We Love You Too, Van Jones

I told you last week about Van Jones getting the NAACP Image Award. Here's how he closed his speech:


VAN JONES, FORMER WHITE HOUSE GREEN JOBS 'CZAR': To my fellow countryman, Mr. Glenn Beck. I see you and I love you, brother. I love you and you cannot do anything about it. I love you and you cannot do anything about it. Let's be one country. Let's be one country. Let's get the job done.


The implication here is that I don't love him. Well, I'm sorry you misunderstood, Van — I love you too. This is like an episode of "Barney & Friends" — we all love each other. But I'm not sure why he is making this personal; I never made it personal about him. I never called for his resignation. I didn't want him to quit; I wanted him to keep talking.

I am one of those "old school" people who think the First Amendment applies to everyone — even 9/11 Truthers and communists. When I disagree with someone, I don't try to have them silenced; that's what they do in communist countries. In fact, when everyone was expecting me to gloat and celebrate over Jones' resignation — which, by the way, he did at midnight over Labor Day Weekend — my first day back from the long holiday here's what I said:


GLENN BECK: I didn't ask for Van Jones to resign. If Americans want the version of America that Van Jones sees, well that's fine, but we need to have a discussion. It can't be done under the cover of darkness. There needs to be questions and answers.


His resignation didn't further the dialogue. No one answered any of the real questions. And America needs answers — especially when there are those in the highest offices in the land who are trying to fundamentally transform this country.

Van Jones has a very different idea of what America should be. He's a self-avowed communist. He was a member of STORM — a radical group that wanted to overthrow the government. He's trying to transform America under the guise of "green jobs" to transform America into a red state and move away from capitalism. So we can talk all day long about how much we love each other, but his agenda was in the cover of darkness until we shed light on it.

But the question was never about his agenda, it was about the president's agenda.

See, my agenda is wide open: I'm for the truth; I believe in smaller government and lower taxes. When you are out in the open, you have the courage of your convictions. But it seems this administration has used people like Van Jones to cloak their convictions in "green."

So let's talk about that "one country" Jones mentioned. I'm all for that. But it can only be one country — not two. And there is a battle over what the country should look like. I happen to think it's a republic, but progressives think it's something else. And unfortunately, they aren't presenting the true progressive agenda to the public because they know it's a losing battle.

Take Van Jones. Here's what we know:

He's a communist revolutionary: In 1994 he started STORM (Standing Together to Organize a Revolutionary Movement). The group held study groups on theories of Marx and Lenin and had hopes of a "socialist utopia"

He defended a cop killer in 1999 when, as a San Francisco civil rights lawyer, he helped coordinate a protest march on behalf of death row inmate Mumia Abu-Jamal

He believes the free market is dead

He was a 9/11 Truther, listed as a signer of the 9/11 Truth Commission petition that called for an inquiry into evidence that government officials were involved in the Sept. 11 attacks

In January, 2008, Van Jones said that white polluters are essentially steering poison into the people of color communities

He wants a green economy to replace a system of oppression and exploitation

What I wanted to know is: Does the president believe these things? Is he OK with these things? Well, that question was just answered.

I had my suspicions he did when I saw this clip from Valerie Jarrett:


VALERIE JARRETT, WHITE HOUSE SENIOR ADVISER: Van Jones, we were so delighted to be able to recruit him into the White House. We have been watching him really — he's not that old — for as long as he's been active out in Oakland and all of the ways that he has... the creative ideas that he has. So now we have captured that and we have all of that energy and enthusiasm in the White House.


It's taken us from then all the way until now and an NAACP award, but we finally have the answer. Here's what Van Jones said while out on his rehab tour during an interview with Suzanne Malveaux:


JONES: I was fully candid, I mean, about my past, about the ideas that I explored.

I was a mid-level White House staffer.


