Where in the World Are Chris Dodd's Mortgage Papers?

This is a rush transcript from "Glenn Beck," January 30, 2009. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.




GLENN BECK, HOST: I don't know. I don't know. He's been looking for a while.

Chris Dodd's mortgage papers — the chairman of the Senate Banking Committee has promised he was going to cough up the documents. I think he was going to do that this summer, for the two homes that he had refinanced with Countrywide Financial in 2003. Dodd got a sweet deal from Countrywide, I think, you know, little people like us, we couldn't have qualified for.

We're still waiting for the papers. It's been more than six months, that's more than 270,000 minutes.

During that time, while Chris Dodd was looking for his mortgage papers, 47 million babies have been born, half a million Americans have lost their homes. I wonder if they know where their mortgage papers are.

Here to play the game Where in the World Are — no, we got to start. Frank, you got to start to — wait, no, hang on just a second. You got to start the music. Here to play — ready? Here we go. Here to play the game...


BECK: Cheap show.




BECK: All right. Here is Rick Green. He's a columnist from the Hartford Courant.

Hello, Rick.

Video: Watch Glenn's interview with Rick Green


BECK: You look as excited to be on the show as Ben Stein was.

GREEN: It's Friday afternoon.

BECK: Well, OK. So, Rick, where are Chris Dodd's mortgage papers?

GREEN: Well, they got to be somewhere. I mean, I know where mine are.

BECK: I know where mine are.

GREEN: And I could go home right now and find them.

BECK: Me, too.

GREEN: But he's just not ready to share them with us yet, I think.

BECK: Well, didn't he promise that he would, though? I mean, and I think he gave a pinky swear?

GREEN: I believe it was 190 days that he promised that the papers would be forthcoming. And we're still waiting for them here in Connecticut.

BECK: Yes. By the way, those are the minutes' clock we have there in the corner. You'll see it. And we are going to keep track. There they are — opps, oh, I just lost my finger. They're right there in the corner. Those are the minutes that have passed since Chris Dodd made that promise and we're going to hold him to that because I'm sure like to see those. Gosh, it must be a very big house he's put them in.

GREEN: You know, I think, he's got a townhouse in D.C.

BECK: Sure.

GREEN: And a house on Main Street in a little town, and here in Connecticut, East Haven.

BECK: Here's a real problem as I see it, Rick, and I don't know — I don't know how you feel about it, but the problem that I have is the way Chris Dodd is wagging his finger to everybody else. Listen to a — listen to this on what he just said recently.


SEN. CHRIS DODD (D-CT), BANKING COMMITTEE CHAIR: Our markets are only as strong as those who regulate them and the laws and values which market participants observe. Going forward, the American people need to know that this committee is committed to strengthen regulation, rebuilding confidence, and above all, sending a clear message to investors across the world, that the year of "Don't ask, don't tell" on Wall Street is over.


BECK: My question to you is: How does Chris Dodd sleep at night?

GREEN: Well, Glenn, I think that's a problem here in Connecticut that, although there's a fair amount of goodwill towards this senator here still — you know, every day, you turn on the radio or pick the newspaper and see him making a pronouncement, whether it's the Wall Street bonuses or the, you know, mortgage lending, and yet, he's not willing to share with us this very basic thing that everybody who owns a home can relate to.

BECK: Right.

GREEN: What kind of deal did you get? Maybe he didn't get a good deal. Maybe he, really, in the end didn't get a good deal. We could clear this up in a matter of minutes if we wanted to.

BECK: OK. Explain the Friends of Angelo, why people think that he got a good deal?

GREEN: At one point ...

BECK: And I'm with you. He probably — he probably didn't get a good deal.

GREEN: He ...


GREEN: The Friends of Angelo was a special program set up by Countrywide Financial that big shots got a special deal. They were whisked through the whole mortgage process, and given more favorable rates than maybe Rick Green, columnist at the Hartford Courant.

And I spoke to a guy who was familiar with the deal that Chris Dodd got. His name is Bob Feinberg, he's in California, and he said, "Absolutely, Senator Dodd knew he was getting favorable treatment from Countrywide." Now, that's not what the senator is saying.

BECK: Chris Dodd, if you happen to be watching tonight, I just want you to know, if you need some help, we can send some people over. I don't know, you know, where you might have left those papers but we can help go through your house if you'd like to. I'm just willing to be a helper here.

So, if we could just close things out, Rick, thank you very much, and one more time with our theme for Chris Dodd.




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