What's the Hold Up?

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Dear Viewers,

Attached to Friday's blog are the behind the scenes pictures we took at the Clinton Presidential Library (search). Be sure to log onto www.gretawire.com to see them if you are receiving the GretaWire directly to your e-mail account.

Now for Thursday night's show. Some viewers thought we were "pulling a fast one."

We started the show telling the viewers that we expected breaking news in the disappearance of the college soccer player in upstate New York. We had been reporting on this missing student for a few nights hoping that maybe someone would see the show and call in with a tip leading to his discovery. I might add, we also were hoping for a safe discovery and not bad news. Sooner or later we are going to "hit gold" and help the police find alive a missing child or adult.

Our original plan for last night's show had been to lead the show with the missing college student story, but minutes before the start, we learned that a body had been found. The police did not want us to announce it and it was not confirmed to us as of about 9:30 p.m. ET. The police asked us to wait until they could confirm and report it. We obliged as we did not want to give you the wrong information in case the body was not that of the college student. The police chief said that during the hour — when he could find the opportunity — he would come to our show and tell us what they DID know and could report. With the breaking news in his investigation, he could not make the start of the show. As it turned out the police confirmed it was the college student and the chief came to our show and reported it mid-way through our show. We put the chief on as soon as he arrived. This is what we promised at the top of the show and this is what we did.

Here is what happened behind the scenes of the show: I started getting e-mails in the first 20 minutes of the show from viewers complaining that we had said there was breaking news and that we were not reporting it. Some of the e-mails were not exactly nice, to put it mildly. Some viewers suggested that it was some sort of plot that we were not reporting it and "holding" the story. I checked the e-mails during the commercial breaks, but did not have time to respond to them so am doing so here. Let me assure you that there was no plot — we were simply dealing with news as we obtained it and could confirm it.

Here are some e-mails about the college student's death and the segment we did on the two young women who trashed a police station in Ohio:

E-mail No. 1

I just watched Greta interview the President of St. Lawrence. Greta asked if they had ever had any deaths like that of Adam Falcon and the President replied that they had not had anything as tragic as this. Oh really? I would like to bring to your attention another death on the campus that was directly connected to alcohol. Derek Long was killed by a drunk driver on the campus in the early 90s. I do not remember the year exactly (I believe it was 1992 or 1993) and I cannot find any mention of him on their website. He was a football player and he got in a car with a driver who was drunk - they, too had been in "downtown" Canton. Derek was thrown from the car and was mangled so badly that his funeral had to be closed-casket. I know colleges and universities like to cover these things up to keep from scaring parents and potential students, but maybe if we talked about these things more often, fewer young adults would die from alcohol related "accidents" Derek is buried in Rye, NY in Greenwood Union Cemetery.

Don't let the colleges and universities sweep these deaths under the rugs. You in the media are the ones who will be able to shout the outrage from the rooftops that horrific events like these deserve. Put a fire under them and force them out of the closet to deal directly with these things. Keep up the good work
Nicole Mayer

We also did a segment on two Ohio young women who trashed a police station after being taken into custody. Here are some e-mails about that segment:

E-mail No. 2

These two brats are typical of today's youth. They have no respect for authority. They demanded to control the situation from the git go and it doesn't work that way. The women's behavior after the stop on the street is shameful. I bet whoever raised them didn't get any respect from them either. PATHETIC!

E-mail No. 3

Now dismissed charges will act as convictions and be used against these innocent, beautiful women for the rest of their lives, keeping them from getting jobs in professional, caring fields they might have grown into. Their only crime was that they were born beautiful and female. The only reason they were arrested was because they were blonde and were marked for gang rape.
Bethanne Coste

E-mail No. 4

I found the interview with the two females to be absolutely atrocious. This was the most one-sided of many of your interviews. You never challenged them about their out of control demeanor, which would make any law enforcement officer somewhat suspicious because of their actions. If you want to be fair get the officer's side of the story. Maybe you should spend one night in the dark streets of a city, protecting its citizens, yes even those idiots.
Richard Daniel
Retired Sheriff's (Captain)

E-mail No. 5

I saw your segment on the two girls going crazy in jail Thursday night. The thing that caught my eye was that the girl who hit the door window with the trash filled with urine dumped it all over herself! That's a bit too crazy for me!
Jonthan in Kansas City

E-mail No. 6

I am very concerned about you. It appears to me that you are very possessed with the Scott Peterson trial. Possessed to the point that it looks like it is an addiction to you. I have not watched your show hardly at all lately, because I got discouraged because a majority of each of your shows is about Scott Peterson.
I honestly think you should search and see if there is a help center for those addicted to the Scott Peterson trials and if so, please check in. From what I see you have a huge addiction to the Scott Peterson trials.
Mark Chamberlain


Do you have something you'd like to say to Greta? Write to her at ontherecord@foxnews.com!

Watch "On the Record with Greta Van Susteren" weeknights at 10 p.m. ET