So they knew exactly who he was. And I don't care if he was a mid-level staffer or not, if the vetting process turned up a candidate who thought convicted cop-killer Mumia Abu-Jamal was worthy of excusing, extolling and painting into a hero, I wouldn't want that person taking out the garbage, let alone being "mid-level."

But now it's clear — yes, the White House knew Jones was a communist.

So we don't need to know anything else about Van Jones — case closed. We got it — he's a radical who has latched onto the green movement. I hope he has a great green life creating lots of pretend jobs building solar panels and wind-turbines. God bless him on his quest to get everyone to fill their car tires to the proper air pressure.

But this doesn't mean the problem is solved. Have you noticed, while on this rehab tour, no one is asking Van Jones if he is still a communist? No one will ask him if he has rejected communism and rejected Marxism and if he now believes in the free market system. Because he has said in the past that the free market system doesn't work. Let me give it to you in his own words:


JONES: How is that capitalism working for you?


JONES: How is that capitalism working for you?


JONES: How is that capitalism working for you this year?


Jones has no problem mocking a free market supporter on stage, but when he knows the cameras are on, he's a little more careful. The bottom line is he wants to progress away from capitalism. I don't want to misquote Van Jones — because we are BFFs — so here's his own words:


JONES: Right now we're saying that we want to move from suicidal gray capitalism to some kind of eco-capitalism where, you know, at least we're not fast-tracking the destruction of the whole planet. Will that be enough? No, it won't be enough. We want to go beyond the systems of exploitation and oppression altogether. But, that's a process.


"A process." It's a process on the way to an extreme goal: Complete revolution through the green movement. It's just a vehicle to him. Progress — baby steps. Progress implies you are moving forward. But progressing to what? Total government.

Van Jones is just a piece of the puzzle. He's just one small witness in a large case. You see, it's not personal, it never has been. It's about the president's agenda. I'd like to ask him which of these things he believes.

The president was the most progressive, far-left senator in the Senate — even further left than Bernie Sanders, an avowed socialist. He had a communist childhood mentor; sought out Marxist professors at college; went to a Marxist church for 20 years; told Joe the Plumber it's good to spread the wealth; is having the government take over banks, car companies, and now we find out this weekend that he knowingly hired a communist revolutionary. He put a man who does not believe in the free market system, yet somehow we are supposed to believe he can build green jobs in a free market system?

The president also appointed Ron Bloom to build our manufacturing base:


RON BLOOM, WHITE HOUSE MANUFACTURING 'CZAR': We know that the free market is nonsense.


So we have two people now hired by the president to create jobs and they don't believe in the free market. What jobs? Government jobs — baby steps to total government.

We're going to show you about Andy Stern in a minute— he's another chief adviser and architect for the president. He said this:


ANDY STERN, PRESIDENT OF SEIU: There are opportunities in America to share better in the wealth, to rebalance the power. And unions and the government are part of the solution.


Do you honestly believe you could assemble a more hostile team to the free market system if you tried?

Back to the question we were asking: Van Jones said he was vetted and it was a rigorous process. Now we have the evidence we only had a hunch on before.

So I again issue the question to the White House: Mr. President, what is it you truly believe? Will you denounce radical communism, Marxism, socialism and progressivism? Will you tell me the turning point? Will you tell me the turning point in your life, where you left the Marxist crowd and said "Boy that was stupid." No one seems to ask the president about that. And you know what, I would have thought it was laughable to ask that a couple of years ago. But good gosh don't you wonder?

I just want the debate out in the open. No more "nudging" and trying to use behavioral science to get Americans to accept progressivism. And I think they are close to taking the mask off. I think they are dying to just let it out.

Again, we don't need to know any more about Van Jones. And Van, I love you too. I'll be sending you a Valentine's card next year. But know this: My problem has never been with you. I know who you are. My question has always been about the president's agenda.

So the question now goes to the president: What does he truly believe and what is his real agenda?

— Watch "Glenn Beck" weekdays at 5 p.m. ET on Fox News Channel