Weight Loss Pill Is Tough to Swallow

From what I heard, she walked into the drug store like a woman on a mission and asked the girl at the cash register if the store had Alli in stock.

Alli, of course, is the hot, new diet drug, now sold over the counter.

To this woman's surprise, the store had it, apparently four packs left. The woman took them all — every single one.

Hundreds of dollars spent to lose a little weight. Because from what I was told, this woman was not all that fat: maybe 15 pounds overweight — if that. So I figured she was spending at least 20 bucks a pound to lose the weight.

And she's not alone. Women, men, indeed kids, the nation over are going gaga over this drug and its promise you can lose weight simply taking a pill — that it blocks fat, and hence, blocks getting you fat. Some, I'm told, are using it to shield themselves from the inevitable summer barbecue gain.

Who am I to judge? From my caloric glass house, I'll be very careful picking up any stones. But it seems we forget the solution to our problems can't be found in a bottle, but in ourselves.

I just find it ironic that we'll suffer any indignity — even some of the embarrassing ones associated with this drug — to be thin, to be liked, to be loved, to be desirable.

That alone is tough to swallow and this pill, tougher to swallow still.

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