Waiting Game

Dear Viewers,

We are live from Redwood City again Tuesday night. Check out my photo essay from the Peterson trial.

We are waiting and waiting and waiting. During the day, as we wait, there are occasional "starts" — when we all run into courtroom. Monday there was "something" (I can't figure it out since whatever preceded the judge's decision to suddenly reinstruct the jury was done in his chambers) and there was also a note asking for exhibits.

Incidentally, in addition to reporters and anchors in the courtroom, there are some who are taking notes very carefully. I asked one woman why the almost verbatim notes and she told me she has a contract to write a book.

In addition to the proceeding in the Peterson courtroom, we all raced to another courtroom yesterday. Judge Forcum (search), the presiding judge, held a hearing on whether there should be cameras allowed (one video, one still) on the second floor of the courthouse when the verdict was announced. There will be an audio feed so you can hear the verdict, but the media wanted to show everyone leaving the courtroom after the verdict. Of course the courtroom was packed with the media for this hearing. The judge, in denying the media request for the cameras on the second floor outside the courtroom, said — twice — that he had to be "fair and balanced." Everyone looked at me when he said it. Jim Hammer was seated next to me and gave me the elbow. After the hearing I was asked if Judge Forcum watches FOX. I have no idea but would be flattered if he watches our show.

Being on the road has its "moments." For instance my producer from New York flew in Sunday night and the flight attendants "mis-timed" the movie they showed the passengers. Consequently the passengers missed the end of the movie that most had spent almost two hours watching.

Finally, to "kill" time (since we wait and wait and wait and wait for this verdict), I did some holiday shopping. It turns out that my colleague Adam Housley and his family have a winery. So, I ordered some Housley wine to be shipped east for the holiday. I spent some time "surfing" the Web and looking at the Housley Web site about their wine. (In our job, you never know if you will have time to holiday shop or not, the web is a welcome source… years ago I did all my holiday shopping in the Pittsburgh airport on a layover... those who know have not let me live it down.)


Do you have something you'd like to say to Greta? Please write to her at ontherecord@foxnews.com!

Watch "On the Record with Greta Van Susteren" weeknights at 10 p.m. ET