Where Are the Watchdogs?

This is a rush transcript from "Glenn Beck," September 18, 2009. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GLENN BECK, HOST: I have to tell you, America. I mean, I agonized over this thing last night, because it is so complex. It is so much. We're going to explain it and break it down piece by piece. But please, please, share this with your friends, because this — these are the radicals. This is why it matters.

I've said for a while now, the paradigm is changing. There is — there is no place now for the media that we currently have. ACORN, Van Jones — the mainstream media has not asked the tough questions. How can this many radical people be this involved with what's happening in our country? Is the mainstream media, as we know it, over?

Tobe Berkovitz, he is a communications professor at Boston University.

Tobe, first of all, did you see the last segment? Could you watch it up there in Boston?

TOBE BERKOVITZ, BOSTON UNIVERSITY PROFESSOR: Yes, I saw you using the chalkboard as a deadly weapon.

BECK: Right.

So, you know, this show has broken all conventional wisdom. I mean, nobody would — nobody would say we could do a 20-minute monologue — we do it almost every night. And nobody would say use a chalkboard and yet that's exactly how we make our points.

What is — what is happening here? Can — I've never treated my audience as a bunch of boobs. I believe they're intelligent human beings that really want to learn and know what's going on in the country. I try to figure it out myself and bring it. Why aren't the other media outlets doing this?

BERKOVITZ: Well, what works for you, Glenn, doesn't necessarily work for other newscasters or other programs.

I think what you have is a way that you want to try to communicate with your viewers using the chalkboards, giving them lots of detail. Because it works for you doesn't mean it's going to work for other people.

It's your style and very successful.

BECK: Right. But I don't mean — Tobe, I don't mean necessarily that, you know, Charlie Gibson should have the chalkboard out. But why are they not covering — I mean, when you look at this, is it not pretty obvious that maybe there should be some questions asked and looked into all this? I mean, it's just as riddled with corruption.

Why are they not doing that?

BERKOVITZ: One could say that it perhaps is too complex for a simplistic way to present the news and when you have traditional newscasts that are 23 minutes long, you don't really have time for complexity, or you could be more conspiratorial and say that the media just doesn't want to really probe into certain aspects of the Obama administration.

Sort of dealer's choice and you can pick which of those is the reason that stories like these aren't being covered.

BECK: I think that the media doesn't understand at all that this is a
— this is a, I think, a media revolution and I don't even mean me, I mean the people, Internet, et cetera, et cetera — Twitter, that's what caused — that's what's happening in Iran — yes, Iran right now is Twitter is taking hold; Facebook, et cetera, et cetera.

Is the way we get our news — is the looking up to these giant corporations to get the news — is that a thing of the past? Is there a point — is there a tipping point — where people are just like, "OK, they're not even telling me the truth or what I'm even interested in" and it just implodes?

BERKOVITZ: Well, the paradigm shift is the end of scarcity. It used to be that you could watch one of three networks, you could read one or two newspapers — that has gone by the boards.

And now, really, the consumer is king and queen. They get to decide what kind of information they want, how they want to get it. Do they want a long in-depth report? Do they want a 140-character tweet? It's their choice. These are all options.

What we really are starting to get is a marketplace. And it's much tougher for the old interests to control it. It is really sort of gone crazy and everyone gets to pick what they want.

You're in charge with your clicker, with your mouse. You're your own programmer. You're your own news director.

BECK: All right. Tobe, thank you very much. I appreciate it.

I will tell you, America, you are in charge. You are in charge.

And Tobe is exactly right. They don't like it. It takes them out of control. That's why I think Mark Lloyd is now the diversity czar of the FCC. Look him up.

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