Virgin Atlantic Passenger Offered Chance to Be Airline's Food Tester

A passenger who wrote a letter of complaint to Virgin Atlantic expressing his dissatisfaction with the in-flight food is now being offered the chance to be a food tester for the airline, the Daily Telegraph reported.

The passenger's complaint to Virgin chief executive Sir Richard Branson was written after a flight from Mumbai to Heathrow on Dec. 7 last year and has been widely praised for its humor.

Click here to read the letter.

Branson called the passenger and invited him to come to the airline’s catering month to help select the food on future Virgin flights.

“While we investigated his complaint seriously, and following Richard Branson’s phone call we’ve invited him to our catering house to select the next range of meals and wines we serve on board,” a spokesman for Virgin Atlantic told the Telegraph. “Then we can ensure his personal taste is well and truly catered for.”

The passenger has not yet indicated whether or not he will attend.

Click here to read the full story from the Daily Telegraph.