Virgie Arthur's Lawyer On Day's Drama

This is a partial transcript from "On the Record," February 21, 2007, that has been edited for clarity.

GRETA VAN SUSTEREN, HOST: After being in the hot seat today, how is Anna Nicole's mother, Virgie, doing tonight? Joining us, Virgie Arthur's lawyer, John O'Quinn, who I should say hails from the great state of Texas. In fact, the judge calls you "Texas." Does he know your name, the judge?

JOHN O'QUINN, VIRGIE ARTHUR'S ATTORNEY: Well, I know my name's John O'Quinn. The judge calls me Texas. I don't know what his purpose in that is.

VAN SUSTEREN: All right. You represent Virgie, the grandmother of the baby...

O'QUINN: True.

VAN SUSTEREN: ... and the mother of Anna Nicole. How is she doing tonight?

O'QUINN: It's been a hard time for her, a lot of painful memories, a lot of emotional times. You saw the emotions. Even the judge says you're going to have to start passing me Kleenex here in a minute. I'm getting very emotional myself.

VAN SUSTEREN: It certainly seems like she doesn't have much fondness for Howard K. Stern.

O'QUINN: No. She believes Howard K. Stern murdered her daughter.



VAN SUSTEREN: Strong word.

O'QUINN: That's what she said. She said that in court, He killed her.

VAN SUSTEREN: What's the basis for that, for the — for being there, sort of complicit that Anna Nicole took drugs or providing her drugs? I mean, what's her theory?

O'QUINN: He handled all the drugs. We've talked to the maid who kept the place. She gave us a list of the drugs. That's where I got the list. And he wanted to keep total control over her by keeping her doped up. He had total control over her. It was all a technique, a Machiavellian, sinister technique.


VAN SUSTEREN: Now, wait a second, John. You and I are both lawyers. I mean, the fact is that, with all due respect to your client, she hasn't seen her daughter in about 10 years, so she really doesn't know what the interaction between Howard K. Stern is. We can all have our sort of suspicions, but in terms of evidence of murder, that's a different level.

O'QUINN: She sat in the courtroom, like we all have. She has her own judgment about what she's heard. Everybody has a judgment by now about what they've heard.

VAN SUSTEREN: And you agree with that judgment, murder?

O'QUINN: You better believe it. Why does a man ask for a will four days before a person dies?

VAN SUSTEREN: He didn't, according to...


VAN SUSTEREN: According to Krista Barth, the fax machine — she's made a representation to the court. You're talking about the fact that there was a will was that sent and it was dated before Anna Nicole died by five days. But apparently, it's a fax machine data mistake, per Howard K. Stern's lawyer.

O'QUINN: You said apparently. You've already made judgment on it.

VAN SUSTEREN: I said — I'm...

O'QUINN: You're not open-minded.

VAN SUSTEREN: I'm saying that's what Krista Barth, as an officer of the court, has said.

O'QUINN: And as an officer of the court...

VAN SUSTEREN: I'll give the presumption of innocence on that.

O'QUINN: ... I showed the judge where the actual document she'd introduced into evidence said otherwise, that it had been faxed five days before Anna Nicole died. Anna Nicole stays in a hotel room, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and she was dead.

VAN SUSTEREN: On Thursday.


VAN SUSTEREN: And the document you had that we're talking about, the suggestion is, is that Howard K. Stern had her will faxed to him before she even left the Bahamas for Florida. And your theory is that that's something sinister.

O'QUINN: Sure, it is.

VAN SUSTEREN: If, in fact, that happened.

O'QUINN: Sure, it's sinister.

VAN SUSTEREN: OK. Well, tomorrow we're hear whether or not it happened. But Krista Barth says it didn't happen. And I guess we'll see. Either it did or didn't, and we'll find out tomorrow.

O'QUINN: And also, she was his meal ticket.

VAN SUSTEREN: That I agree. He said that.

O'QUINN: And you missed the main point here. They were in the country illegally.

VAN SUSTEREN: I think that's true, too. I think — I think there's a lot of...

O'QUINN: Yes, it was.

VAN SUSTEREN: There's a of suspicion about their presence in the Bahamas. I agree. That's still not murder, though.

O'QUINN: And motive. He had opportunity. He was alone with her for three days. He had motive. And there's evidence that he handled her drugs.

VAN SUSTEREN: All right. Well, I'll keep an open mind, talking about that presumption of innocence. I'll be back in the courtroom tomorrow, and we'll see what's presented. But tonight, I'll keep my mind open. But there's certainly a lot of explaining to be done by a lot of people. Thank you, John. We'll see you tomorrow?


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