Where Do We Draw the Line?

Hi folks,

Thanks for the get-well wishes — I think I've kicked this bug out of my system for the most part so you won't be hearing too much more hacking and sniffling. But again, thanks!

As I write, the vice president is sitting down with our own Brit Hume for an exclusive interview that airs Wednesday at 6 p.m. ET on "Special Report". There is some information filtering out from our D.C. bureau, including comments from the veep about how the day of the shooting "was one of the worst days" of his life. Once again, the topic fueled much conversation among 'DaySide' e-mailers:

Michael, who obviously reads this blog, takes issue with me (sort of...):

“I agree with your assessment that this story is news worthy and that if, God forbid, Mr. Whittington died, the vice president could be in a world of hurt. But, I think the viewers are just tired of hearing the White House press corps insinuates a cover up because THEY weren’t told first! Further, there are only so many times we can look at the same graphic without getting fed up. The fact is there was a shooting accident… Mr. Cheney was involved…there were further medical complications… Pardon my grammar, but GOT IT! Press on until there is another noteworthy incident associated with it. Sorry you’re feeling poorly…get well soon!”

Hugh from Plano, Texas, pulls no punches:

“The general press is looking like a bunch of spoiled kids who have had their feelings hurt because they weren't invited to the party. Get over it. The public thinks you are a bunch of buffoons and you are proving it each day. This is a NO story. Get serious and cover important issues facing this country and the free world. It would also be nice if you would begin reporting accurate, factual stories instead of the left wing obstructionist party lines. That is probably asking too much.”

Why so angry Hugh? Haven't been able to make sweeping generalizations about lawyers, the IRS, cab drivers, etc. much today?

Seriously, I had a conversation with my friend Dave the other day. He's from Canada and was just bewildered. Why, he wondered, does this information need to be made public in such fine detail? Why does the public have the right to know? My argument — he's one of the most powerful men in the world, certainly in our country. He SHOT someone, accidentally, but it sent the guy to the hospital nonetheless… and so on and so on (I talked about this in a previous blog). Much to my surprise, most of you who e-mailed feel the same as Dave. Overwhelmingly. But most just say it's because this has a media and Democratic witch-hunt feeling to it.

My questions: Where do we draw the line? When is it too much information? To those of you who say it's not important to know what happened — WHY? Write me: dayside@foxnews.com!

The weather's beautiful here in NYC today, a departure from the blizzard this past weekend. I'm doing a little post-Valentines Day gift giving, taking my friend to the N.Y. Knicks-Toronto Raptors basketball game (yes, quite the match up; both at the bottom of the barrel right now). I'm a Lakers fan but will be cheering for the Knicks. My seatmate is Canadian. It may get ugly.


"DaySide" airs weekdays at 1 p.m. ET. Write us at dayside@foxnews.com.

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