Voter Turnout in Iran Was Too High?

Now some fresh pickings from the Political Grapevine:

Iranian Irregularities

High voter turnout is a good thing. But one centrist Iranian Web site, Ayandeh, is reporting the turnout for last week's Iranian presidential election was in some places a little too high.

At least 30 towns and 26 provinces across the country recorded a statistical impossibility: More votes were cast than the number of registered voters.

The report says one central Iranian town had a whopping turnout of 141 percent, another recorded 132 percent, and a third tallied 120 percent.

The London Guardian newspaper reports the claims are impossible to verify, but that they are consistent with comments made by a former Iranian foreign minister who said Tuesday that 70 polling stations returned more completed ballots than the number of eligible voters.

Lord of the Flies

The group, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, or PETA, has a message for President Obama: Catch and release.

In an interview Tuesday, President Obama swatted and killed a fly with his hand. But PETA says in the future, it wants the President to try a more humane approach. A statement from the animal rights group says it supports "compassion even for the most curious, smallest and least sympathetic animals."

A Lesson Before Replying

One Washington lobbying firm assistant was dragged into a painful back-and-forth that lasted for 19 emails, after she mistakenly referred to a congressional office manager by the wrong name.

The Politico newspaper reports that Elizabeth Becton, who works for Washington Democratic Congressman Jim McDermott, was so upset after receiving an e-mail that began "Hi Liz," that she shot back, "Who is Liz?" And another saying, "I do not go by Liz. Where did you get your information?"

The lobbying firm assistant sent back seven e-mails apologizing but Becton would not let it go: "Quit apologizing and never call me anything but Elizabeth again…. Are we clear on this?"

Congressman McDermott's spokesman Mike DeCesare has responded, saying an apology is on the way because: "This isn't reflective of the way we do business."

Man Up

And California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has a message for the same lawmakers he once called "girlie men."

This time, it's, you gotta grab the bull by the... (fill in the blank). The Los Angeles Times reports that Schwarzenegger sent a gag gift of sculpted metal bull testicles to the Democratic state Senate president, with a note suggesting he would need them to make some tough budget choices.

The Senate leader did not appreciate the gift, and returned the sculpture with his own note. That prompted a verbal apology from the governor. But the Senate president's office says there are no hard feelings.

— FOX News Channel's Lanna Britt contributed to this report.