Web Site Allows STD Spreaders to Send E-Cards to Break News

Hi. You have herpes.

It’s not usually that easy to tell someone you have slept with that you may have exposed them to a sexually transmitted disease.

But a new initiative called inSPOT is seeking to make it easier, Medical News Today reported.

Through a Web site – www.inSPOT.org – the initiative allows you to notify sexual partners, past or present, of any potential exposure by sending free electronic postcards.

One of the postcards starts of with the message, “There’s no easy way to say this. . .”

Developed by the San Francisco Department of Public Health and Internet Sexuality Information Services in 2004, its services and resources are available in several cities across the globe.

The site also offers clinic locations, treatment and testing options.

The impact of the Web site is discussed in the Oct. 20 issue of the peer-reviewed journal PloS Medicine. Click here to read that article.

Click here to read more from Medical News Today.