What Would Jesus Drink?

Jesus could turn water into wine, but he certainly didn't drink Coca-Cola.

At least according to Coca-Cola Italia, a division of the soda-maker that has moved to stop an Italian filmmaker from releasing a modern-day version of the life of Christ that features Jesus polishing off a can of Coke, the Times of London reports.

In Claudio Malaponti's "Seven Kilometers From Jerusalem," Jesus drinks the soft drink during a dusty Jeep ride through the desert.

Coca-Cola Italia wants the scene to be cut before the film's Friday release. It's a demand the filmmaker thinks is ridiculous.

“The Pope did not object to the Coca-Cola scene," Malaponti said. "It is a coherent part of a film in which Jesus is portrayed as the greatest communicator of all time. This is a profoundly religious film.”

But company officials are adamant that the scene portrays the soda-maker in a negative light. "We are not interested in this kind of product placement," a spokeswoman for the company told the paper.

In the scene, an ad executive offers a thirsty Jesus the can of Coke. When Christ gulps it down, the executive exclaims: "My God — what a testimonial!"

Not everything, it seems, goes better with Coke.

Stumpy's Got Two Legs Up on the Competition

They call him Stumpy, and he kicks duck butt.

This Cherry Valley duck won the hearts of Britain in February when he was born with a rare deformity — a set of extra webbed feet.

But now, two months after finding celebrity, the chick has become a man, taking a mate named Alice and venturing out for his first swim on owner Nicky Janaway's farm in New Forest, Hampshire, England, the U.K. Daily Mail reports.

Click here to watch video of Stumpy's first swim.

"He thoroughly enjoyed himself and will be swimming every day now. We'll have to see if his extra legs help him swim faster — like little propellers," Janaway told the paper. "During the swim Alice was squeaking and he was quacking because they missed each other and she obviously felt a bit left out."

Janaway, who runs the Warrawee Duck Farm with her husband, Paul, worried at first that Stumpy's special needs would leave him at the back of the raft. Yet Stumpy has grown to within an inch of his full stature, using his extra appendages like stabilizers as he traverses the farm.

Stumpy took his first swim recently in a children's sandbox converted into a pond after training in the Janaway's sink and bathtub to develop his oily coating.

"In the lead-up to Easter, we thought it would be a good time to have his first swim," Janaway said.

He did circles in the pond before being put down for bed.

"You took to it like the duck to water, didn't you?" Janaway cooed to her special duck. "Night, night then."

Honey Bear's Got No Ticket to Ride

MEXICO CITY (AP) — A kinkajou — also known as a honey bear — that escaped from a Mexico City zoo boarded a bus and attacked a passenger, officials said Tuesday.

The kinkajou, which is about the size of a small dog, got on the bus at about 11 p.m. Monday after escaping from the San Juan de Aragon Zoo.

The animal sat next to the bus driver for almost an hour as he drove through the city and scratched and bit a 20-year-old female passenger when she tried to hold it, the Mexican news agency Notimex said.

There was some initial confusion about the animal's identity. While Red Cross spokesman Jair Martinez initially identified the creature as a monkey, and some local media referred to it as a lemur, Aleli Mayorca of the city's main Chapultepec Zoo said it was a "martucha," or kinkajou, a nocturnal animal native to Central and South America.

The kinkajou is related to, but different from, the raccoon.

Martinez said the woman was treated for her injury, and the animal was placed in quarantine. He said he had no further details.

Coast Guard Rescues Man, Pet Cockatoo, From Pine Tree

PORTER, Texas (AP) — It took a Coast Guard helicopter to rescue a Texas man and his pet cockatoo from the heights of a pine tree after he got stuck trying to retrieve the $2,000 bird.

William Hart, 35, had climbed about 60 feet up the tree to get the bird after it escaped from its cage and flew out a bedroom window. Television video showed him standing on a branch Tuesday evening awaiting rescue, the exotic white bird apparently tucked under his shirt.

The cockatoo, Geronimo, got out after Hart's daughter apparently forgot to latch his cage after feeding him, Hart told the Houston Chronicle. He said he spotted the bird in flight and chased him, then climbed the tree until Geronimo flew to his arm.

That is when Hart realized they were stuck. He said he yelled to his sister, who was helping him chase the bird, to call authorities.

Firefighters had trouble backing a truck up to the tree because of the rain-saturated ground, so the Coast Guard helicopter was called in. The crew used a harness to get both man and bird down.

Hart had a few scratches and a bite on his finger from the frightened bird nipping him, but he said he was glad it all worked out. The shaking bird tucked its beak under his collar as he held it.

"He's my baby," Hart said. "I'd do it again."

Little Bunny Foo Foo, Hopping Through Austria

VILLACH, Austria (AP) — Police want residents of this southern Austrian city to keep an eye out for a pair of giant ears.

Pranksters stole a large Easter bunny that had decorated the square in front of city hall in Villach, authorities said.

Investigators said they have no leads in the caper, but they're hoping someone will spot the missing rabbit so it can be returned to the square in time for Sunday's holiday celebrations.

It shouldn't be too difficult to spot: Including its large ears, the plaster bunny stands 6.5 feet tall and weighs 132 pounds.

Compiled by FOXNews.com's Sara Bonisteel.

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