us this is important.

What is regrettable is that we do so many missing people on our show and we do not have many pictures of them or video. The best example is the many, many missing children from Hurricane Katrina (search). There is a good reason we don't have many pictures of the kids we talk about — their homes were destroyed with their family photos! When we were in Houston right after the hurricane, FNC employees, behind the scenes, were scrambling to help families find missing members. We had so many families approach us begging for help and we wanted to do what we could. You would, too.

I have told family after family that we will post pictures of their missing loved ones if they can get the photos to us. Often families with less means don't have pictures since it costs money to take pictures. Prior to digital days, film was costly (a luxury) and so was printing the pictures (a luxury.) Digital pics are costly too, since you need a camera and you need access to a computer to print or e-mail. Once you have the camera and the access to the computer, it is free... but to get to that point, you need some money.

We were able to get a picture of the two young boys who may have been taken by their mother and who the police claim is unstable. If you saw our show last night, you know that we posted the pictures of two boys — Justin Quintero (age 8) and Jonah Quintero (age 18 months.) It would be helpful to the investigation if we had more pictures to show you. These cases are often solved by someone spotting the person. We have posted pictures of the boys in today's blog.

While in Richmond, we did a "house call" at the home of the photographer who had pictures of Taylor Behl posted on his Web site. I saw the pictures, which he then removed a day or so after Taylor disappeared. The images are no longer on his site. I don't know why he took them down. The pictures were "appropriate" — meaning not sexual or provocative.

The photographer — Ben Fawley — was not home when we stopped by his house on Monday. I was told that he had been in court earlier in the day but he was not home when we went calling. I have posted on the blog a picture of a skateboard that he has hanging in the window to his house. The skateboard had mild significance to me in that I have read more than one story stating that Taylor was going out skateboarding that night. I have also been told that she left with her car keys.

Of course I have no idea if she went skateboarding that night and don't attach any high significance to his skateboard in his window with the skull on it other than perhaps their common interest in skateboarding may have contributed to their relationship.

Someone has posted a missing person poster of Taylor outside Fawley's home on a pole. Note that Fawley's lawyer told a member of our show staff that his client is considered a suspect, but police have not confirmed it.

We also went to the neighborhood where Taylor's car was found. It is about 1.5 miles from campus and a bit further from Fawley's home. The neighborhood looked like an upper middle class neighborhood — beautiful homes. It is a much nicer neighborhood than the one where Fawley lives. Taylor's car was found with stolen license tags on it. I have heard rumors about the possible source of those tags but will wait until I have confirmation before I repeat what I have heard.

And yes, we had a long day. We were on the road well before 9 a.m. ET to drive to Richmond and got back early evening and then prepared ourselves for the 10 p.m. ET show. We had to "feed" the tape we shot in Richmond to the New York bureau as soon as we got back to the Washington, D.C. bureau so that part of our New York staff could "cut" it to fit into the show. Our days are long... but frankly I would not call it "heavy lifting." Heavy lifting is looking for a lost family member... I have seen the pain of those who do the heavy lifting, whether it be in Houston, New Orleans, Aruba, Richmond, Philadelphia, etc. I have even seen the pain reflected in the faces of law enforcement officials who work around the clock to find the missing persons.

Now for some of your e-mails — randomly chosen. And at the end of the e-mails, there's an update on a story we covered for many weeks in the spring:

