What's Wrong With This Picture?

Dear Viewers,

What's wrong with this picture?  There is something "wrong" about a Mother sitting in a courtroom at a hearing about her daughter's murder taking notes on a yellow legal pad.  Right now instead Sharon Rocha should be showing--and bragging about--baby pictures. That is what mothers do when their daughters marry and then get pregnant.  That is what seems "right."  At some time--after 9 months--the joy begins for the family but not for Sharon Rocha.  I look across the aisle of the courtroom and can only imagine how her life was destroyed so quickly.  I don't talk much to her--just polite nods as we go to breaks--but I think from seeing her and watching her that I would enjoy her friendship. She sure has shown great dignity and class under horrible circumstances.  She does not take non-stop notes but just occasionally reaches down, grabs a pad and writes. My imagination suggests she is writing about the hearing and witness testimony- but of course I can't read her notes and have no idea. It is also none of my business.

Incidentally, on another note, that "weird" odor that was in yesterday's blog was in full force again in Modesto. It is absolutely choking.  During a break, I asked the Chief DA if it was an animal food factory causing the foul order and he said it was a soap factory. This is not immensely important--in fact it pales in comparison to the importance of a murder hearing - but I am curious now that I have been given two explanations for the widespread odor in Modesto.


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