When Is an Extremist Not an Extremist?

I've been down for a couple of days, so I may have missed this, but, has anybody over at the White House labeled Nidal Malik Hasan — the terrorist who killed 13 and wounded 30 more at Fort Hood — an extremist?

I've heard him referred to as a "shooter" and a "gunman." He's been called "troubled" and "harassed." We know he didn't want to be deployed and his cousin called him a "good American." But extremist?

No, we can't say that; we wouldn't want offend anyone.

Are we that politically correct? I guess so. But there is no hesitation by Barack Obama's political arm, Organizing for America, to send out an e-mail calling tea party goers extremists:

"Across the country, members of Congress who support reform are being shouted down, physically assaulted, hung in effigy, and receiving death threats. We can't let extremists hijack this debate, or confuse Congress about where the people stand."

So, that's extremism, but killing 13 people isn't?

If there was anyone who could be labeled "extremist," you would think it would be someone who spoke of Islamic jihad to his fellow soldiers and then acted on those feelings by picking up a weapon and killing his fellow soldiers with it.

But no, there are real extremists picking up a sign and protesting big government.

Sarah Palin — she fought this horrendous health care overhaul, ran for vice president espousing certain principles and she prays. Extremist!

And, I'm an extremist because I dare expose what no one else will: That there are anti-free market officials, admirers of Mao, Marxists and socialists in and around the White House.

But Nidal Malik Hasan is just a picked upon, misunderstood, quiet, "good American," who "snapped" and murdered 13 Americans? He talked openly about his feelings before acting on them.

Did the guy snap? I don't know and I don't care. He murdered Americans in cold blood in an act of bald-faced, extremist terrorism. Maybe he acted alone, then again, maybe he didn't. What do you say we nurse him back to health, question him, have a non-government investigator look into this? Find out what happened. If he's guilty, execute him and move on America; one less dirtbag to deal with.

Oh and speaking of executions: Remember the D.C. sniper? On Wednesday night at 9 p.m. he was executed.

Good. I look forward to celebrating swift justice, that if he is guilty should end in execution. Oh, I'm sorry, is that insensitive of me? Good. I don't care about his childhood. Millions of people have messed up childhoods and they don't kill people. I had a pretty messed up childhood; I bet you did too.

Mommy didn't love me as much. Daddy didn't play with me.

Look at what they're doing to us. Look at how far the discussion has shifted. And, you're going to see and hear this everywhere now. Anyone and everyone who effectively stands in the way of the progressive agenda of the fundamental transformation of America will be labeled an extremist.

Frank Rich and the rest of the Obama-minions at The New York Times will gladly do the bidding of the administration; acting as the propaganda arm of the White House. Rich and the rest will continue to oblige in print and the trolls at MSNBC will eagerly spew the company line on TV: You're extreme; he's extreme; she's extreme; you're dangerous; hateful; outrageous and frightening. Meanwhile, the truly hateful, frightening dangers go unobstructed along their merry way.

When did words and ideas replace fists and bullets as tools of violence? Read a little George Washington, it's called the battlefield of ideas: If you don't fight it there, it will be fought with guns. Don't you see what they are creating? They are leading us to a cemetery. Society cannot survive like this.

No one at the White House or The New York Times has referred to the beat downs issued by SEIU members recently as violent or extreme.

The SEIU thugs caught on video beating down the African-American tea-party goer haven't yet been charged. Meanwhile, last weekend, there was another beat down in California. A Democrat who disagreed with the union thugs is now in the hospital. Is it extremist to beat someone because they disagree with you on health care?

Let me be clear: The terrorist Muslim extremist murderer accused of shooting the Army recruiter dead in Arkansas last summer wasn't even discussed in the media, let alone called an extremist. But, I say America can't afford another trillion dollar entitlement program? Extremist!

So, as long as that's our new reality, let's go with it. Let me make my extremist demands:

Stop spending money you don't have!

Tell us how you plan to pay for a trillion dollar health care plan!

Listen to the people; after all: You work for us!

Get rid of the corruption before you spend another dime!

Audit the Fed!

Term limits and no lifetime benefits for those 12 years of work!

Lower taxes!

Return to the principles embedded by our radical, extremist Founding Fathers!

Wow, pretty extreme, huh? Let me quote another extremist, who said: "If you want to help the poor, help them feel uncomfortable in their poverty." That extremist was... Ben Franklin. Why did he hate the poor so much? Our extremist, radical Founders all knew that government programs were not the answer to poverty. Making people comfortable in their poverty is not the answer to getting them out of poverty. It is the answer for government officials who gain power by making sure that the poverty stricken become permanently dependent upon, them. May I just give you the one word: Detroit.

Look, here's what you need to know: Because people are either afraid or have another agenda and refuse to speak the truth, question with boldness or speak without fear, 13 Americans are dead.

Not on my watch. Not on your watch. I don't care what they do to me or say about me. I'm not playing their politically correct game. This man was a terrorist; American born and bread, Muslim extremist terrorist. He was not afraid to speak his point of view. We were afraid to react it.

Let's go a step further:

Fat people aren't calorically challenged. They aren't pleasantly plump. They are fat.

Poor people aren't economically marginalized. No, they are poor.

A criminals aren't morally challenged or unsavory characters; they're criminals.

Strippers aren't exotic dancers; they are a stripper.

There's no such thing as an escort; you are a whore.

And terrorists aren't freedom fighters; they're dirtbag terrorists.

Stop playing the game. There are more of us than there are of them. Your fear of being silent clears a path for them to carry out their extremist plans and kill people! And I'm supposed to be worried about losing my job and my house? What could be worse than death?

I'm going to make a promise to you. If you spread the word, if you stand fast, if you'll question with boldness everything that comes out of Washington, if you hold tight to family, principles and values, then this country is going to turn the page and turn a corner — because of you. But it won't happen if we aren't honest with each other or if we call fat people "well-rounded" or Usama bin Laden a freedom fighter.

This is a historic time. Stand up and you will be written about in the history books.

— Watch "Glenn Beck" weekdays at 5 p.m. ET on Fox News Channel