E-mail No. 1

Hey Greta,
I bought Dr. Baden's book when I was getting Neal Boortz and John Linder's Fair Tax book signed. I haven't yet started reading it, but it looks very good. And wow! Dr. Baden's wife... he's got himself a young 'un!
I look forward to the time he and Linda can be on your show to discuss "Remains Silent."
I am a Dr. Baden fan and always enjoy his knowledge when he's on the show — I absolutely love forensics. I tried to get him on a wrongful death case our firm is defending, but the client (insurance company, of course) wouldn't pay his huge retention and hourly fees. Darn it! I also missed him last year when the Forensic Focus Conference was cancelled.
Thanks for always having interesting guests on your show, and the questions you ask are similar to the questions I have wondered about.
Thanks again for keeping us abreast of Natalee Holloway. I don't understand why those boys are free... I will never visit Aruba because I do not like their laws. I hope surveillance is on Joran as he attends college in Holland, while Natalee SHOULD be in college.
And thanks for also following the other missing persons cases, and now this one with Taylor Behl. I hope and pray that they all turn up soon and they are all O.K.
Just a thought, maybe some day when there is the issue of determining time of death in a case, could you perhaps have Dr. Bill Bass of Univ. Tenn. Anthropology Dept. on your show? I imagine you know who he is. He has The Body Farm in Tennessee to research human decomposition and timing of death. He's basically retired but can still be reached via UT Anthropology.
Have a nice evening. Hope the trip to Virginia went well.
Laurie Davis, RN, BSN, LNC

E-mail No. 2

Can you find out why the government is going to spend $900 million repairing the Mississippi military compounds while there are plans on closing some? Why not just move the base to one that is not damaged?
J. Todd
New York, NY

E-mail No. 3

Laura Ingle (search) was awesome — poised, informative and fair and balanced on the Scott Peterson case, and I am very glad she is with FOX.
Barbara McEntyre

ANSWER: I agree. She is a new FOX News correspondent, but I am betting she is going to be a huge hit! She is curious and very hard working — the two necessary ingredients in this business. She is also very nice.

E-mail No. 4

It is nice to hear of someone who is willing to listen and not attack another person over their views. I am sort of the kind that will vote for the one who will do the best job for me. I also like to hear both sides and I weigh them against each other and decide I am right after all. Ha! Funny, I am not right all the time. Good thought and good night.
Ken Roberts

ANSWER: I have that same problem... I am not right all the time.

E-mail No. 5

Hello from Lubbock Texas, home of the Texas Tech Lady Raider basketball team and our Hall of Fame Coach Marsha Sharp. Due to the hurricane, the Tulane women's basketball team will be playing their season here in our United Spirit Arena. The fans in Lubbock plan to support them since their friends and family will not be able to get to West Texas. It would be exciting for us if you could come see them play. There are some scheduling problems to be worked out since Bob Knight's Red Raiders play in the arena also. There will probably be some double headers so you could see the Lady Raiders and the Green Wave.
Give it some thought,
Perrie A. Krieter

E-mail No. 6

This really has my dander up. These convicted sex offenders are upset and feel that their rights are being trampled upon? Boo-Hoo! They lost their rights when they took someone else's rights from them via their abuse of them. I am equally upset because this is due to their own actions, whereas adoptees have been fighting for equal rights as those who weren't adopted for years. We did nothing to lose our rights, except be adopted, and our rights are taken from us. This is where real rights are at issue. It seems pretty basic: If you don't want to lose your rights, don't do the crime.
Kari-Lyn Bjorn

E-mail No. 7

Hi Greta,
Well the scams have hit Green Bay. A family from Leland, MS, came to Green Bay and stated they were displaced by the hurricane. They stayed at the Freedom House, (home for homeless families) and Green Bay gave many donations. Turns out that Leland, MS, is about 6 hours inland and didn't sustain damage. The family said their car was ruined by a tree falling on it, when in fact it had been repossessed. They were also facing eviction charges and writing worthless check charges. The Freedom House staff became suspicious and researched it more and thus they were removed from the home and all the donations were taken back. Saw a blurb on the local news tonight and the family stated that they were not entirely at fault. Said something to the effect that the people of Green Bay are somewhat to blame because they were so eager to help.
Needless to say the guy has been fired from his job but now states he wants to keep his family in Green Bay because the people are so generous. Why are there so many idiots in this world? Makes a person wonder sometimes.
Mark Johnson
Green Bay, WS

Finally, in an effort to bring you up to date on stories we have covered in the past, I thought you might find this next article interesting — whether you agree with Michael Schiavo (search) or Teri Schiavo's parents and siblings. Click here to read the article, which appeared in the St. Petersburg Times and was written by the Associated Press.

Send your thoughts and comments to: ontherecord@foxnews.com

Watch "On the Record" weeknights at 10 p.m. ET